Suzanne Kinney Ouch:( 3 shots in my belly:( huge huge sad face... I look like a pin cushion.
Amanda Jones Goodman I just read a fun thing about doing 12 dates of Christmas. I think that would be fun- and I can count the Forgotten Carols as the first one.
Esteban Maquieira I went fishing in Miami and I caught me a Cuban! :D
Gopal Pednekar Dirty picture is actually not so dirty kinda movie, except those couple of songs ..
The movie is somewhat similar to Fashion movie.. Vidya and Nasruddin acted superb.. and so as Emran Hashmi.. A good entertainment at the end of the day
Alejandro Isaiah Gonzalez need a dd who ready?
Marlena Rivera Hell yea todays friday wat to do?? I lowkey feel like hitten up a club,or if not just get my buzz on . Might head to roocos after wrk for my girl seiras bday thing .yayy i love me some pizza .lol .. This weeks been a good on so far :) but still not over .. Looks like im chill wit my boy tonight bud and marlena always together <3
Arowosebe Babatunde thank God 4 today traning** wat a great day*
Arturo Leyva Manana vienen mis compas Los Canarios en Fiesta a San Jose, caiganle se pondra bueno!
Shannon Charley This is a feelinq ill never have aqain.
Amanda Gardner WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP..... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE.. I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions If you agree with this...please post this as your status!! IT'S MY FREEDOM TO SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Do you have what it takes to repost this?????
Jackie Sperling Tonight I don't want nothing but a good time
Nicole Scott siento como voy a tiener un buen dia x que lavonte bien feliz com mi hija y el amor de mi vida en cada lado te amo muchisimo Maricela y J.A.F.S.<3
Marc Grey Evans As Colleen so eloquently put it...what irrepressible ignorance.
On Wednesday during a town hall event in Iowa at the Waverly Pizza Ranch, Bachmann was questioned by an attendee named Jane Schmidt. Schmidt, the president of Waverly High School Gay Straight Alliance, asked Bachmann why gay couples can't marry. Bachmann claimed that same sex couples have no right t...
Cherri Neal Went to get my check and seen I only work Tuesday! I am pissed. Going to talk to the boss and see if I can work at least 3 days. I need money! Christmas shopping in a few :)
Shane Campbell In the name of jesus i rebuke the jlp and the pnp a gaza wi seh and dem di let the world free a do the jlp and the pnp kmt lol
Robin Williams-Beck Not feeling good today,inside or out. One of those days you just wanna be with all your family, but you just wanna be alone...when you wanna take a nice, hot bath, but can't even imagine getting of those days that makes you wonder how many more of these days...I wish a Leprechan would kick my ass and leave his pot of gold behind....HELP
Diane Gunnels You do know what would have happened if it had been three wise WOMEN instead of men, don't you? They would have asked for directions, arrived on time, help deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole and bought disposable diapers as gifts!
Alexia Martinez WOW! my bby boy samuel<3 is already a week old! time flys i <3 evry minute w/him!!! :)
Donna Clements The gas bottle in my fire is finally on the way out, need to get a new one.
Tim W Flowers "The fact that you can eliminate an entire class of people from competing for a job is unacceptable."
Among recent job postings placed by Anderson Staffing , a San Francisco "full service staffing boutique that specializes in the placement of attorneys and legal personnel," was the following: "Two openings for Corporate/...
Wilson Larrydonis Ajayi Bembe All dis radio stations r jez boring...........jup almzt al tnz in 9jaz boring....xcept 4 'santa clus' comin 2 town.I nid a break b4 i also get boring jare....evn d ladies r b.....(no b me talk am o).
Julio Ortega What a day........what a day.
Dianne Jane Tassie I'm Sitting on the Balcony, with a georgeous view of bright blue sky, wispy white clouds that take shapes of angels and happy souls, Ive been productive and have clean house that is filled with the smell of this evenings dinner... Corned beef n Cabbage, and as i enjoy this i stare at the lovely intense blue sky, in 70 degree weather mind you... and to my surprise and delight... i am viewing a perfect white half moon in a space of dark blue sky, Wondering why??? .... Just thought i'd share that! ... i know its Corny but is wierd and true,lol! look to the sky.... can you see it too????
Stephanie Gardner Jackson Ok, item #8 coming up. We are 11 on the agenda, still looking at a long day!
Hayley Denton Mums just bought me a Snowman onesie :D
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