Nyssa Ruiz -Vamonos a la trompa, Te doy 12 round
-Yo soy del underground, Tu vive en downtown
-Es k toy acostumbrao a no anda muy alumbrao, E visto cuello guillao con bombillo apagao.
Er Sachidananda Barik Sunsan ratire ekutia rajapathare..dekhe jebe light pole...mate lage semane kuhanti aji jaluchi kaliki jalibi ki nai janinai..hele tu agaku madija nahele kichi ta na thiba tu b hajijibu e sunyare..
Mihaela Florescu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12Rwtejm7VA&feature=related
Stefan Banica Jr. - Doar odata e Craciunul http://stefanbanica.blogspot.com
Sudheer Mekapothula EMOTICONS
emoticon (noun). A figure created with the symbols on the
keyboard. Read with the head tilted to the left. Used to
convey the spirit in which a line of text is typed.
Also known as "smileys".
:-| ambivalent
o:-) angelic
>:-( angry
|-I asleep
(::[]::) band-aide
:-{} blowing a kiss
\-o bored
:-c bummed out
:() can't stop talking
:*) clowning
:' crying
:'-) crying with joy
:'-( crying sadly
:-9 delicious, yummy
:-> devilish
;-> devilish wink
:~) drunk
:-6 exhausted, wiped out
:( frown *see smile for other frowns using ( instead of )
\~/ full glass
\_/ glass empty
^5 high five
((((name)))) hug
(()):** hugs and kisses
:-I indifferent
:-# lips are sealed
:~/ mixed up
**** popcorn
&&&& pretzels
@}>-'-,-- rose
:-@ screaming
:-O shocked, surprised
:) smile
=) smile
=o) smile
=O) smile
:o) smile
:O) smile
:-P sticking tongue out
^ thumbs up
:-& tongue tied
:-\ undecided
;) wink
|-() yawning
!-( black eye :-( un-smiley
#-) partied all night :-( ) You stepped on my toe
#:-o "Oh, nooooooo!" :-(0) yelling
$-) won the lottery :-(=) big teeth
%') blotto :-) smiley standard
%*@:-( hung over :-) 8 Dolly Parton
%*} very drunk :-) :-) :-) loud guffaw
%+{ lost a fight :-)) double chin
%-(I) laughing out loud :-))) very overweight
%- drunk with laughter :-)-- 98-pound weakling
%-\ hungover :-)X wearing a bowtie
%\v Picasso :-)} has goatee/beard
&.(.. crying :-, "Hmmmm."
&:-) curly hair :------------) big liar
'-) wink :-/ skeptical
( o ) ( o ) hooters :-7 smokes a pipe
(-) needs a haircut :-9 smiley licking it's lips
(-: Australian :-: mutant
(-::-) Siamese twins :-< real sad smiley
(-_-) secret smile :-=) Adolph Hitler
(00) mooning you :-> happy
(8-) wears glasses :-? smiley smoking a pipe
(:)-) likes to scuba dive :-@ extremely angry
(:+) big nose :-C really bummed out
(:-# smiley with braces :-D laughing (at you!)
(:-$ ill :-E bucktoothed vampire
(:-& angry :-I thinking
(:-( frowning :-O Wow!
(:-) surprised :-P sticking out tongue
(:-* kissing :-W speak with forked tongue
(:-D blabber mouth :-X A big wet kiss!
(:-\ VERY sad :-\ Popeye
:-X bow tie :-] biting sarcasm
:-[ pouting :-` spitting out chewingtobacco
(:<) blabber mouth :-c bummed out
(:>-< thief: hands up! :-e disappointed smiley
(:^( broken nose :-l yet another smiley
(@ @) You're kidding! :-o surprise
) Cheshire cat :-s after a BIZARRE comment
*!#*!^*&:-) schizophrenic :=) has two noses
*:o) Bozo the Clown :> midget smiley
:-r sticking tongue out :>) big nose
+-(:-) Religious leader :?) philosopher
:-{ mustache :@) pig
:-{} heavy lipstick :^) broken nose
,-) one eye ... and winking ;-) winking smiley
-:-) has mohawk & <:-( dunce
:-} drunk <:-) dumb questions
-=#:-) wizard &nbbsp; <<<<(:-) hat salesman
->=:-)X Zippy the Pinhead &nbbsp; =):-) Uncle Sam
:/) not funny =:-) smiley punk-rocker
::-) wears glasses =:-H football player
0-) Cyclops >:) a little devil
:< midget unsmiley >:*) Bozo the Clown
0-) scuba diver >:-( mad, annoyed
0:-) angel @:-) wavy hair
3:*> Rudolph the reindeer B-) Batman
3:-o cow B:-) sunglasses on head
3:[ mean pet smiley C:-) large brain capacity
3:] pet smiley E-:-) ham radio operator
4:-) George Washington E-:-I net.ham-radio
5:-) Elvis Presley P-) Colonel Klink
7:) Ronald Reagan Q:-) new graduate
7:-) Fred Flintstone [:-) wearing a walkman
7:^] Ronald Reagan d:-) baseball player
8 :-) wizard {(:-) wearing toupee
8(:-) Mousketeer {:-) hair parted in the middle
8) frog :( sad
8-# death :) midget smiley
8-) sunglasses :* kisses
8-) wide-eyed :*) drunk
8-* just ate a hot pepper :-# punched in the mouth
8-o Mr. Bill ]:-> The Devil
8:-) glasses on forehead :-$ uncertainty
8:] gorilla :-% smiley banker
8=:-) Galloping Gourmet :-& tongue-tied
:###) Jimmy Durante }:-( bull headed
:$) Donald Trump }:-) wearing toupee in an updraft
:%) an accountant :-[ particularly angry
:'-) crying with happiness
o== or *== flame on!!!
-== a doused candle (tto end a flame)
-( always should wear safety glasses, especially in the laser
%-) after staring at the terminal for 36 hours
':-) accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning
-:-( punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
0-( scuba diver with a broken mask
:-) ... :-( ... :-) ... :-( ... manic depressive
:-F bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
Emoticon Meaning
-------- --------
.-] User has one eye
.-) User has one eye
:-i Semi-Smiley
:-] Smiley blockhead
:-% User has beard
:-o User singing national anthem
:-t User is cross
:-: User is mutant
:-( Drama
:-) Comedy
:- User is male
:-? User is smoking a pipe
:-=) Older user with mustache
:-\ Undecided user
:-p User is sticking their tongue out (at you!)
:-)' User tends to drool
:-'| User has a cold
:-)8 User is well dressed
:-D User talks too much
:-\ Popeye smiling face, for people who look like popeye
:-# User's lips are sealed.
:-o User is shocked
:-* User just ate a sour pickle
:-)-{8 User is a big girl
:-s User after a BIZARRE comment
:-o User is surprised
:-{ User has a mustache
:-| No expression face, 'that comment doesn't phase me'
-:-) ; User sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T
:-% User has beard.
:-& User which is tongue-tied
:-9 User licking it's lips
:-( Sad
:-` User spitting out its chewing tobacco
:-* User after eating something bitter
:-> Hey hey
:-X User is wearing a bow tie
:-6 User after eating something sour
:-0 User is an orator
:-7 User after a wry statement
:-#| User with bushy mustache
:-@ User face screaming
:-% User is a banker
:-} User wears lipstick
:-) Humor (or smiley)
:-v Talking head Smiley
:-c Bummed out Smiley
:-x "my lips are sealed" Smiley
:-@ User's beard has permanent wave *or* was drawn by Picasso
:-| "have an ordinary day" Smiley
:-e Disappointed Smiley
:-< Real sad Smiley
:-I Hmm
:-( Boo hoo
:-8( Condescending stare
:-# User's lips are sealed.
:-O Uh oh
:-Q Smoker
::-) User wears glasses
:<| User attends an Ivy League school
:=) User has two noses
:> Midget Smiley
:>) User has a big nose
:%)% User has acne
:~) User's face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessary
:n) User with funny-looking right nose
:u) User with funny-looking left nose
;-) Winking Smiley
;-\ Popeye gets his lights punched out
'-) User only has a left eye, which is closed
(-: User is left-handed
(-) User needing a haircut
(:-) Smiley big-face
(:-( unSmiley frowning
(:)-) User likes to scuba dive
(:I Egghead
):-( UnSmiley big-face
)8-) Scuba Smiley big-face
{:-) Smiley with its hair parted in the middle
{(:-) User is wearing toupee.
}(:-( User, wearing toupee in wind.
+-(:-) User is the pope
+:-) Smiley priest
,-} Wry and winking
*-( Cyclops got poked in the eye
*:o) User is a Bozo
*<|:-) User is Santa Claus (Ho Ho Ho)
<:I Dunce
<|-)= User is chinese
=:-) User is a hosehead
=:-#} Smiley punk with a mustache....
=:-) Smiley punk-rocker
>- Female
>:-< Mad
%-^ User is Picasso
%-) User is cross-eyed
#-) User partied all night
@-) Person submitting is Cyclops
@:I Turban
|-O Birth
|-) Hee hee
|-D Ho ho
|-) User is asleep (boredom)
|-P Yuk
0-) User wearing scuba mask
8-) User wears glasses
8 Infinity
8-| Suspense
8-# Death
8:-) Glasses on forehead
8:] Normal smiling face except that User is a gorilla
B-) Horn-rims
B-| User is wearing cheap sunglasses
g-) Smiley with ponce-nez glasses
o-) User is a cyclops
P-) User is getting fresh
[:-) User is listening to Walkman radio
[:|] User is a robot
AFAIK as far as I know
AFK away from keyboard
AKA Also Known As
ASAP as soon as possible
BBL be back later
BBS be back soon
BEG big evil grin
BF boy friend
BRB be right back
BTW by the way
BWL bursting with laughter
C&G chuckle and grin
CID crying in disgrace
CNP continue in next post
CSG chuckle snicker grin
CYA see ya
CYAL8R see ya later
DLTBBB don't let the bed bugs bite
EG evil grin
EMSG email message
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FUBAR F***ed Up Beyond All Repair
FWIW For What It's Worth
FYI for your information
GF girl friend
GFN gone for now
GMBO giggling my butt off
GMTA great minds think alike
GTSY glad to see you
H&K hug and kiss
HAGN have a good night
HAG1 have a good one
HHIS hanging head in shame
IC I see
IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean
IGP I gotta pee
IMO in my opinion
IMHO in my humble opinion
IRL in real life
IWALY I will always love you
JK just kidding
JMO just my opinion
JTLYK just to let you know
KIT keep in touch
KMA kiss my a$$
KMB kiss my butt
KOTC kiss on the cheek
KOTL kiss on the lips
L8R later
L8R G8R later gator
LHM Lord help me
LHU Lord help us
LMAO laughing my a$$ off
LMBO laughing my butt off
LMHO laughing my head off
LOL laughing out loud
LSHMBB laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
LSHMBH laughing so hard my belly hurts
LTNS long time no see
LTS laughing to self
LUWAMH love you with all my heart
LY love ya
NETUA Nobody ever tells us anything
NTA Non-Technical Acronym
OBTW Oh, by the way
OIC oh, I see
OK abbreviation of oll korrect (all correct)
OL old lady(wife, girlfriend)
OM old man(husband, boyfriend)
OTOH On The Other Hand
OTTOMH off the top of my head
PDS please don't shoot
PM private message
PMJI Pardon My Jumping In (Another way for PMFJI)
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
PMP peed my pants
POAHF put on a happy face
POOF I have left the chat
PS Post Script
QSL reply
QSO conversation
QT cutie
RE Hi Again (same as re's)
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
ROFLAPMP ...and peed my pants
ROFLMAO ...my a$$ off
ROFLMAOAY ......at you
ROFLMAOWTIME .......with tears in my eyes
ROFLUTS ...unable to speak
ROTFL Roll on The Floor Laughing
RTF Read The FAQ
RTFM Read The F****** Manual
(The above is the original, it was later modified to:
Read The Fine Manual)
RTSM read the stupid manual
SETE smiling ear to ear
SHID slaps head in disgust
SNAFU Situation Normal, All F***ed Up
SO significant other
SOHF Sense Of Humor Failure
SPAM Stupid Persons' AdvertiseMent
SWAK sealed with a kiss
SWL screaming with laghter
SYS see you soon
TA thanks again
TIA Thanks In Advance
TOY thinking of you
TPTB The Powers That Be
TTFN ta ta for now
TTYL talk to you later
TX Thanx
WB welcome back
WRT With Respect To
WTF What/Who The F***?
WTH what/who the heck?
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
YBS you'll be sorry
YG young gentleman
YL young lady
YM young man
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
YWIA You're welcome in advance
*G* giggle or grin
*H* hug
*K* kiss
*S* Sob
*W* wink
Beatriz Stein Aiiin casa limpa é tãão gostoso!!! *-*
Kaique Basilio aqueles que te chama de fraco é porque nunca conquisto nada na vida .
Måry Xhì Sa fixim e kam...
Music video by Avril Lavigne performing Wish You Were Here. Director: Dave Meyers. (C) 2011 RCA Records, a unit of Sony Music Entertainment
Eugene Realg Maliwa Always go through the best BOOK in the world!
Sadiq Bidemi Dear muslim brodas nd sis, endeavor 2 fast 2mrw nd next ¡.e 9th nd 10th Muharram. may للله accept our suplications.
Enemuo Nonso Who like money pass? A, Ladies. B, Thieves. C, Politician. D, Yahoo bois. E, Policemen. F, Pastor..
Loloma Matlopela Ya neh ge re bolela nnete distory tsa kgale ne e le boss neh? Watching in de name of Love.
Taiane Machado Cella “Pessoas, muito mais que coisas, devem ser restauradas, revividas, resgatadas e redimidas: jamais jogue alguém fora.”
Reymond Zanga weezy f baby n ross on e eighth...hameno anoda kufa neni
Khanyisani Manqele bangani impilo ishintsha day & day, if ngi right namuhla it doesn't mean kuhlale kulunge konke. futhi ningafisi ukufana nabanye abantu, ngoba sonk sinezinkinga e zifihlekile, noma kulunga okunye kodwa zikhona izkhathi ezinzima, if sisalala umphefumulo uhlangene nenyama nemqondo isebenza sophumelela. singacekelani phansi plz. nothing called night, but it just that the earth revolve around the sun, it mean that we have 2 work 24 hours minus 4hous of sleeping during the sun shine.
Hironao Ashida そうです。いまパーコー麺を頼みました。RT @ameniji: え、まさか、ホテルのロビーででしょうか。。。RT @jai_an: まだ帰れない。二次会中。 #ashida1202
Daud Chkn Aieries amma go for a dipp
juss checkd up on lil smile-E hes coo yee =D
Liger Paw everybody n they mama is getting pregnant in E-town , time for me to make one too than cuz my little girl is getting too old now , time too have a new born lol
David Ascencio Once upon a time round '99, I took a chick to the prom with a big behind
She had a cute face, a thin waist, a bright smile
Titties mediocre, but ass was like BLOWW!
Might have been two thou' when I met that ho
But on the low I used to sweat that ho, I had to let that go
Cause baby had me with a hell of a crush
Love letters on her locker, I ain't give no fuck
What other niggas thought about me
Cause I was all about we, me and her 'til I D-I-E
Made me want to do some shit like carve her name in a tree
Like we was K-I-S-S-I-N-G
But little did I know she had a dude
With hella money, hella jewels, I was just another nigga in school
A straight fool, for thinking I was special or different
Lost my respect for the rest of the bitches
I played hoes and shank hoes for bankrolls
Never thought they'd fill my heart with pain though
I would laugh when a broad made my nigga feel blue
But the jokes ain't funny when the joke's on you
Let me stroke something boo, let me get that pearl
Touch your soft spot, let me in your world
And you can be his girl, and that nigga can remain your man
Freddie G'll be your back-up plan
It’s how we do
Cause why have one when a nigga can have two
Three or four hoes I like the ass brand new
Just fuck with me and ill stay true
“I love you"
Yea yea I love you too
It's how we do, do, do-do-do
It's how we do, do, do-do-do
It's how we do, do, do-do-do
I had a bad bitch from Nap named Nicole
Nicole used to keep a nigga dick on swole
She knew I had a girlfriend, but she love my pole
And when she saw me with my woman, then she lost control
And went crazy, "Freddie I can't believe you played me
People told me that niggas from the G was shady
You forgot you didn't wear a rubber when you laid me
I'm pregnant and it's your baby"
Hell of a bind, these hoes put me through a hell of a time
Met a girl last year that I thought was mine
Came all the way to NY to see me rhyme
Flew her ass out to LA for Christmas time
And shit was fine, we on the same beat
She ain't got a problem with me being in the street
I know I ain't her one and only, but I'm hoping I ain't one of many
Baby pretty, but try to play me silly, cause she really
Wasn't think 'bout religion when she told me the dick bomb
But then she up and left me cause I practice Islam
I guess Mom told her that the boy ain't right
And she gon' pray to Jesus Christ to take me out of her life
And out of her sight, she keep it undercover
I really used to mean it when I told her that I love her
But now I know that love is a four letter word
Like fuck this shit
So love you can suck my dick
It’s how we do
Cause why have one when a nigga can have two
Three or four hoes I like the ass brand new
Just fuck with me and ill stay true
“I love you"
Yea yea I love you too
Bruno Sá Lee Pena que as informações estão equivocadas, afinal...
O festival ocorre também no campus Campos-Centro com exposições, apresentação teatral e shows.
Festival será realizado nesta sexta-feira, 02 de dezembro, para alunos e servidores dos câmpus Centro e Guarus, com oficinas e espetáculos, no câmpus Guarus.
Marty Mervin Florida!!! Be jay e el el o
Hetty Lidhyawati Gk bisa bobo (˘̩̩ε˘̩̩̩ƪ)
Tümìé Pìñk Dazzled Lyf's gud!k ipotsa gor ba b ipolayan bone g ba utlwe mnate o ke o utlwan..wikend e etla sentl!
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