Ruby Baker "I was wondering maybe.... could i make u my baby.... if we do the unthinkable would it make us feel crazy.... or would it be soo beautiful either way I'm saying if u ask me I'm ready." (Alicia keyes)
Jamie Doyle Christmas songs the sound so good when u dont play them that much
Kotyty Sbilow Tl,tl,tl, wuu! Bt gents nd u ladies,plz jst tel me dis,if u r told tak 1 of ur garlfrnd or boyfrnd natural part, wht wud u tak?????
Matches Leong why u can leave me alone just like that? T_T
Breyanna Haynes HAPPY BIRTHDAY PADRE ur gettn up there lol LOVE U
Tyler Keith Awesome my babies last day og school congradulations baby love u with all my heart
Edu Rodriguez why u sitting there crying ur heart out 4 dat other who dont give a fuck..listen men life 2 short 4 dat shit get up roll 1 up n keep it moving..dont give ur all to a person who clearly aint doing d same 4 u. Love now a dayz dont exist like dat. Jus enjoy da moments n times 4 love dont last 4eva shit life itself dont last. ETERNITY DOEST EXIST__4EVA DOESNT EXIST !! -Recklezzz
Sandra Rodriguez where would you be if u werent here with me..where would you go..if you were single and free....Martina Mcbride..
Terrence Wale Dingamanzi CHEERs 2 the FReekin weekend,let d JAMESON sink in
Don't let d bastards take u down,turn it around wit anada round
Therz a party @ d BAR n everybody put jo glasses up
Ill drink 2 dat
Let's hav a great nyt guys
Keyia Norris-Evans Must be the first of the month...traffic will drive u crazy!! :|
Kelly Franklin Feels great to knw tht ive been missed ¡ wrk! N 4 those of u who r traveling be carefull on the roads dnt txt whn drivin.
*Miss Franklin*
Amos Muthomi it doesnt matter how slow you move,so long as u dont stop,keep on moving
Mathias Kahabi Thenkx i lv u
Taniqua MzMillion Cross Today's A New Day... Not Worried About The Past, Jus Moving Forward.. U Can Either Enjoy The Ride Or Get Off At The Next Stop... Have A Great Weekend <3
Witney Harry Mary Na dis harmattan period everybody go dey get bele cox cold nogo allow dem sleep alone,.. Sure u know the consequences of sleepin together on the same bed especially sharin dsame blanket...... Yeah plenty pikkin awaits 2012... Cant wait to see them. Even guys don dey miss their period now that's crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy men........
Sam Hernandez U got your nutella in my pizza....hey u got your pizza in my nutella....its alll good cuz it slaps!!!!!
Shamelia Arnold Sisters I'm taking taking Any of my nieces or nephews ice skating so if want them to come u pay for yourself and I'll pay for the kids...Over & Out!!
Kotton Kandy Chillin killin kickin bak thinkin boat goin 2 tri citys n go 2 club 2 night whoot whoot I love u baby
Lucienne Appollis Its allready there wht U and me are looking 4!! Dnt hav 2 search anymore..... :)
Nomcebo Mabuza SPIN CITY tomorrow bafwe2..ake sith ukshaywa ngumoya..U SNOOZE U LOOZE..hheshe!
Shannon Emmons here is a link if anyone would like to take a look and save if u ever need it
Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries. Seventeen public law libraries located across Massachusetts. Site includes CMR, Mass. Court Rules, Executive Orders, subject guides and links to other Massachusetts legal information.
Abdi Majid Yousof Canadi Inta aad dunidan joogto, waxad la kulantaa, waxyaabo ka naxiya, kuwo kugu reeba xasuus mahadho ah, kuwo kusoo noqnoqda maankaga. Dhacdooyinka dunida waa ay kala xanuun badan yihiin...!!! Asxaabta aan jeclahayow, aan idiin celiyo dhankaas & sanadii 2009 bari oo kale markay taariikhdu ku beegned. Xasuusaha mahadhoda ku ah dhamaan umada Somaliyed & dunida oo dhanba waxaa kamid ah, uguna horeeya, GUMAADKII & XASUUQII loo geystay dhakhaatiirtii indhaha u ahaa shacabka Somaliyed & Ubaxii ka aflaxayay Jamacada Banadir, 03.12.2009. Xiligaasi isaga ah wxn kamid ahaa aniga ardayda wax ka barata Jamacadaha Muqdisho sidoo kale, wwaxan ahaa Saxafi ka howlgala warbahinta Calamiga ah & kuwa gudaha ee Magalada Muqdisho. Wxn ku cazuumna Munasabada Qalin jibinta Ardayda Ka aflaxaysay Jamacada Banadir, oo ka dhaceysay Hottel Shaamaw. Intaan soo labistay ayan soo abaaray Hotelkasi, anigoo ay i weheliyen asxaab fara badan, aadna uqiiraysna, una faraxsana. Wxn ku jiray safka saxafiyinta,... Farahayga ma ogala inay wax badan ka qoraan xasuustas, maadama darenkaygu is bedelayo...! Sikastaba ha ahaatee, saacado kadib, dareenkii farxadeed waxaa uu isku bedelay, Murug & xasuus mahadho ah... Asxaab qaali ah ayan ku waayay ani... Dhakatir sharaf badnaa ayaa lagu waayay halkasi, sida Dr.Shahiid. dhakhaatir iyaguna malintasi kusoo biiri lahaa, saaxada dhakhatirta ayaa Aakhiro u jarmaaday, waalidiin badana way geeriyoden, saxafiyin ayaa sidoo kale ka haajiray dunida... Saxiib miyaysan ehayn xasuuq & Gumaad lagula kacay indhihii Somalida???! ma ii suurtobayso inan sii wado warbixinta, waayo dareenkayga ayaa kacsan... Dhamaan masha'ikhda dunida Islaamka, indheer garadka, waalidinta, bahda waxbarashada & Fananintaba waa ay cambareyen falkaasi waxshinimada ah. SOMALIYAY KACA WAAD QALIBANTENE!!!
Josh Roach Back off.ill take u on.headstrong to take on anyone;)
Sade Ultimatedesire Taylor U keep starin...cum talk to
Mlandeli Mthalane Fin hop u ok,hows tings
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