© 2011 WMG | Buy the single here: http://atlr.ec/omcYHc The video was shot at the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas, and was directed by Ben Mor.
Iyabo Sena Repent 4 d kingdom of God is at hand.frdz dis season dat we are in pls pray 4 forgiveness b?coy ais is d last mth of d yr.LUV u all.
Rodney Cool Breeze Renfroe These rappers r washed up spin cycle i rinse u!
Slondiwe Ndebele Had a gr8 dae, thank u ol my frndz
Amanda Kearney Hate wen u wanna talk 2 dat 1 person but d r not ter 4 ye 2 chat wit fuckn melter y cant ye be here wen i need ye
Chris Olson Happy 3 months babe I love u<33 I will stay with u tonight we will have a lil 2 person party haha!!! I love u marina<3(:
Slim Deezy U got my attention sweetheart... #AinNoWayAroundIt;)
Thobela Mdezisto Ntozini I really need ths song kwi phone yam:Montell Jordan-"Girl u must have been"......plz any who got ths track halla at me i really need it
Darie L Myers What would you do if yo man when out of town then once he got with his friends then u dont hear from him until that morning when its time for him to come back home..... ???
Ili Begg 3rd of december!!!unforgetable date!!my one+only son's,Mohamed Ibrahim Begg's birthday....sweet 16!!!best,best wishes to u...enjoy your party!!!we luv u all!!
Bhartari Parab Thank u to All my Friendcircle.
Monte Calderon This is for everyone questioning everyone of thier love for dog....I mean god.
92% of u will not have the guts to repost this. When Goku died in the explosion Cell tried to destroy the Earth with, he did it for you and I. If your not ashamed to love Goku, post this as your status and show everyone. Thank you, Goku. I lifted my arms up for the spirit bomb every time you asked for my energy.
Justin Remsburg Its official my boss is a cocksucker! Tryin plan to get off at 3 but noooo I need this b4 u leave...... Cocksucker!
Tunde Adedamola Babalonshee Thank u Jesus 4 ma lyf o
Fernando Ana Mata Fern: ur funny
Me: I knw u think I'm funny (looking), but some ppl think I'm pretty (HOT). Hahahaa got u!!!! Lv u babe!!! ;)
Noah Gotora The Captain of a plane announces during flight that the plane is going to land in 2 hours time,He forgets to put off the mic and says to co-pilot"I am going to have a tea first and then fuck the air hostess 4 an hour ,Listening 2 this, the hostess rushes towards cockpit to shut off the mic but stumbles on kid's leg and falls down,the kid says "U really are desperate for a fuck arent you?" Didn't you hear he's gonna have tea first!!!
Prince Alex It is very tough to believe a stranger,
But if someone loves U more than Fishloves Water,
Holds UR hand tight with tears in his eyes & says,
"The moment I saw U
I fell in love with U
I can't live without U
& wanna spend the rest of my life with U
What will U reply ?
Noddie Slindokuhle On my way 2 Buffels Hoek, im axcited.. May God b wt us along de way, surely u wil bless us as young ppl n change us!
Olga Dukhnich http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lenta.ru%2Fnews%2F2011%2F12%2F02%2Fmosque%2F&h=kAQFqcD79AQELLyYbn1tKDb0e7Hq5b_p4HLtnS_WuB9g9SA
В Киеве состоялось торжественное открытие первой мечети города, строительство которой началось в 1994 году. Мечеть Ар-Рахма, расположенная в центре украинской столицы, рассчитана на три тысячи человек. В церемонии открытия участвовали представители разных стран, в том числе делегация из Чечни.
Julia Mahlalela Slindzile what wud u do if i told u....
De story of my life.....
Wud u recognise its me,
U've been fighrting 4 so long.....
*singing sadly*
Mhakamuni Kondy Baloyi Hoyu mu nigeria we a vula night club paradise ya kale hafho complex u khouri tshinyela vhana ende mapholisa a fhano venda a khou balelwa,ri iteni vhathu? Vhana vha khou tshinyala vheiwe!
Bullets Bikers You come with RESPECT,and u will be treated with RESPECT
April Mcallister (Heads-up 2 those who are stuck.) Sometimes in life situations come yo way, its up 2 you 2 make good decisions. An then u gotta kno your focus in life an if love is your focus...then pay attention. Sn: prolly bout 2 lay bacc dwn till im ready 2 see what type of day im gne have. :)
Marc Jose I knw what I have given you bur dunno wat u have recieved
Chelse Angell Just got my new phone. If u have my number text me with ur name.
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