Christmas in Cobh, brought to you by See You In Cobh will officially start when Santa arrives in Cobh TOMORROW Saturday 3rd December.
Santa and his helpers will arrive on Cobh’s newest tourist attraction, the Cobh Road Train from the Holy Ground to the Town Centre at 12 noon. They will stop briefly at the Old Town Hall before traveling along the town to his magical Grotto in the Sirius Arts Centre. Here he will greet children from 12.15pm to 5.00pm. Visits to Santa, including a parcel will cost €5. A photographer will also be on hand to capture the special moments.
Throughout the afternoon there will be festive music and song in the town as Katie McGroarty and the Cork Animal Care Society perform Christmas favourites as a part of their Christmas fundraising campaign.
A free Children's Arts and Crafts workshop will also be held. Simply drop into Cobh Heritage Centre any time from 1 pm to 5 pm and let the children enjoy creating Christmas handicrafts while parents can enjoy a tasty treat from the Queenstown café or browse through Christys Stores for that special gift.
At 5.00pm Santa will join in the Children’s Torch Lit Procession led by St. Colman’s Pipe Band from Cobh Heritage Centre to the Christmas Tree. Children are encouraged to dress all Christmassy and to bring a torch, glow stick or a night light in a jam jar. The Switching on of the Christmas lights will take place at 5.30pm, with Cobh Confraternity Band adding to the festive atmosphere.
Later that evening the Mayor’s Christmas Concert will be held in the Commodore Hotel at 8pm. An Audience with Jim Quinlan is sure to entertain and lift the Christmas spirit. Tickets are available from the Commodore Hotel and the Great Island Community Centre for just €10.

a escolher as kasets para amanhã ! funky pandã !
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Just a sweat pants & tank all day, every day, weekend.*
You just MIGHT be a Red Neck IF...
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