Trent Sam life made more sence when i was young... life made more sence when my mother was here.... i just want to go see Amanda :(
Maddie Jayy I have only one bar left on my battery -____- seriously. & haven't even got a text /; whelp, the cool thing is its snowing :)
Blythe Jolee Egbert Congrats to our NEW DIQ.... Brittanny Denniston!! Brittanny I am SOO very proud of you.. YOU are seriously one of the MOST dedicated and committed people that I know! I KNOW you will finish DIQ in less than 4 months! You rock girl!
Sammy Loud Smoker me quiero ire pa Santo Domingo.. RD how much i miss u
Jenni Kippola OMFG!!!!! I LOVE YOU RICHARD!!!!!! Yay!!! Going to AWOL!!!!! I'm literally jumping up & down screaming!!!!! You are the BEST friend EVER!!!!!!!
Kathren Staiti At 3 years we say, ''Mum I love you." At 14 years we say, ''Mum, whatever." 16 years we say, "My mum is so annoying!" At 18 years we say, "I'm leaving this house." At 21 years we say ''Mum, you were right''. At 30 years we say "I want to go to Mum's house." At 50 years we say ''I don't want to lose my mum." At 70 years we say "I would give up everything to have my mum here with me." You only have one mum. Post this on your wall if you appreciate her. ♥
Nick Narchuk borrowed from Munni Amin
And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women, do we hate our women?
I think it’s time to kill for our women
... Time to heal our women, be real to our women
And if we don’t we’ll have a race of babies
That will hate the ladies, that make the babies
And since a man can’t make one
He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one
So will the real men get up
I know you’re fed up, ladies, but keep your head up
Ramsey Mulando Is super pissed, wonder who wil step on my shoes so I can unleash on my anger on him/her.
Patrick Leporati Why can't everyone just realize that I don't want a well balanced work out routine! I want to be the sttrongest fastest biggest running the most furtherest and fasterest long distance runner/weight lifter in the world! Seriously though thank you everyone for your advice.
Louis Camp Can I get a go ducks
Umar Deejay Ulite Moodie I grew up in the 90s.
We are the last generation who learned to play in the street, we are the first one who've played video games, and we're the last ones to record songs off the radio on cassettes and we are the pioneers of Walkman and chat-rooms.
We learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play with Atari, Super Nintendo, & Genesis. We also believed that the internet would be a free... world.
We are the generation of the Thunder Cats, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and Doogie Howser MD. Traveled in cars without seat belts or airbags, lived without mobile phones.
We didn't have +99 television stations, flat screens, surround sound, mp3, iPods, Facebook or Twitter but nevertheless we had a GREAT TIME!
(Re-post if you're one of us!)
RJ Roque So my lola and lolo are going back to the Philippines on Monday to stay there; and it just kinda hit me now that I am not gonna see them everyday and taste my lola's awesome cooking, or hear my grandpa laugh when he watches wrestling. I can't even describe how sad i am, I honestly dont have words for it. I'm gonna miss them so much.
Sivuyisiwe Spoiltbratt Ntshikilana If you cud draw dat line I wud skipit in a second..for you ndingaweqa
Edwin Jimmy Jim Jim since there is a black in av gat no otherwise but 2sleep n hold on tyt 2ma pillow since i av no one 2.... gudnyt 2ya all ma frnds
Krystil Larson I have an insane amount of clothes...fml, i hate unpacking!!
Shodipo Afeez Abayomi Alfonso I knw God is on my syde.i wil neva betray sumbdy in my lif
Elsie Derstine Im bored...i should be out shoppin..i hope the roast i have in the crockpot is ready when i get fuckn starvn:(:(
Annette Carmichael :AATCHOO !!! .......٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶....... If you're allergic to bullshit, liars and 2-faced people, keep this sneeze going ... I can't wait to see who'll repost
Brita Magnusson Nu får man skämmas för Sverige igen!! Utrikesmin. motsätter sig sanktioner mot Syrien. Det enda EU-land som gör detta. Men man får ju vara glad att inte de två övergivna barnen i Boden som skulle utvisas till Italien får vara kvar i fosterhemmet!!
Jag skäms över våra politiker som överhuvudtaget kunde ta ett sånt beslut!
Caribbean Gazaempress Layne This feelin gettin more stronger boi stupzzzz i pray an ask god for me nt to cheat on my boyfren i love him 2 bad @_@
Erin Mayou From the movie The Timeless Way which we watched over our doula training last weekend. I love the face of Tlazolteotl. The scream, or laugh, or cry that almost always seems to accompany some point of a natural birth or immediate postpartum. Beautiful!
The Timeless Way Part 1
Innocentia Sebogodi I wanna get married to a Zulu guy!!!! #intersexions
Emily Martin I made this up and i thought it was awesome: Jesus is sweet, Satan is sour, Jesus is clean, and Satan needs a shower. :)
Jessica Morrison No matter wat happens in a days time i can always smile in the end!! I love you so much kadance!! The best job i have ever had God Gave Me u!!!!!!! I love being mommy!!!
Ashlee Lynn Reaume i prolly should get in the shower so i can be ready to go when dad gets back >.< ttyl fb
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