Audley A. McCarthy Word!
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back. And it's not the end of the world. - <3 <3
Robert Spears Have to laugh at people who are against spanking. My parents whipped my ass like there was no tomorrow. I didn't hate them. I didn't have trust issues with them because of it. I didn't fear them. But I DAMN sure respected them! I learned what my boundaries were, and knew what would happen if I crossed them. I wasn't abused, I was disciplined. *Re-post if you got your ass spanked and survived*
Matt LeDonne Ahhhhhh I can't put my arms down....
Charmaigne Mayer Exactly how i feel at this very moment about love :/
Official New Song: "Take Care" By Drake Ft. Rihanna Follow us On Twitter:!/RihannaFCVzla Facebook:
Truly Mahon Good day everyone I hope you all have a nice weekend because Iam going to :)
Richard Urias I love justin bieber
Jacqueline Lee WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP..... We can't say Merry Christmas now we have to say Happy Holidays. We can't call it a Christmas tree, it's now called a Holiday tree? Because it might offend someone. If you don't like our "Customs" and it offends you so much then LEAVE I will help you pack. They are called customs and we have our traditions If you agree with this...please post this as your status!! I AM A PROUD AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Do you have what it takes to repost this??
Lacey Murillo 13yrs ago i met my reason for being, god gave me you mi nardo, and you gave me 4 precious reasons to live and love life i cant wait to grow old with you and make new memories for the years to come. te amo mucho mi viejito chulo
Tink Edwards I like being kind of snobby when it comes to movies/music/TV. It's more fun, guys, I promise.
Colin Benedict I don't understand super emotional people. . . . I can't sympathize well when they are hurting because I'm more of a mental oriented person. In situations that most people feel ways about stuff, I think about stuff instead. And then I look cold and detached when I see it as more distracted and overanalytical.
Danielle Robie There's a person on his motorcycle right now!!!! Its December and no snow I love it
Krystal Rodriguez I'm feeling pretty good now that Ive finally washed my Jeep...and yes i even wipped the bumpers... *Twinkle Twinkle*
Hannibal Medhanie Chachoz Gigerenzer i thought you were going to sell your soul?
Tiffany Hudson WHY must it take so long for redbox to reset my password?!!? I wanna rent the smurfs!!!
Bendy Butterworth Doyle Wat i lack in weight i make up in agression looool
Elbasan Racaj Vedere in trattamento da cani nei confronti degli immigrati (tra i quali ero anche io come studente), presso la questura di Cosenza, mi fa capire tante cose!
Katie Karpenko Just bought the most adorable ankle boots...ever. Originally $80 for $20...i can handle that =) And I also finally completed my outfit for Sharon's work Christmas party. I'm Sharon's "date" lol. Its formal so we get to play dress up :]
Lamar Scott yea i just won'ted to tell the guy's that r testing tonight good luck yall can do it
Jessica Rock missipp here i come i had to leave my man home but i wil miss him
Andera A F Gordon When i see Jesus at the Cross .It hurts to see the Son of God at the shameful cross but that is my strength to access the throne of grace with all boldness.Thanks to my Lord.
Missionary Valerie Washington We hate being on emotional roller coaster rides with people and circumstances yet we are riding it! Sometimes we can't get off the ride because we are too locked i it. Think about it, would you to continue being emotionally, unstable in a ride that twists and turns, and not knowing that the ride might never end! I KNOW I DON'T! Find stability in God and His word. Le Him take you on the rode of your lifetime. Be assured that tat he is the one who will be driving you to joy in eternal life. If yu contnue riding the unstable worldly roller coaster, the prices you pay are unhappiness and uncertainty! get on the ride that will lead to joy and safety in this care for you. Now that's PRICELESS!
Tuli-love Nghede 1st fryday of december, so nice i love it, nxa goters.
Jazzy Boo Im fuckin awsome i jus gave a homeless man 10 dollars BY ACCIDENT......GODDAMN ME...i thouht it was 5 well he gon be eatin guud what imma eat...#R.I.P TOMMY NELOMS
Iliana Cervantes-Caro Getting ready to start my class. It's going to be a crazy day. Wish I had more involved parents that helped in the class. Well here we, wish me luck.
Crystal Lyman I miss my boys today!! :(
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