Brenda Weis I wish I could convince a midget to put on a leprechaun costume and run down the street yelling "THEY"RE AFTER ME LUCKY CHARMS!"
Angelette Eshun Its ashame wen u cnt leave a yard rake n yo own yard! Lawd have mercy#tragic
Kacie Ragsdale lookin for a job. Anyone kno whose hiring?
Ghanem Rasheed Ghanem DOCTORS are being scorned for being late with diagnosis,they are starving because they missed lunch, & are missing their family while taking care of others. They lack sleep yet are willing to stay awake for you and for your families. They may even be crying for you. In the minute you read this, doctors all over the world are saving lives.
Re-post if you love a doctor, ARE A DOCTOR,or GOING to be A DOCTOR or appreciate that...
Alissa Trainer Situation: Sitting at school with Michael Miya, Theresa Thalken, and Madison Dorcey and talking about pizza...
Me:"So it's like and upside down pizza!?"
Maddie:"Yeah! Except the crust is still on the bottom!!"
Me: "So it's like a topping upside down pizza!?"
Maddie: "Exactly!!"
So friken funny!!!!
David Lester Whenever I see a car with Hawaiian license plates, I always wonder how tough that drive over the Pacific was.
Marcus Flannigan Six Truths in Life
1. You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time - it's a physical impossibility.
2. All idiots, after reading No.1, will try it.
3. And discover No.1 is a lie !!
4.. You are smiling now because you are an idiot.
5.. You soon will forward this to another idiot.
6. There is still a stupid smile on your face .
I sincerely apologize about this but I'm an idiot and I needed company
J.d. Brown have a good day friends , shop is up and running . So take a break and come get a new tattoo or piercing
Julian Evans first friday sober for a long fucking time ,work tomoro then a shedfull i tell ya
Robert Rivera Gonna make a gingerbread house this weekend!!!
Oyedele Mccoy Olayinka Denrele Edun is one crazy nd creative celeb buh he's got a dynamic trendy wit d clothes u av pple,its noh necessary u wear wat odas re wearing,learn aw 2 put d lil clothes u av 2geda nd stil luk 9ce...
Vincent Tran "Never waste a minute of your precious life by squandering it thinking about people you don't like."
Melanie Jade Tussey-Girard Please Help Me Congratulate Linda for RELEASING 77-1/2 lbs!!!
via Linda Marsh~ "Oh Happy Day!!!!!!!! For 38 years I have been over 200 pounds, but NOT TODAY! That scale says I now weigh 199.5 pounds and I AM SOOOO EXCITED!! This is a huge milestone for me! Seriously, 38 years of being the way I was!! Look, if I can do it, SO CAN YOU! You have to believe in yourself, in the products, and know that you and your family deserve to have you around to see your future! Don't you want to be a part of the years to come? I did, so I take the Challenge, and thanks to it, I'll get to see many, many more years!"
Ashley SassafrAsh Armstrong Who gives homework on a friday!? #fml
Ariel Ashley Gaudet does anyone have the evangelical dictionary of theology book, i need to borrow it for a paper?
Emani Sfg Hardy Spike Leek bro i got hella more ... but that should give you a lead on some more
Savanna Jon Vaglio 'cause you missed out on a good one, now your feelin lonely not gonna be the one you call♥
Penny Taylor Sad thatthe whale was dead when it was washed ashore. Great pic Daniel Davie
A beached whale caused a stir in Whangamata yesterday, as dozens of people turned out to see the mammal.
Andy Garces I'm a little bored, ate a huge plate of Nachos and I'm ready for a nap!!!!
Have a nice afternoon everybody!!!
Hydar AbdelRazaq I'm gonna buy a ship and name it "relation".. Now I have a relationship :)
Kevin A. Booth Want a $5 t-shirt next friday? All you have to do is run a 5k.
Lauren Stotts When a girl say "it's okay", "I'm fine", or "don't worry about it", its not okay, she's not fine, and you should DEFINITELY worry about it.
Buka Baron a drunkin sailor gives a hooker $100 then proceeds to the bed room after a bit the sailor asks how am I doin the hooker says about 3 knots
the sailor replies 3 knots whats that ??
the hooker your not hard your not in and your not gettin your money back
Ian Gravett Oh Please Jedwards favourite Christmas songs, AARRGH! DO YOU WANT TO JOIN US FOR CHRISTMAS, ERR NO I'D SOONER CUT MY OWN
Marlon Blair What a beautiful day on my neighborhood, could you be mine, would you be mine, wont you be my neighbor! SEE YOU TONIGHT AT ANTIGUA NIGHTCLUB!! GET ON THE GUESTLIST OR FOR VIP RESERVATIONS INBOX ME OR EMAIL US AT APEXGROUPMEMBER@GMAIL.COM
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