Dami LongLegz Jeanne Miranda...I LIKE Arg in this.
The official video for The Only Way Is Essex charity Christmas single 'Last Christmas' in aid of Text SANTA. Follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/TOWIEforXm...
WonHee Yoo as the time goes on, and as i go deeper into my stuff, I really regret choosing this things....-_- and everything except my stuff look so good and amaging... OTL
Meghraj Gurum Of life's two chief prizes, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in a laborer's hand.
Kathleen Piacquaddio OK diamond, i've calmed down now. Listen you have a child I know your hurt, but you can't go on like this. Your going to ruin your future and come on acting like an ass so please just stop. gram ~~ :(
Cashmoney Chelsea Lawrence An illiterate warri man travelled abroad, he entered a restaurant nd wanted 2 oda chicken buh could not rememba wot chicken z called n English. Luckily 4 him, he sees a man on the next table with four eggs on his plate.....hapily he calls out to the waiter nd points to the eggs on the man's plate.......'Abeg i want their mama'. Lol.
Logan Nickels I feel like total shit right now.. I am sick as F***!! haha -_-
Kaitie Buttke I have got caught at every doggone red light in cullman
Amy Montoya :( crying I hate this feeling wish it would just go away already can't keep nothing down
Sharon Herron Happy Birthday to the most beautiful lady who gave birth to me, I miss her and I want everybody to know that moms are special people in your life, they are the nourishment that keeps us flowing, making us to be strong and preparing us for things to come in this world. Where would I be,if it wasn't for my mom, right there by my side, telling me whatever you go through, with God, everything is going to be okay. A mothers love is pure and I thank God for a mother like mine. R.I.P MOM, may God continue to keep angels guarding over all her seeds, because she sees, what we can be.......blessings!!!!!!! Love to all my family on this beautiful day!!!!!
Flora Boo'Butt Taylor So im layin hre eatn crackers n drinkin my 7sum , I tell Niyah I don't feel good n she comes n gv me a kiss n wlkd off . Gota <3 her
* Feels sick bt still wnts to party [ was haniinn ) - fwm 428
Jim Brady Here is something else I am very excited about - Ronnie, Michael and I have just finished our first ever MUSIC VIDEO for our song "She Still Remembers Jesus Name". This beautiful song encourages family and friends of those who are struggling with Alzheimer’s disease. Though our friend or loved one may not remember our name, those in Christ will remember the Name that is above every Name, JESUS. Would you join us in spreading the message of this song by passing this video along to everybody you can. We truly believe we can get this message of hope around the world !! Thank you and may God bless you. The link for the video on youtube is http://youtu.be/HKwYHpnsyFs
Thank you Phil for sharing your vision and making this wonderful opportunity available to us.
Kevin Cook Sittin out here on the bak porch thinkin bout all my niggas we done lost thru violence and tha ones who locked up. Free the Real and RIP to my dawgs
Hey y'all,Check this link out! http://www.amazon.com/What-Abn/dp/B001AUKURM/ref=sr_1_1128?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1212961132&sr=1-1128 .I'm pretty sure this will...
Josh Bingham Fucking little dog was a setup....starts growling as I walk by so I laugh and ignore it. The gigantic dog comes 2 seconds later on a bungee cord.....barking like someone crapped in its kibbles n bits
Esaul Ramirez Fml................i got so much to tell her................................but im not gonna say anything
Katie Harney Wow! How time fly's. It seems like just yesterday I bought jaxonLee home.
Tobias Dwight Ivan Hey am NOT A WORKING CLASS PLEASE PLEASE.i rely on ma paros money wait untill i start to work.
Diane Kuzmich Gaines I am looking for a very ugly Christmas Sweater or hat. I need it by 12/8/11. Please let me know if you have something for me to borrow. I would really appreciate it.
Cassie Renee Mitchell Watching Edward scissorhands while cleaning up. 47 days till i can buy booze.
Laura Gavin Shhhhh don't tell anyone but think I just was at the best wedding ever....I love a tambourine.....thanks Mr & Mrs Marshall
Bryant Evans Watching this high-school tournament...I truly can say I miss them high school days
Brittany Hawkins seriously needs to get out of greenville before I kill someone!!!
Tazia Lewis I really want homemade cookies.
Shotta Love I fuc wit r3@l niggaz r3@l niggaz onlie! Gt on muh l3vel hoe & gt cha $ up brke bytch! Lmmfao! #daking
Amber Lynn Potter Here's The Thang, I Kinda Maybe Just Might Actuly Love you(:
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