Se sorri ou se chorei, o que importa é que é sexta-feira! Fuck yeeh!
Karolaine Amaral Foi se aventurar e agora ficou só? ai que dó, ai que dó... eu to aqui festando e vc na pior? eu te vi chorano lembrando de nós ai que dó... AI QUE DÓ O QUE QUERO VER VOCE SOFRER!
Avioes do Forró, adorooooo ;) forrozao
Muhammad Kashif guruub-e-shaam hii se Khud ko yuuN mahasuus kartaa huuN
k jaise ik dee’yaa huuN aur havaa kii zad pe rakhaa huuN
Hermes Conceicao o carinho de uma amizade sincera, fornece o calor dos sentimentos, aquece a alma e torna a vida mais bela e cheia de significados....
Tunde Biola Ali is no longer a boy & simbi is now a woman.. Infact she has 2 kids. Edet no longer lives in calabar, he has moved 2 lagos.. Agbo dey hustle 4 canada now, he has no longer in d town of lagoon. Eze no longer goes 2 school again, he is now a graduate.. Even oliver twist don grow, but e dey jail. Things dey change just a matter of time things r changing 4 gud.
Juliana Roberta Ela é toda linda
Ela é demais
Quando ela passa
A galera toda vai atrás
E dá psiu ...
Dá dá dá dá dá dá dá .. ♫
Gabriel Jorge Orama Lizardi Increible pero cierto acabo e ver una mujer como con 6 meses de embarazo fumandose un cigarrillo.
Cristi Vicovanu Hai sictir !
Astia care ma injura le-am publicat un mesaj mai sa le raspund
mai departe maimutelor portocalii...Gresit dragi tovarasi portocalii,
solutia ideala era sa-i comandati lu Chioru’ chiloti cu mufa Nutzykai si
pe fata si pe dos(ca si asa ii place ei sa faca lucru manual la tv) si
erau multumiti amandoi. Chioru’ incantat si magulit de idee, iar nutzy
bucuroasa ca rivalelor li se aduce aminte cine e titulara partii din
fata, iar barbatii ar avea astfel posibilitatea dublului sarut(eficienta
Ingrozit la gandul repercusiunilor ce se pot abate si
asupra mea(complet insignifiant in competitia cu asemenea
“personalitati”) care am cam facut mult gat impotriva ciorii
vopsite(ce-a mai fost la gura mea…) am hotarat sa-mi comand(asta e, imi
sacrific bugetul de criza) hartie “inginerica” adecvata situatiei…cu
mutra matracucii. Acum am o tri(di)lema, ce ma fac pana vine
comanda…daca vin mascatii si la usa mea si nu le pot arata dovada
deplinei admiratii?
Sa ma tin(poate ma constip), sa nu ma tin si sa ratez asa tratament de pieleeee…???
Hai sictir!
Gabriel Godoy E é Gabriel fora da frigideira e direto pro fogo! hahahaha Mestrado semestre que vem lá vou eu!! [considerando a aprovação da monografia]
Gary Rose Jr. I'm trying to raise money so my daughter can go to WASHINGTON D.C. this spring with her class.If you would like to help sponsor her you can message me or e-mail me at Your help will be greatly appreciated
The video Story : Motorized Door: The First Test: The Second Test: http...
Rick Rogers well went for a ride on the trolley after lunch right.. got to talking to some peeps n somebody said they couldnt believe howard at central ia shelters let some body from the elliot put those pen mikes in the rafters ... i said tell us about it thats on the tail end of the bs that were going thru right now n why the kids got put in protective custody where there at ... dude just looked blank for a moment n i said ya i'm that guy.. ya i guess when howard was in jail here a while back he gave his girl friend the pin codes off of several that are in the shelter n she tore a bunch of peeps asses. I WAS IN THE SAME SHELTER PRIOR TO GETTING AMBER N I'S PLACE AT THE ELLIOT RIGHT. THATS WHERE MY PAY CARD WITH $1800 ON IT CAME TO AFTER THE CLARENCE THOMPSON WHITE SUPPREMISIST INCIDENT... HE WAS TAKEN IN TO CUSTODY ON OTHER BS AND CONFESSED TO COUNTLESS HATE CRIMES ..... AROUND ARE HOUSE THERE ARE NOTHING BUT BROWN 10 TOED FAMILY MEMBERS WITH MORE TO COME FROM OUR LUV SO THAT BS DONT WORK RIGHT.... we lost everthing at the apt over clarences 3 toed oakdale glasses wearin ass n those freeeeaks from the elliot tried to enlist his 500 lb bench pressing transexual PEDIFILE bro phil and his boy friend doug chetister to accost me about 5 months ago as well . $1800 to cover our car, first n dep. n house hold that is in storage at the u-haul n it came if a STATE OF IA PAYCARD AND IS VERIFIED woooooow. this has went on long enough that peeps way above the muck and mire are talking about it and are outraged .... i dont have a phone because of this and they keep getting in our e-mails n face accounts so i'm here ,the kids are where thier at and will stay n ambers still there doing what i am ... what money is involved is no bodies business other than mamas got some dinero put back so i can do an out patient thing which we both want dearly.. i dont know who throws this bs every day thinking some frigging freeeeak of nature bs in going to happen as for us there is no version of the truth period .... none at all .... i never gave 2 craps if amber had 2 cents to here name as she'll be a busy mom IN OUR CASA OURS'S . the situation theyve got me in is i should have had my surgeries been healed n rollin like no tomarrow but here i sit... she's in a fianacial agreement which is no bodies fucking business with her aunt n uncle which amonto this..... THE 3 TOED MUTHER FUCKERS ARE IN KNEE DEEP IN SHIT WITH ALL THE ONES SITTIN ON STATE/FEDERAL CHARGES N SHE HAS A MAN/KIDS N JOB HERE IN DSM . THIER IN KNEE DEEP IN SHIT WITH ALLLLL THE MENTIONED N WHEN SHE GETS BACK WERE SNEAKIN OFF FOR A FEW DAYS N TAKING CARE OF THE CHILDRENS FULL 100% CUSTODY TO HER N THEN OFF WE GO ...PERIOD IF YOU WERE IN VOLVED IN ANY OF THE BS THAT LED US TO THIS I IMAGINE YOUVE HAD A LOT OF CONTACT WITH NUMEROUS STATE N FEDERAL AGENCIES DUE TO YOUR ILLEAGAL ACTIVITIES THAT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH US OR THE CHILDREN AAAAAAT ALL .... 2 KNUCKLE TAPS N 1 LUV FOR ALL OUR CHILDREN TE AMO BONITA
Marina Ribeiro Se tem uma coisa que eu odeio é esperar
Patrycia Barreto Tem gente que e bipolar.. Sinceramente viu!
Efraim Alencar hahahahahahah TOMA TROOOOXA
LEIA TUDO! Professora romena é acusada de abusar de crianças resolveu botar banca em cima de policial e acaba levando o troco. Isso mostra que não devemos me...
Karli Moreno Hargraves Compliment or insult? Kaleb-"mom you should watch a little less ESPN and a little more E " I personally think he should watch a little less "FRIENDS"
Janet Zheke happy 2morow livin 2 SA c ma.....u no wht mean.. 2012 cumin 2 zims . im e happiest person in e world ha ha
Miha Dragos [ cititi tot! =)) ]
Ultima scrisoare (de divort):
Draga sotule,
Iti scriu aceasta scrisoare deoarece vreau sa te parasesc pentru totdeauna. Am fost o sotie buna pentru tine (cred eu), timp de 7 ani si nu am nimic sa imi reprosez.Ultimele doua saptamani au fost iadul pe pamant. Seful tau m-a sunat sa imi spuna ca ti-ai dat azi demisia, iar asta a fost picatura care a umplut paharul. Saptamana trecuta, ai venit acasa si nu ai observat ca mi-am aranjat parul si unghiile, ti-am gatit mancarea ta preferata si am purtat chiar si o rochie de satin noua. Tu ai venit acasa si ai mancat in 2 minute, apoi ai mers direct la somn, dupa ce te-ai uitat la meci. Nu imi mai spui ca ma iubesti, nu ma mai atingi… Ori ma inseli, ori nu ma mai iubesti, indiferent care din aceste doua lucruri s-au intamplat, PLEC.P.S. Daca incerci sa ma gasesti, mai bine renunta. FRATELE tau si cu mine ne mutam impreuna in West Wirginia ! Sa ai o viata minunata!
Fosta ta sotie.
Draga fosta sotie,
Interesanta scrisoarea ta. E adevarat ca am fost casatoriti timp de 7 ani, insa faptul ca `ai fost o sotie buna` e mult prea departe de adevar. Vizionez meciuri atat de mult fiindca m-am cam saturat sa ma tot cicalesti. Imi pare rau ca nu a mers. Ba da, am observat ca te-ai tuns aproape zero saptamana trecuta, insa primul lucru care mi-a venit in minte a fost: `Arati ca un barbat!` Mama mi-a spus ca mai bine nu spun nimic decat sa spun ceva urat. Cand mi-ai gatit `mancarea favorita`, probabil ca m-ai confundat cu fratele meu, fiindca eu nu mai mananc porc de 7 ani. Am plecat direct la culcare dupa meci fiindca am vazut eticheta cu pretul care atarna inca pe rochia ta de satin noua. M-am intrebat daca a fost o coincidenta faptul ca fratele meu a imprumutat de la mine 50 $ dimineata, iar pretul rochiei tale de satin era 49.99$. Dupa toate astea, inca te mai iubeam si simteam ca pot face ceva ca sa mearga intre noi. Asa ca, atunci cand am descoperit ca am castigat la loto 10 milioane de dolari, mi-am dat demisia si am cumparat pentru noi doi 2 bilete in Jamaica . Dar cand am ajuns acasa, plecasesi. Cred ca totul se intampla cu un motiv pe lumea asta. Sper ca ai viata pe care ti-ai dorit-o mereu. Avocatul meu a spus ca, avand in vedere scrisoarea pe care mi-ai lasat-o, nu vei vedea un cent de la mine. Asa ca ai grija!P.S. Nu stiu daca ti-am spus vreodata, insa Carl, fratele meu, a fost inainte Carla. Sper ca asta nu e o problema pentru tine.
Cu bine,
Ex-sotul tau.
Delphi Academy of Santa Monica Delphi Academy is on this week's episode - Thursday, December 8th at 10PM e/p (it airs at 7PM and 10PM on the West Coast)! Watch it and let us know what you think!
HGTV's series Selling LA follows brokers from three real estate firms as they build up their rosters of millionaire clients, tour spectacular luxury homes and properties, and network their way through the competitive world of high-end real estate in Los Angeles.
FaWad AhMed Mujhy Hukum Huwa Kuch or Mang Us k Siwa,
'Me Dast-e-Dua se Uth gaya k Dua Kuch b Nhi Us k Siwa.
Maurice Jackson When im grindin on you!!! Whisper its BE...YONC...'E!!! YASSSSSSS Betch!!!!! Shout out to Beyonce :)
Farai Machakwa I luv u bby u r ma lyf & lm nt evn emberassed 2 tel e whole world that l luv u.......PATRICE
Costas Goutis Οταν βγαινει η Διαμαντοπουλου και:
α) μας ευχαριστει που δεν εκλεισαν οι σχολες, ενω κλεινει ολα τα ΤΕΙ μονη της, προχωρα σε υποχρηματοδοτηση, ριχνει στην εφεδρεια εργαζομενους στο πανεπιστημιο, κοβει βιβλια κλπ
β) ανοιγει τον διαλογο για "την αναδομηση του φοιτητικου κινηματος", ενω ανοιγει ταυτοχρονα την κουβεντα "για την επομενη μερα του ΠΑΣΟΚ"
γ) μιλαει με εκπροσωπους του κινηματος των ανοιχτων σχολων, που δεν ξερει κανενας το ονομα τους
δ) αυτη ειναι ακομα στο υπ.Παιδειας με τετοιες δηλωσεις, την ιδια ωρα που σε δικη σημερα φοιτητης για πορεια εξω απο το ιδιο υπουργειο, εφαγε κατηγορια 5μηνης φυλακισης
καταλαβαινεις πως εχει γαμηθει ο διας σε αυτη τη χωρα..
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