jamba juice inc hey is this a kewl feature or what? 1322854812
James Powell Wendie Hargrave
Deanna Otto
OK so I want to make sure I have given EVERY oppurtunity to my friends still using cheats such as FV BONUS, Speed Bonus, or any other Bots to have a chance to REMOVE them BY FRIDAY or they WILL BE Removed from my friends...I understand this may have gotten barried in all my game feeds so I am posting again.....PLEASE REMOVE THESE CHEAT APPS!! TY
Friends For Fair Farming: Links to 3rd Party Applications & How To Remove Them **Updated 11/10/2011*
Demiqua Olivia Dorsey leeetss doo thiss ! q&a supper boreed.!! :)
Dejan Grubešić Ne kontam zaista kako neki ljudi sa prostora jugoistočne Azije, neki Kinezi i neki Arapi rade doktorate na TU iz nekih zajebanih disciplina, a pri tome ne znaju njemački, ne znaju kako treba i engleski. Ali ajd što ne zna jezike, možda zna matematiku i te stvari, ali opet kad mu objašnjavaš kako da uključi šporet Gorenje Velenje i to ispadne komplikovanije od rezultata istraživanja NASA-e sa Marsa.
Jamie Lynn Short If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family... problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways
Adeleke Funmilayo Check if a friend has deleted you http://tinyurl.com/834kfff
Nombulelo Mcwerah Afro Cafe time...**putting a do not disturb sign**
Kim Donaldson Yes, single it is!!!!! Oh dear!! Like Michael says, "Cry me A River!!"
Cody Doyle BRRRRRR! What a chilly day!
Ira Mazie Last day of philosophy class, really enjoyed it. And going to see Chris Robinson of the black crowes tonite! A Good day.
Raymund Efondo Cabaling I'll be on antique later.. haha.. but bwesit i see someone on facebook. makabwelisit sa.. super.. dooper... suppppeeeerrrrr... Most likely this a good phrase for you... " FUCK YOU"
Malog out q ah...! What's the use of enjoying facebook kon may bwesit ka nga makita dba?
Enjoy son of Satan... I know nalipay ka guid.. YAWA ka daan..!
Masdin Awulaz Lyf is a road wit so many signs..... alwyz rememba 2 choose the ryt 1.....
Isaiah Amezcua Great day to be a Viking! 4th block is cake work! Than game time!
# Do work!!
Kla Ashbacher jammin out to drive a - the world in shambles ~ THE LESS U KNOW THE BETTER!
Doreen Lynn Glaser Strike an average between what a women thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him
George Aguilar mencionando tu nombre...me levanto a media noche!
dang :) old school plan b i <3 it!
Lynn Willis Rayburn 38 Special! Wow taking a walk down memory lane! My 1st concert and still love 'em!
Victor Silva Victor Silva A mulher: nasce amando; vive chorando; e morre perdoando. O homem: nasce mentindo; vive iludindo; e morre traindo!!!
David Oh I just heard Baby got back bt sir mix a lot. I forgot how funny that song was.
LA face with an Oakland booty. Red beans and rice didn't miss her.
John Nicholson todays gonna be a hard one :.( R.I.P uncle bud we love you and always will you will never be forgotten your in all our hearts and you wont never leave us now your looking down on us smiling and we know that its just hard the thought of loseing you we love you but you already know that we love you man R.I.P we will see each other again i miss you already and we love you just keep us safe and in mind we will you also :.(
Ron Welber למי שתהה איך עושים את זה...
What you'd like to learn? Suggest at: http://howtodoanythingtv.com/ If you can grab a square of toilet paper, your hygiene will improve.
Pam Wade Burt Well Stan is off on another so called adventure,he will be training in London,out in the country for a new job for B.P..!! Prayers for his safety and for my sanity while he is gone thru end of next week...!! Luv and thank U for prayers and support for him....
Lucila Rey mis queridos amigos de face book lo que esten intentando llamrme lo siento pero como me quede viuda no tengo plata para el telefono pero vendra pronto de eso estoy segura.. cuidense besos a todos LQM.....
Daddys SoAmbitious Nunez What school charge u almost $20,000 dollars to go to school there and not even have a free parking place right by it? #WhereDeyDoDat@? (College Of Hair Design)
William Pletcher You might be a REDNECK if.. You have ever waded through a creek to confuse the Bloodhounds...
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