Osborn E Henderson This is a little more help for everyone thats coming out tues to front row, and weds to marlows. Get your wop work in at home. I cant enjoy the song if i have to teach this dance all nite lol. See you all there =)
Briana Michiels Ugh, I hate when people say "fuck the police."
Don't just fuck the police.
Take the police out on a couple dates. Take the police to the movies or a nice stroll in the park. Feed the police some delicious food. Make the police fall in love with you. Then, fuck the police. And then out of nowhere, stop taking calls from the police. Ignore the police. Make the police miss you. Make the police cry.
Triston Lavoie I like boys
Queenie Q-tee Ramosoeu Is so sleepy,"I realy am tired yoh!!"
PrettyBoii Stizzle i dont know why yall niggas so excited for the new year eve, 2012 is the end of the world :/
Ashley Averhart I fuck leskey in da ass b4 I know yall fuck one of yall family members b4
Kris Dixon I love bitches that aint got shit! what u mean i always get it boo trust. Bring who every cause im about my shit!
Charloetta Massey This weather i could get used to in December..hope the cold never comes
Elizabeth Wilton Lost very lost. Feel like I don't even know myself!!!!!!
Cleopatra Banda sho im washing all of ma blanket i wonder whr or wht will i slip with *pls help*
Lynn Moran Well toothache all gone got tooth pulled today i hope thats the end of that..work 4-10
Windy-Dawn Rosen I want to bring the smurfs home for the holidays. They can keep me company, clean and cook oh yeah I'm so excited.
Siviwe Gxaleka Home swt home,gdnyt ma frndz i fl lyk slpng kwa in tym 2nyt
Kandre'a Toliver I have too much to loose...
Samuel Parker This kid knows whats up
The second quarter explosion by the Patriots really made it a difficult Sunday afternoon................ I like when I told him Brady may throw a pick, and h...
Katlego Sepeng is at holy family matric farewell... i must say being around ppl u dnt knw is sumthing else!
Kimberly Crawford well.. i did it!! i got myself a J O B lol... things are starting to look much better... still smiling !!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Selester Noxolo Mthembu wat wil u do wen smone is always telin u dat he lves u,bt nt shwin u dat he real do lve u,coz i hve the sme problem en he is borin me coz i dnt lve him.
Martha Figueroa Supper happy my Kimberly made Honor Roll again I am so proud of her Kim mami Loves You
Esttefania Corona I want a baby pitbull ;)
Sumer Fletcher I just love me some Lady Gaga.
Philani Emmanuel Mbatha I cant change da direction of de wind, bt i can adjust my sails 2 always reach my destination
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