Monday, December 5, 2011

Give me a break Did I really just hear Mr Kris Humphries or Mr Kris Kardashianits my understanding they are still legally married say that he couldn't AFFORD to

Susan Tidrow Ross
Susan Tidrow Ross Give me a break!!! Did I really just hear Mr. Kris Humphries (or, Mr. Kris Kardashian...its my understanding they are still legally married) say that he couldn't AFFORD to fly back and forth from Minnesota to New York??? WHAAAAAAT?
Katie Boggi Milano Waters
Katie Boggi Milano Waters The only thing getting me through this Organisational Culture essay ... (not gonna lie ...I shed a tear)
4 year old Jaz singing Lego House, inspired by her 2 favourite people Ed Sheeran and Rupert Grint!
Agbakwue Ndubueze Onyebuchi
Agbakwue Ndubueze Onyebuchi Holiness is d TOTALabsence of sin & witout Holiness no man shall see The Jesus.A CHRISTIAN isn't a sinner & a sinner isn't a CHRISTIAN-Pst.Buchi
Matt Wilson
Matt Wilson Wow, I haven't been this upset in years. It's a hell of a country we all live in here, when a good man can be discredited like this by evil people and organizations. This country was once a great place... It sure as hell isn't anymore, and that's an absolute fact... not an opinion. I renounce my love for the USA.
Judy Van Overmeiren-Homich
Judy Van Overmeiren-Homich Its a PACKER Monday.......I Love 12-0 I`m proud to be from Wis.


Gary Johnson
Jamie Miner
Jamie Miner CRAZY... a word that sems to fit, in many ways in my existance in this world, Just for a second i felt worry free, and now hearing of my baby gurl... God i pray U hold her hand, that this is nothing she can't handle, Keep her safe and in no pain through this, i don't mean to sound demandful... Its just shes my sunshine and im her cuddle bear, Life with out such a blessing and a gem, just couldnt be fair... Allow me to be strong and consistant in her life, let me be the rock, I ask that to my baby u send Angels by the flock... God keep these gurls close to u Hold them when they need You, And let them know that i will always be here too... And before i go, Let me thank You, for my many Blessing and Strengths, God be with us all for rite now life is seeming to Stank... In Jesus name AMEN
Mike Magogonyi
Jovelyn Tomo Mañago
Jovelyn Tomo Mañago The best part of being inlove is wen u love a person and proud bout it,even f dat person can nevr b yours. thats d true essence of love.its nt about winning someone.its nt about owning a relationshp.its jst about being hapy coz u know u've love love someone and being guiltless 4 u knw u didnt takeaway someone frm anybody.u jst love and love unselfishly.


Smiley Grace Faura Solito
Dawn Scott Freeberg
Dawn Scott Freeberg Had fun going to see Macy's "Songs of the Season" Christmas concert at North Central yesterday! What an amazing job they all did! Our visit was WAAAY too short, but we'll see her again in a couple of weeks! :o) (already looking forward to it!)
Zach Rankin
Zach Rankin Every state has a hood,every hood has the same mentality just different rules... (N.B.A. Gang)
Naveen Veduruparthi
Naveen Veduruparthi Amazing! haha can happen to anyone! I dare you can watch this .
click here to see dad post and emma sucide letter , you will really be shocked.. :P
Cara Huffman
Cara Huffman I was at WalMart buying a bag of Purina dog chow for my dog , in the check-out line when a woman behind me asked if I had a dog. Why else would I be buying dog chow, RIGHT ??? So on impulse I told her that no, I didn't have a dog, I was starting the Purina Diet again, and that I probably shouldn't, because I ended up in the hospital last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in inten.........sive care, with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms. I told her that it was essentially a Perfect Diet and all you do is load your pockets with Purina Nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so it works well and I was going to try it again. (I have to mention here that practically everyone in line was now enthralled with my story.) Horrified, she asked if I ended up in intensive care, because the dog food poisoned me. I told her no, I stepped off a curb to sniff a poodle's butt and a car hit me. I thought the guy behind her was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard. Better watch what you ask me and be prepared for my answer. I have all the time in the world to think of crazy things to say........ now that you've read it I have to confess, I copied it from someone else.. share and make someone else smile today.
Cynthia Lozano
Cynthia Lozano A empesar la semana con el pie derecho : )
Syed Shiraz
New Delhi, Jan 9 (ANI): Mallika Sherawat seems all set to want to murder her sexy image. Mallika is geared up to step into Madhubala's shoes for her soon to ...
Cherie Warren McMahon
Cherie Warren McMahon Update:Doing well after my surgery. still sore. moving is a bit rough, but have been doing some walking, like the doctor ordered. God bless you all, keep me in your prayers
Katherine Charlton
Katherine Charlton The weather either really likes me or hates me. For when I need to head out on my scooter (while may look like a scooter and be called a scooter it is classified as a motercycle) in is raining. So I hope I can make it to my interview later today with out looking like a drowned cat.
Michael Waldron
Michael Waldron It's my laundry day and so I've got that going and now it's my breakfast time.Thought about making eggs,cause I can't find the time to make pancakes>>I'm just a little hungry this morning!!!!!
Rene Fernandez Jr.
Rene Fernandez Jr. work work and more work what a day is going to be.
Riley Webb
Riley Webb The rollercoaster rides a lonely one, i pay a ransom note to stop it from steering
Ginny Boettler
Ginny Boettler My Friends In The Mental Hospital (1st 10 friends on the left - no cheating!) 1. Person licking the window:Marlene Borchert 2. Person sleeping with the nurse for extra pills:April 3. Person helping you escape: Chris Mccain ... 4. Person running around naked: Tammy Samento 5. Your Doctor: Mo Ransom 6. Person yelling nonsense: Ken Romero 7. Person you went crazy with:Cindy Cindy Moses 8. Weird one you have to share a room with:Marie Neal 9. Participating in Arts & Crafts Hour: Carol Cox-Hodge 10: Escaping on the laundry truck: Richard Brassea
Andrew McMorran
Andrew McMorran "The person who never makes a mistake works for someone who does." Baron, Hector Laing
Pretty Ashleyy Curtis
Pretty Ashleyy Curtis Damn , good morning :* ? - In concord for a wile hit me .
Julio Glins
Julio Glins ''O amor tem indenizações que a amizade não possui.''
Haya Ben Ari
Haya Ben Ari Helene Matz -have you ever heard about Israeli towns being rocketed by hamas on a daily basis for no reason? Why dont you and your friends film videos of Israeli children,living in fear of those rockets?Wounded by those rockets? Killed by hamas rockets? Jewish children are human beings ,at least like the palestinian kids ,you have filmed-or you may not think so!!!!!
Leezy Lee
Leezy Lee Kip a person close to ua heart cz 1dae u wil wke up n fynd them gone hence u wil realise dat u wa too busy searchng 4 stnes whyl u had a diamond!


Racheal Annet AbugaAmo Krazy-kid Nicole

Help I need a someone to babysit on Wednesday that has a car and can pick up the kids from school Can anyone help No weapon formd against

Tina Blackman
Tina Blackman Help! I need a someone to babysit on Wednesday that has a car and can pick up the kids from school!!!! Can anyone help??????
Angela Michelle SheBadd
Angela Michelle SheBadd No weapon formd against me shall prospr! So as I prepare 2 entr the new yr-I refuse 2 tak any liars/talkrs/doubtrs/haters w/me U R DISMISSD!"


Doma Crazyfor'god FranksAngela Michelle SheBadd
Michelle Monzo Acker
Michelle Monzo Acker I was sitting back thinking about all the fighting women do in everyday life you know what i'm talking about girls! Thank God we let men be president could you imagine the war if another country told a female president we have weight problem... hahaha the USA president would show up in 6" heels with spanks on ready to take bitches down around the globe! I would love a female president from Jersey she would be cool with big earings a great purse and stop to get her nails done before speaking to the press.
Lhady Sachi
Lhady Sachi I keep questioning my self as to "Why am I afraid to lose u when ur not even mine"
Abubakar Muhammed Gali
Abubakar Muhammed Gali heart I want one word,,, my mind I love it but, my love for her that she is happy your days and disappear on the sorrows and enlighten Zlamk,,, my mind I love Abha,,,, and another won my heart on my mind and I became the victim without an identity and purpose Lahui it work for him and went my heart and my mind to it and left me nothing but suffering and deprivation of happiness, light and intensified my punishment and obscurantist · I liked a few seconds


Dewi NandiniAbubakar Muhammed Gali
George Bernovich
George Bernovich The BEARS are down and out for the season I think!!
KE JI AN Maybe its time to say good bye to some of you, is nice to know you at these day and I think the time we met would be last , take care and good luck to you as well as me :) CIAO...
Erik Nelson
Erik Nelson Hey everybody, I know Christmas is right around the corner, so why wouldn't winning a $2,500 watch not be just perfect? It can make a great gift for you or a loved one. Here's the link: Just go to the sweeps page and sign up!
Since 1900, shoppers have turned to Tourneau for value, integrity and the world’s largest...
Brenda Hendrichs
Brenda Hendrichs Any number i can t
Justen Matthews
Justen Matthews It is cold as hell in this shop I need a damn bonfire and some hot choclate
Sean Walter
Sean Walter Felt so bad for baby girl yesterday. She got one of those pop-ups saying she'd won an iPad. She asked me about it, said she thought it was a scam, but when I told her it was she looked very let down.
Shanná Brooke Griffin
Shanná Brooke Griffin Good Morning all,I have 1eye open thinking is it Monday again?!?Ahhh let's have a great week,& start how we wanna finish...Great.
Kristi Michelle Perkins-Allen
Kristi Michelle Perkins-Allen I am selling Scentsy, i can help you meet your Scentsy needs. They make wonderful Christmas presents. If you have never tried them, they are great. Once you have one, you will be addicted! Thanks!
Tyler Coate
Tyler Coate not the way i wanted to wake up at all. as if the yelling wasn't bad enough
Felix Scott
Felix Scott I love my first cup of coffee. I love it whatever time in the morning I drink it. Today it was 9:20 AM. EST
Bandzile Bema Phephetse
Bandzile Bema Phephetse I need a child now..!!! #Thinkng deep
Ahemad Ali
Ahemad Ali i like you beauti
لَستُ حَزينة , وَ لستُ سَعيدة هُناكَ شعورٌ يَخنُقني يَقفُ بينهُما وَ لا أستَطيع أن أفهَمه . !!
Lanie Kiefer
Lanie Kiefer Sometimes I wonder what's truth and what's lie, it's hard to decide who to trust, when all u have to go on are actions tht speak against the words tht come out of people's mouths.
Jessica Byrd
Jessica Byrd I believe I can see the future, cause I repeat the same routine.
Rachel Nester
Rachel Nester Tomorrow i will be moving into my new house! I can not wait! It seems like it has taken forever to get to this point.


Sarah Laboiteaux
Kelly Dicus
Kelly Dicus Tis the season to celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I wish all my friends and loved ones a verry Merry Christmas and pray that you are blessed this year and all there is to come!
Sherry May Beam
Sherry May Beam Happy Birthday to my sister, Cathy Burk! I won't tell you how old she is but I will say she is 8 years older than me. HeeHee. Have a Great Day and love you sis!
Liav Vexler
Liav Vexler "I'm falling harder, than i ever fell before."
Gabriela Rakoczy
Gabriela Rakoczy Buna ziua, tuturor romanilor! Din nefericie, mai sunt si vesti rele pe lumea asta! Sora unui bun prieten, romani amandoi, a decedat aici in Portugalia. La dorinta familiei, vor sa-i trimita trupul neinsufletit acasa in Romania, si stim cu totii ca costa mult. Eu stiu ca in zilele de azi e greu la toti, dar haideti sa facem un mic efort si sa ajutam aceasta familie in aceste momente grele, fiecare cu cat poate, si 5 euro conteaza enorm pentru ei. Sa dam dovada ca suntem romani uniti si la bucurii si la necazuri. Cine are posibilitatea sa ajute aceata familie ,o poate face printr-o transferenta in contul urmator: CAIXA GERAL DE DEPOSITOS, TITULAR Roxana Muresan, NR.DE CONT 0809012975900, iar NIB:003508090001297590068.


Gabriela Rakoczy
Graceson Binu Sebastian
Graceson Binu Sebastian As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me your rod and your staff, they comfort me.


Arnold Karlose