Monday, December 5, 2011

LivE a LiFe WorTH LiViNg Say No To TeNSioN wrote: Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive is the warmth and affection we give It is

Christell Visagie
Christell Visagie LivE a LiFe WorTH LiViNg - Say No To TeNSioN wrote: Even more important than the warmth and affection we receive, is the warmth and affection we give. It is by giving warmth and affection, by having a genuine sense of concern for others, in other words through compassion, that we gain the conditions for genuine happiness. More important than being loved, therefore, is to love.
Gloria Hammond
Gloria Hammond Good Morning Hope everyone has a good week 20 more days till Christmas hopefully it will be a white one just not alot of that stuff
Vuyani Ndhlovu
Vuyani Ndhlovu ja. wat a weekend
Michelle Estevan de Macedo
Não busque a perfeição, o excesso nos limita e o suficiente nos reprime.
Martin Sonoga
Martin Sonoga Don't understand this Teebow hype. Cmon guys the dude can't complete a this an NFL QB? Helll no way
Bonnie Woosley Oliver
Bonnie Woosley Oliver Happy Monday everyone hope everyone has a great day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : )
Christophe Herbin
Christophe Herbin OUAH ! Seulement aujourd’hui, mon profil a été vu 36 fois et je peux voir que j’ai pas mal d’obsédés qui me traquent MDR ! Trouvez les vôtres ici
Abdel Tinkiete
Abdel Tinkiete WOAH! my profile was viewed 112 times JUST TODAY, and I can see that I have quite a few stalkers LOL! Find out yours here
Mokone S. Trump
Mokone S. Trump "When there is no reason to smile, put a smile on your face & God will give u every reason to smile" ☺♥
Craig Carling Henson
Craig Carling Henson WOAH! my profile was viewed 73 times JUST TODAY, and I can see that I have quite a few stalkers LOL! Find out yours here
Sonwabo Windvoel
Sonwabo Windvoel I wish the was a better way of getting all things we want without money so that we can't wake up everyday and go to work.Work is annoying
Tejesh Mahadik
A perfect place wid _________ ♥♥♥ (^_^)\ ♥ Like and Share this Page with Friends ♥
Rhonda Taylor
Rhonda Taylor I'm in love with a women that i just can't stand!
From the album "That's big!" Little Charlie & The Nightcats (nowadays Rick Estrin & The Nightcats: the name changed after "Little" Charlie Baty, guitarist an...
Rhonda Mcdowell
Rhonda Mcdowell Okay, so anyone who has been affected by the Joplim tornado, apparently there is a Healing Joplin site and you can call 211 a national help line, I would have shared this long ago but was not aware until tonight. Otherwise, there is again, FAITH and Relief Spark as well as others, I will try to find the contacts for the others tomorrow and post. Any one else who has some time to donate, give me a call and we can work together. I know that all of my friends on fb who I personally know are not in it for the pat on the back, so lets get together and do some work. Mike will bbq after so ya know that is gonna rock!!!!!
Buttah Beanz
Buttah Beanz I can't believe my son is 6yrs old 2day it was like yesterday foreal wen I saw him cum out the belly at 8 lbs 7 oz for me to cut his cord and free him from his mommas womb now u in first grade ahead of ur class and at home reading books that are on a 4th drade level my nigga u doin ur thang I love u boy I got u wen I get home
Sahrun Hj Bakar
Sahrun Hj Bakar Thanks to everyone for the birthday greetings. I'm enjoying life one day at a time n I'm loving it :)
Laura Anne Turner
Laura Anne Turner Had a lovely dinner and was sent beautiful flowers to work by my wonderful hubby to be. Happy Anniversary Chris Barton the last 2 years have been amazing xox
Nnamdi Akujor
Nnamdi Akujor Every new level attracts a new devil..e
Eliane Burani
Eliane Burani Não se pode ter pressa de ser feliz, pq a felicidade vem de vagarinho, como quem não quer nada ! Só é feliz quem sabe suportar, perder, sofrer e perdoar ! Bom dia !!!!
Iesha Bullshitfree Cole
Iesha Bullshitfree Cole Its toooo damn early I hope its not a long day...
Suba Raghavan
Suba Raghavan We need to teach our daughters the difference between a man who flatters her, and a man who compliments her.... A man who spends money on her, and a man who invests in her.... A man who views her as property, and a man who views her properly..... A man who lusts after her, and a man who loves her..... A man who believes he's God's gift to women, and a man who remembers a woman was (and still is) God's gift to man. Re-post if you agree...


Suba Raghavan
Thomas Tucker Jr
Thomas Tucker Jr The 2.2 issue of PlayStation Underground features downloads for several key PSone titles, a first time sneak peak at how Lara Croft was "built" with the "new" Tomb Raider III game engine, and more.
Price $60.00 Sony PlayStation Underground 1998 Demo Magazine 2.2 Volume 2 Issue 2 Copyright 1998 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Rare video game collectible from my private collection Includes 2 Discs Disc 1 Scus-94259 Psrm-009890 Disc 2 Scus-94260 Psrm-009900 Published BySony Developed By Sony, wi...
Kamal Joshi
Kamal Joshi "I'm bad in English, but i can tell "I Love U".... I'm bad at geography, but i can tell that "U Lived in my heart".... I'm bad in history, but i can remember whn i talked whit U.... I'm bad in chemistry, but i can tell whats a reaction whn U smile.... I'm bad in physics, but i can tell intensity of spark of my eyes whn thy c U.... . . . . . I'm bad in evry subjct but i can try too pass if the topic is "U".................."

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