Sunday, December 4, 2011


Romeo Celes
Kabelo Emmanuel Baloyi
Kabelo Emmanuel Baloyi Eish, m @ work wit lot of babalas, mxm come 14h00 i wnt 2 get out of here!!
Daniel MacGregor
Daniel MacGregor Gotta dig deep, get through this one more day at work, then i might actually put Skyrim on........... ive only had it for a week lol
Labeeb Abdullahi
Labeeb Abdullahi Did u knw 'The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.
Miranda Street
Miranda Street Can someone please explain to me why I fell asleep around 11 and am now wide awake and feel completely rested?! #cantsleep
Tayler Powell
Tayler Powell i hate when my fuckin phone crashes!
Zac Gough
Zac Gough I am so dam hugry. Food would be nice right about now
PiOjung Jaime Macasocol
PiOjung Jaime Macasocol Ryeowook ████████████████████████████ █┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ D O █┼┼┼┼┼┼┼▄██▄┼┼┼▄██▄┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ Y O U █┼┼┼┼┼┼██████┼██████┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ M I S S █┼┼┼┼┼┼█████████████┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ S O M E O N E █┼┼┼┼┼┼█████████████┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ S P E C I A L █┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█████████┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ Y E S T E R D A Y █┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█████┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ T O D A Y & █┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼███┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ T O M O R R O W █┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼┼█ ♥ H I T . L I K E ♥ ████████████████████████████ yeSS !! i miss someone spEciaL 2 me !! hehehehe !! :)


PiOjung Jaime Macasocol
Cristian Ross
Cristian Ross Just got home from a 2-day tournament in Tuscon. im tired AF, and my dad wants me to get up early for church. ill get up but at 11 cuz i am too damn tired haha. :/~
Jon Tiroff
Jon Tiroff i am going to a party with young peeps. I need a young man to teach me latest moves. Im old and fat. One two hours per week. With pay. No floor spinning i need to stay upright. South east sa. Thx


Jon Tiroff
Luis Gutierrez
Luis Gutierrez Damn! Im like so drunk!! But i still wanna dance!! Fuck it haha


Diana EspinosaFlor GarciaDaniiela Valeriia VazqezEstefani Vargas
Wan Por
Wan Por Happy Birthday Pa i <3 u . . . Stil im d Laz person STANDiNG!


Wan Por
Branden Lenz
Branden Lenz Well, i actually plan on getting some sleep tonight, not pulling an all nighter for the 3rd night in a row... night facefuck.
Ayexhha Bratinela
Ayexhha Bratinela Boy: I HATE YOU! Girl: I HATE YOU MORE!! Boy: I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!! Girl: I HOPE YOU DIE!!! Boy: YEAH! WELL SEE YOU IN HELL! Girl: FUCK YOU!! Boy: I love you.. Girl: I love you too. - aww!:DD
Jessica Broyles
Jessica Broyles I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it! ;)
Cyndy Mykkanen
Cyndy Mykkanen I live right across from the laundry room, nice on laundry day!! The smoke detector (in that room) needs a new battery and it's been beeping....told the office yesterday....still beeping!!
Puriza Badde
Puriza Badde Have a blessed afternoon holy sunday...i love you LORD JESUS CHRIST
Terika Williams
Terika Williams I LOVE my husband and can't nobody make me say different #dontbemadcauseimhappy :]<3


Karajia Branch
Jack Powell
Jack Powell The awkward moment wen brodie and i walk back in the house and she. Left a tea towel on the stove after it has just been on. Gee talk bout doey girl and she aint even blonde haha
Reign Storm
Reign Storm TAKE me as IAM or WATCH me as I GO
Leslie Holloran Perry
Leslie Holloran Perry I am playing with fire!!! Litterally...I've decided to use matches instead of a lighter. It just smells so good when ya strike 'em!! Probably not gonna be too convenient when driving, though!! :-) but so nostalgic...let's bring back matches!
Brandon LeQuire
Brandon LeQuire I wish this hotel wasn't in my name
Brian Makocho
Brian Makocho My prayer about rain yakasvika, but it waz a revege wth traffic conjection 4rm glenorah zrp 2blyo road,we spent 4hour 2reach kwdzna extn,but its nw cold and i am stressed i had no ambulera and a jacket wat can i do guyz
Veronica Quintana
Veronica Quintana is in need of something exited like going to lamar... nd get rid of this tirednes nd have fun away frm home soon i hope
Kris Russell
Kris Russell I promised myself that I would not rant on Facebook about my personal problems, as sometimes I often find such posts to be often desperate attempts to draw much desired attention from a group that I want to attention from, and mostly stemmed from some form of loneliness or whatnot. This is coming from first hand experience. I used to post stuff like that in the past, even here on Facebook, and I suppose I had my reasons to try and reach out, trying to bridge my isolated self to whoever would bother to listen, and maybe reaching back. I also remember deleting the majority of the posts, ashamed that I had become a glutton for attention, something that I thought only pathetic people would do. But here I go again... I'm a bit of an idealist, and I honestly believe that if anyone can place enough effort into something, victory or success is always in reach. But I'm not naive to the fact that life is also about give-and-take, that things do run on a simple design, that you have to sometimes give up more than you hoped to achieve what you want. It would be seriously hyperbole to consider I have the hardest of lots in life, but I can't help but get the feeling that despite my attempts to better myself in life, I seem to always fall victim to circumstance and being forced into a direction I never wanted to go, as if any effort is ultimately in vain. And it just continues to stack. I often humor myself wondering if I ever did all I can really do for myself, yet sometimes I feel even with an earnest will, I find myself at step one all over again, stuck in this limbo hell that seems content in keeping me as a permanent resident. As a agnostic, I refuse to believe God's (or any deity) intervention as to direct me to a better way, neither do I think this is karma. Whatever the cause, I'm getting very annoyed of it. VERY ANNOYED. Could it kill the powers of the universe to let things go my way, at least enough to get on my feet? I mean, I don't expect surmounting fame or fortune or acclaim, but any gesture that what the fruits of my labor is within reach is better than nothing. A light at the end of the tunnel, if you will. Because my patience is wearing thin. I really don't wish to give up, but I'm finding trouble placing what little faith I can muster into anything substantial. I'm done with this damn joke, and the punchline isn't funny.


Blaine Rulon Wanner

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