Sanjit D Luvguru yesterday did a lot of workout.....bicieps are paining n n nerves r not getting down....they r still visible..this happend 4 the 1st tym man
Shosanya Abiodun Gud morning friends 2day is my happiest day in life my mum is celebrating her birthday 2day wish u mum long life nd a prosperous year. Luv u mum....
Monica Alvarez here drinking a couple of drinks.... been a while since i had one..i think i deserve it..
Cindy Andresen A fresh, sweet kick in the a** reminder. Thank you Georgia Esporlas for posting.
Practical Tips for Productive Living
De-delma Concha It was a very Blessing night; We the GW Baptist Church Congregation went Christmas Carroling... In sumwat way a sad night as well But always remember God is there & have FAITH in Him everyday. I love You all *God Bles*
Donna Berke Everhart nothing like a goodnight text that will make me smile while a sleep................
Insiya Peepawala If u hate me ............... . delete me
if u think i'm nice ............ like my
if u think i am a good friend ...........
... comment on this status
if you ever liked me ........... poke me,
i won't tell
if u like me now ......... inbox me a
heart ( ♥ ) i won't tell
if u want to date me .........inbox me
a :) i won't tell
if u are brave ............ set this as your
Hugo Migueles Campos Dice una bolilla de cera: 'Cada día entra un bastoncito y quiere sacarme. Me escondo detrás de un cartílago y no me pilla'.
Dice la caries: 'A mí cada día me persigue una cosa con púas que intenta sacarme. Me escondo entre las muelas y no me pilla'.
Dice el hongo vaginal: 'Pues a mí siempre me viene a ver un calvito. Nunca sabe si quiere entrar o salir. Ya no sé dónde esconderme. Siempre se marea y me vomita encima'
Y dice la caries: ¡¡¡¡¡A ese cabrón lo conozco yo!!!!
Eve Reed I have decided its gonna be a great CHRISTMAS with my babies this yr. no matter what im gettin so excited;)
Roxan Shrestha Dhaka topi mailo vo,dhune budi poila gai k ramailo vo ra khoi,hehehe kheettt
ve a good morning
Roman Rodriguez Ok ima give props to my big brother victor there wuz a lunar eclipse man now I gotta let u slap me lol ={
P.s. your a scrub =D
Erickson Del Castillo L_M_S For a : If I found u naked in my bed,I would,-()punch you>:O ()make love to you♥ ()kill you>xp ()ewwwwwwwwww u shudnt have liked this status!!!>;P ()fuck you 8====D ♥
Cathy Milo's Mummy Tingle Gettin wet n fuckin missed a bus, I'm so not gonna have much time 2 get ready when I get bk home >:( y do we have 2 start earlier n not get told! Grrrrr
Pastor Jackson Well what a productive day this was and still is... But we got to call it the end so we get a little rest...May the Lord be with you all>>>>>God is so faithful!!
Rayshone Kid'Ray Jones . my thought is to erase Swag nd replace it with Obk (original black kid) because for ! what is Color? white black etc.. everybody wanna be a Nigga but nobody wants to be a NIgga everybody rip our style but give us no credit We Are Original nd Creative nd thats something they cant take from us nd color shouldn't set social class so Everybody tht like my music gotta be Original Black Kids I FUCKIN LOVE <3 This OBK shit!!!!!!!
Grismilda Blublublu Rodriguez Bueno banda show van a ganar este ano.... A los rojos k se amaren los tenis..... I love you baby
Don Rorie Well ur getting ur wish I'm uploading a 22 minute one right now lol
Shane Husack All live, never on a floppy disk.
Alfred Thomas me and curt getting full tonight we got a slab of jack daniels and four bottles of jim beam one litres
Nakai Smith shes dressed in yellow shes says come sit next to me you fine fellow you walk over there without a second to lose and what comes next...Hey Bust a a moment over here...heeeyyyyy!!! Party
Wendi Langstaff Woke up from such a horrible dream - reading fb to help distract my mind!!!! Omg, that was just awful!!!
Dha Freaxs MrSextape Brandon I will tag you in a post if: (BORED)
-Like my Default
-Comment on one of my statuses
-tell me what my best feature is
Doc Link Brand New Release On Liberate!!! Feat. remixes from Roy Davis Jr , MasterKev Kevin, Tony Loreto,Oscar Poche, The Wizard Brian Cox, Pirahna Head,Dj MFR!!!
Angel-A - Music In My Head (The Remixes) - - Download Underground House and Electroni
Play Different. Download Underground Music in WAV and MP3 format at
Kaetlyn Jade Dickson For the High School people who want to call your semester test (midterms) finals that's cool.. But you guys have no idea what a final is till college.. I miss the ole midterms we had in high school.
Tania P Inostroza necesito a alguien que me acompañe a ver a John Lennon.
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