Michelle Abell I hate havin the stupid antenna box! I get like 5 channels and all i wanna do is watch my shows and it has no signal! Only on the shows i wanna watch! #*?*.** stupid!
Angie Platz-Raines I see everyone's post about how they are done with Christmas shopping or almost done. I keep getting more and more depressed knowing I can't afford anything for my children this year. I know Christmas isn't about the gifts, it is about the love God shared with us giving us his son. It is still really hard.
Yusef Graham Why is everyone Putting their Emotions into Basketball or should i say the NBA..You think they give a fuck about the players..You think they give a fuck about the fans..We"re the biggest fans Too a system That supports "modern day Slavery"...remember Gladiator?..This isn't Rome..They Force players to make Commercials Showing them Helping kids..adn Building houses..they can't play in any league outside of the NBA..ITS PART OF THE CONTRACT.>They dont care about their personal Lives..And who they really are..unless its good for media..Look how they diD ALLEN Iverson..He Hated the required Interviews After the game..But he had to Goo..Your a slave ..Its fuck how you feel..If your a star player..you have to speak WIn or lose..its a fucked up world They live in..ODOMs a Prime example..the higher ups WIth THE "Real Money"..Your tickets, hotDogs,and parking fees...You think kobes the only one who gets paid when you Buy his jersey?..There are very Wealthy people, that give a fuck less about fans relation or attachments to LAMar Odom..Its SO Grimey but its true..Maybe one day we could Be Fans Of real SHit.. like a Movement to SAVE LIVES..be fans of stoping WAR..Be fans Of People REAlly Feeding Hungry children Around The World..or Be Fans Of People Stoping Genocide..Becasue at the end of the Day the NBA is a Sport that is broadcasted on your Devil Box.. .BUt sports is the Only thing us American Will talk about..We're ranked very Low in education around the WOrld..Maybe the study of the NBA/MLB/NHL/NFL is why..only the real ONEs can feel this
Jasmine Carter I love Mac and cheese
Ada-Jean Stover All I want is for a man to fall so madly in love with me that when he marries me we stay married even when times are rocky. Marriage is not a game that you can quit.. its not to be taken into lightly either. The only man I want does not want me back really and told me that he just cared about the sex. thats all he wanted from me.
Shannon Rieson-Craddock Had a wonderful day,getting ready to Crash!!! I am soooooo tired.
11 days Until Christmas! can't wait :) God Bless all & Happy Early Birthday Jesus! <3 <3 <3
Christopher Krajnik Stupid costume is so sexy. I can't believe it, man. She takes advantage of me. She's like, "Oh, my God, you look so sexy! I'm gonna sex you all up!" I'm like, "your just my friend! Get your sex off me!" And then she gets all sexy with me, 'cause I've, like got the sexiest costume in the world on! I hate it!
David HaHa Just got done watching Wrong Turn with my beautiful wife, I love our movie nights, she is truly a wonderful lady!
Ashford Clarke U want to go night night..I do..Peace..ur..
Lee Ann Childers You do something thinking that it will help you and all it does it make you feel worse... What is it? Am I really that flipping bad?What he asked a couple nites ago and I said No and now he ignores me WTF???????
Kenny Kwenamotse I wonder gr batho ba bangwe ba jang i dn no wt hpns 2 dam wen dey r sleepn cz dey wake up bale bitter ag man dey shud gt a lyf
Chas McElmury "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -Buddha
Arek Zabierek I love my mom and dad thank you for everything:)
Poppy Hops Rabbitry Well I may have a job earning over 600 a week, yes! pay for all my bunny needs and my own haha
Chidi O Francis Good night....imean good evening....sorry,good morning.....Mmmm i think time is not important.....ijust want to say imiss you guys very much....good morning and how do yo do?
David Reinhardt Sticks an an stones ,may Break my bones, But Lies will hurt me , But baby Im crazyD lovin trees for free, It makes me so hazy i touch the sky, i the best thing in my book is to get high, that was a sick rap line.
Diandra Perkins doing this homework .. learning not to give a fuck ... that 80/20 is a motherfucker ... smh yo i see the signs why the fuck aren't I listening.
Paula Scott Say this slow "God I need you and love you" and now you meant it..... Repost & a miracle will happen and if you ignore It will go wrong
Denis Berbatov Godia i wish sm people were dead so that i me n you can go to paradise
Scott Wilson I still have a man-crush on The Oatmeal.
Salley Brown '''''God i thank u for ur love with no end ,,,,,,Good morning friends have a wonderful day......
Laprecia' Thompson i was told by some tweety birds that some ppl took offense to my stat earlier lmao... Anyways im not even going to play tic for tat because not only am i above and beyond drama im bigger than that so this is to all who was offended this is not an apologie because i dnt do those its jst simply saying my stat wasnt directed towards nobody nor was i talking about anyone it was jst a random thought so with that being said in the future if i have the need to say something directing to someone i would jst tell u and not post it on fb!!!!!!
Kadin Yeates I got "The letter S !" on the Who loves you ? ♥ quiz! http://apps.facebook.com/qbquiz-cgpcq/?ref=asp
BabyDai Phoenix Wtf!! I have been stood up twice in 1 day and canceled on 4 times this week.
Paul Suh I would like to dedicate this song to my fellow partners in suffering in the FAR dungeon.
Verse 1
Hey bro. I can definitely hear the music from your headphones,
I'm so distracted that I'm just playing with my funny bone
I can tell that nobody even wants to be here
Frustration. Blood, sweat and bitter tearssss
...to be continued.
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