Binod Grg One political group has introduced a new rule...Good looking people should be thrown out of country!!! U r safe..oh! No where should I Hide???
Brooke Shiann Seal in a good mood =)
Sahil Gulati True Love Is When A Boy Ask The Girl For A Kiss,
And Girl Simply Close Her Eyes And Allow The Boy For A Kiss ...
But The Boy Kisses On The Forehead And Says: I Have A Whole Life To Do That ...
Jada MB Heyyyy, if we give a little maybe we can change the world. Lemme see you put your hearts up. -Ariana Grande <3
Buy "Put Your Hearts Up" on iTunes!!! <3
Selection from "Christmas Memories" Instrumental CD by Doyle Tucker
Fernando Reyes its christmas in hollywood santas back up in da hood ,So meet me under da miseltoe letz F*** haukka in ingelwood the draldes are spinning in da hood so meet me by the mannura lets get drunk..just a story about last christmas ..about some kids with lotz of wishes we gave some gifts and we gave some lovin the weird kinda love u give to ur kouzin lil jimmy stole from seven eleven we stoped by his house with a pair of sevens we drank in his foom with a dude named kevin but there was some bad kids who deserved some peresents.. zack got cought with a bottle of jack so we went down his cheny with an 18-pack!!
Ozzy Quintana Soooo, earlier did my 1st wheelie by a group of girls aaaaand now my bike won't turn on :O
Andy Tuck After deciding to enter the Hopwood Writing Contest, I decided to do a little bit of research on its namesake, Avery Hopwood. According to Wikipedia, "personal troubles related to his homosexuality and his inability to break from the formula writing that made him a success led to his early death at age 46."
Danielle Blakeslee-Wilson Was having such a good day till 3pm and turned horrible
Idara-obong Udosen Let's creat a room in our heart 4 Jesus. He's a cooling factor even in d mist of fire.
Laura McArmstrong Over Kurt. Anyone want a girlfriend. I don't like assholes or people that can't say nice things. Or people that put you down every night before you are gonna go somewhere. So don't take me out for dinner but rip the shit out of me before we go so that I feel terrible and then when I get upset because of your nastiness take the piss out of me by playing a song about me looking wonderful when u just made fun if me and said I look ahit and that you "had an image of what I was gonna loo like" but it turned out you were disappointed. Love it
Chambles Barnikov I think this song is a real triumph.
Music Produced by Jack Ladder & Burke Reid Performed by Jack Ladder & The Dreamlanders Spunk 2011 Video Directed by Steve Rogers Produced by Revolver Starrin...
Carl Brown Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Fries - carl
carl - carl
Fries - carl O_o
carl - carl
Brianne O'Mara Worked 3 straight weeks without a day off! What was I thinking?? Seriously happy to have 36 hours of R&R :)
Teanna Byerts Now, for the good news: Hugo is: awesome, gorgeous, intelligent, rife with great stars, Howard Shore score, Christopher Lee, two great kid actors (one looks a bit like a very young Elijah Wood, gorgeous eyes and all), Sasha Baron Cohen in a seriously funny role, steampunk, movies, the importance of storytelling... and Jude Law.
Cody Ceece-Leo Penny I GOT 99 PROBLEMS AND A B---H AINT 1!!!!!
Kieana Duhh $$; IThinkk Diss Smoov .(Money On My Mindd All The Timee Likee A Rime) "That Gett Off LowKey :)
Josepher Edward “A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose—a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve.” —John Maxwell
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"
Haley Smith I just want to be happy for a moment.
Muhammad Fahmi Now I'm here. I'm a freakin' jumper.
MzPretti Cheekz Does a persons left arm really have to go numb or have shooting pains for someone to have a heart attack??? Can they just have the shooting pains in there left side of the upper chest area???
Avnish Sharma Do u know whats A B C D E F G?
A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl
Now reverse da order, can u guess the full form of: G F E D C B A ?
Girls Forgets Everything Done & Catches(new) Boy Again.
Katie Dudlek This time a year ago I was at the hospital waiting for the most beautiful twins I ever seen to be born my God babies .. but r baby Adam could not be here today, because as we know God sends us angles to touch r hearts in a special way, but his angles r not ment 2 stay so he called him bck home 2 play. N ava bean kept growing smart ,healthy, n more beautiful with each day. her brother is now r angle baby n her guarding angle he now watchs over her n smiles as she plays. Today they r one n have 1 of the strongest n best moms a kid could ask for n I know she will guide ava through her life n show her the way... So happy 1st birthday 2 ava bean aunt katie loves u n happy 1st birthday Adam r angle baby R.I.P aunt katie loves n misses you xoxox
Mncedisi Incence Mlotshwa Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.
Anthony Prime Time Billingsley "You'd get plenty of pussy if u had a monkey". Lol!!! I love my sister and her crazy quotes. (=
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