Tshego Mini-babe Onewang Mrnin fb frnds.ga kea tsoga sentle tlhe,ke tswile pimple mo nkong nd kea botudi hela.. I hope nuthin bad shall happen. Almighty God pls b wit me nd my family nd nt forgtin all my frnds.
Brianika Matthews I hate a messy ass person every time somebody talking Bout something negative, they just gotta comment and put they two sense in!! Get a life and grow up!!! Laaawwwwddddyyyy(in my friend voice)
Uchennaya Ejiofor MY PPLE NO DEY LAZY AT ALL!!!!!
Angel Gabriel came to the Lord and said 'I have to talk to U We
have some Nigerians up here in heaven nd they are causing problems.
They're swinging on the pearly gates, my horn is already missing,they are
... wearing D&G instead of their white robes, they're riding bikes instead of the chariots, and they're selling their halos to people for discount prices.
They refuse to keep the stairway to Heaven
clear, since they keep crouching down midway eating sunflower and
watermelon seeds and smoking water pipe. Some of them are walking
around with just one wing!'
The Lord said, 'Nigerians are Nigerians. Heaven is home to all my children. If you want to know about real problems, call the devil.'
The Devil answered the phone, 'Hello? hold on a minute.' The Devil
returned to the phone, 'OK I'm back. What can I do for you?'
Gabriel replied, 'I just wanted to know what kind of problems you're
having down there.'
The Devil said, 'Hold on again. I need to check on something.'
After about 5 minutes the Devil returned to the phone and said,
'I'm back. Now what was the question?' Gabriel said, 'What kind of
problems are you having down there?' The Devil said, 'Man I don't believe
this.......Hold on.'
This time the Devil was gone for 15 minutes. The Devil returned and said,
'I'm sorry Gabriel, I can't talk right now. Those Nigerians have put
out the fire and are trying to install air conditioners....
Paul Ammons Tomarrow will be the two month anniversey of "Phia's" passing and it feel's like she has gone to the store .I can only say I Fight this fight day by day. It is But by Christ am I even able to fight this fight . HE strenghtens me every day He is The only way I are my Family has gottan this far.. I would like to thank all of those whom has givien monatary and Emotional support and a very Heart felt GOD Bless and THANK YOU ALL for Your prayers!!!Love to all and We hope and Pray You All have a Very merry Christmas .GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU LOVE PAUL DAVD ,JILL,SARAH AMMONS
Byron Colquhoun Its the last day of work for a lot of peeps. I hope to see you all at gecko bar for a mother f"!-(er of a year end party.
Arlene Jane Olivo "im wishing that one day you'll miss me terribly that no matter how hard you look for me, you would not find me....why? because i want you to miss me the way i'm missing you" :(
Luckyy Seven Im Single Because I can't find that one person who will love me for ME. That one person I can be myself with.
Raine Waters Not dealing...early dinner then curl up in bed and watch movies i think!
Kendra Ahazhoni First thing kayden says when he see's me; "Maaaam!" I missed him and being called mom, now he's calling me mom every second and giving me tons of kisses :) #I LOVE YOU KAYDEN JAMES
Ally Marchand Am I the only one that finds either a kiwi or a banana peel in their bed after their siblings eat fruit?
Amber Verville I am confused...
Rollie Dowden when i die... everything will change..
Marnisha Hello lOl ' LMS ;(IF YOU WOKE ) And Im A Tell You Something ., Even If I DONT Like You ! Or Know YOU !
Ricky Williams I find it hard to fall asleep when I'm alone. Which means its been a long time since its been easy to sleep..nbd
Patrick J Reyes Can I please get your opinions on this Track? Like it, hate it? I would love to hear your comments on it! :)
i never thought love music video a very beautiful music video.. that we can share to our love one's.. specially my love one..'I NEVER THOUGHT THAT I COULD LOVE'
Jerry Gomez LMS: For A Goodnight Postt and If I Luv Yhuhh Yhuhh Get a Heart
Sanelisiwe Matsie Tsirie Lugomo Ithin nale umntu aske athi "I MC U Lyk Hell" angath "I MC U LYK HEAVEN"*ebideke nyan*
Brian D. Ross Its a shame we dont talk..fuck it tho i still love her regardless :/
Chris Vusi Mashile Gud morning guys 2day I wake up feeling chrismas fever 4de 1st tym
At Shakar That last check the sad post I dare you can watch this .
click here to see dad post and emma sucide letter , you will really be shocked.. :P
Kacey Atreyu Lee RunningBear im really fucking hungry and someones frying burgers down stairs...i mean ummm..pikachu? o.o
Tonya Renee' Sitzlar ~YAY!!! I have officially started my Christmas shopping!!! 2.25 people down, 7.75 people + 2 furbabies to go. : )
Ashleigh Cruse Okay i go to work with my mum for two days and i miss all this shit woooow! Just reading all of this gave me a headache.
Ukaigwe Kingsley Baba God i tnx u 4 2day
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