Samanthajo Ann Stufflebean If u have ran from problems or issues (Like me) most of r u life up till few years ago and u just ran from issue cuz ur scared but now ur stuck in a waybigger issue/problem and u know if u run and this could change ur life for the better but u know what a very high chance of loosing someone GREATLY closeto ur heart (which is the reason ur runnin in the first place ^) would u run(keep in mind in will change ur life for the better) cuz if u stayed u could loose 2 ppl close to ur heart???
Babatunde Olufowobi Olusanya Yara gboro,lora fesi,tori iran aro o mola ti enu apd ni won fe gbo.tori ile aye tia wa eko ni a wako.
Ryan D. Smith Damn all these chicks i see on facebook are shaving the side of the heads! Looks sexy but if you wanted a fade come holla @ yo boy.. Lol jk
Bryon Flamig if anyone is up for a black or white pokemon battle. i say bring it! my hydreigon will crunch up anything you toss at it so to all my friends who play pokemon add my friend code (trainer name is my name)
White fc:1979 0176 7565
Black fc: 3997 7926 5293
Marcos Ordonez Mmmmmm tu me encenastes a kerert y encename olvidart haha shit
Habeeb Olatunde 1 favor 4rm Baba God is beta dan a liftime of labor.Hardwork is gud bt favor is beta.May God's favor com our way 2day nd 4eva.(((AMIN)))
Paul Johnson my son logan called me kinda crying..he said gand ma (choy) crossed everything off his christmas i said what was on it..he said, kindle..go kart..iphone ..lap top.etc..i said, logan i wud too cuz all ur gifts on that list r expensive lol i said..logan, what happen to skate gun..a game..something cheap lol..he loled after i said that..mmmm miss them :)
Charlette Evans Its always feels good when u get a unexpected visit from God :) for some reason this has been happening alot. Hmmm he's telling me something. #listeningtoyou
Alma Watts Thanks everyone Mack will realy be missed by everyone I miss him alot but I know he is in a better place and has no more pain and is with his little dog odie he loved so much .
Elo Ogezo There is no Reason 2 Fear abt d Unknown, becos God has not given Us a Spirit of timidity. But a Spirit of Power & of Self Discipline.
Summer Shelby ready for a change.
Nilesh Panhale Take chances. Take a lot of them. Because honestly, no matter where you end up and with who, it always ends up the way it should be.
Your mistakes make you who you are.
You learn and grow with each choice you make.
Say how you feel, always be you, and be okay with it. :)
Kayla Moryoussef ♫ lowered expectations ♫
"you know it's a good day when you don't light your cigarette on the wrong end"
Skip WolfLeg Heh heh geez my daughter's a lil meanie, I was telling a story I mentioned one of my friends and she interrupts and says"...What you talking about Dad you don't have any friends!" geez what a burn!
Himonjyoti Deka 2Day while being robbed, a man heroically chased down d robber nd got my wallet back. He then looked at d distance betn us, turned d other way, nd ran off wid it....sigh!!
Souvik Chakraborty Hey you perverts! Stop clicking on that boob slip video! Its a spam...stop it...plz...
Megan Bostick Got a new number so inbox me if you want it:)
Teresita Rivera Tabora lost my connection again, two days in a row. hmmmph
Holuwargbortemmy Juan-Mata Ezekiel A new day has come.
Rekha Dhiman Q: Sometimes I feel bored with seva, satsang and knowledge. Is something wrong with me and am I on the path?
Sri Sri: You know there are 9 obstacles in the path of Yoga. I have already spoken about it in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras. Vyadhi, Styana, Samsaya, Pramada, Alasya, Avirati, Bhranti Darsana, Alabdha bhumikatva and Anavasthitattva. These are the nine obstacles. Physical disease, mental inertia, doubts coming to your mind about the path; and then not attaining any state, not having any interest in anything.
These are all momentary obstacles that come to any yogi. But when you continue with one pointed devotion you can overcome all these obstacles. It is not a big deal, they come and they go. Many of you have had this problem, sometimes you don’t feel like meditating and afterwards suddenly your meditation became deep. Or sometimes so many doubts come to your mind and then suddenly one day they all disappeared.
Anand Babu misunderstandings about vama marga
If we study the texts of Tantra we find that Shakti is the source of creation and Shiva is the medium. Shiva is never considered to be the creator. One of the greatest spiritual scholars of India, Adi Shankaracharya has written in the very first line of his famous text that without Shakti, Shiva cannot create. This is why the science of Tantra has considered the confluence of man and woman to be very sacred.
Because there exist so many cultures in the world the relationship between a man and a woman has been viewed from different perspectives. But in India the confluence of a man and a woman has been considered as the basis of spiritual development. In Tantra a woman is always depicted as seated on the left hand side of a man. During a marriage ceremony a woman sits on the right hand side of a man but after marriage she sits on the left hand side. This is why a wife is called Vaamaa. In Sanskrit Vaam means left. The Ida nerve related to activation of the Kundalini is also called Vaamaa.
In the western countries there exists misconception regarding the Vaam Maarg or the left path in Tantra. There it is called Vaam Tantra which is a completely wrong translation. If you read any text on Tantra you shall never find any term like Vaam Tantra. In Tantra, Vaam Maarg means the path of spiritual development. This can be done with one's wife also. Hence Vaam means wife and Maarg means path.
Anit Kundu A gracious word may smooth the way
Gaurav Chaurasia That last u wont believe! I dare you can watch this .
click here to see dad post and emma sucide letter , you will really be shocked.. :P
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