Stefan Hedbom Honest fact. Ok
This fact I know I am standing for as
long I exist here in the reality. OK
Hello to all.
My own web site is always all-free for all to see informing about some of my life, and also how I got to know about this honest fact about the reality that we all are part of. OK
All is and all will always be all-free
for all to see in my web-site at:
Good luck to all living correct for all of life.
My youtube 4 clips in a film with text, is
all-free to see at:
The reality.
Zea Serfontein I just wanna be a trust fund baby :(
Darlene Harrison Done with this windows s**t...shoulda bout a Mac when I could have, although more expensive, wouldn't be dealing with what I am now!
David Kim If you want to enjoy a movie, go alone.
Byanka Villarreal “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”
― Marilyn Monroe <3
Tazmae Hansen Rasmussen Last (half) day of work, then i am on holiday, off to Port Alfred this weekend with friends and my husband, looking forward to a good weekend, it has been a tough year!
Josh Forman A rather satisfying day overall! Yay :-)
Pretty Garlie Men..why do u find it hard wen u ex-wife brings another man into her life???..A man shot dead his ex-wife because he found her with another that logical?????
Matthew Mauldin I feel great to be clean. thats all i feel. i still feel separated from my frather, mother, sister, and brothers. I know i have been screwing up most of my life. I would like for yall to at least aknowledge the positive changes in my life. Me staying clean for over a year. I feel alone sometimes and feel that my life doesnt matter anymore. I was always in the way. I would like for lindsay,kathy,lori,jace,chris,niki,jimmy,daddy,keith,lisa,grandma,grandmother,mom, ashley,mark,garion,leah. please forgive me for all the childish and irresonsible things that I have done i all my life I never meant to hurt any of you. I am asking for your forgivness. If not them i would like to ask why. I will do anything for yall forgiveness.
Thankyou for you time and have a merry christman.
Nadia Sanchez Vamos a hacer tamales para vender este fin de semana ... quien dice YO QUIERO! ... a $10 la docena.
Tyler Keith Dammerman BUAHAHAHAHA SOMEONE JUST ASKED ME AT THE BAR "How Do You Get So Big Without Steroids" I STRAIGHT UP TOLD THEM ALL I USE IS THE SHAKE WEIGHT AND THEY BOUGHT IT...He Turned Around To His Wife And Goes "Honey, I Want A Shake Weight For Christmas" HAHAHA Im Crying From Laughing So Hard.. Dumb I Know, But Funny As S&%T....
Colton Keeler take a piece of paper and put marijuana on top there you have it peace on earth
Kaitlynn McGowen yea heard from him and it was to get his friends phone num cuz he wrecked his car. there was no "hey how is our baby", "hey when is the next appointment", or just a simple hello. nice to know im useful for somethin i guess.... whatever have fun with ur life.
Raja Akbardar Kashmir Srinagar, Dec 14 (KNS): State Congress president and MP, Prof Saifuddin Soz today made a special attention about Urdu language in the Parliament. “The promotion of Urdu needs attention at the highest level in Government of India,” Soz said in Rajya Sabha today. He also said that on the basis of its (Urdu’s) contribution to the freedom struggle and promotion of Hindu-Muslim unity, it should since have been declared as second official language in the country after Hindi.
Curtis Beaudry Anybody want a Tangerine beer? I'm trying to find someone to drink them with...
John Williams Hill I had a small case of dumping!! Not fun!!! I will be more careful for now on!!!!
Red Bamboo Shoot The MD is down with some fears
don't expect him to do anything for the next few hour
havin his foot massage and taking a nap
Kenny Erythang Polo Brown Don't chase the paper chase the dream...we can't change the world to we change ourselves biggie small...what don't break a nigga make a nigga...notorious
Anthony Chang has uploaded a photo to Flickr
Press L to view larger and on black! So another cliche photo for today since... Well I've been lacking motivation recently. I don't know why but I've been really slacking this month, must be because my 365 is almost over. So yea I feel like I've really hit a photographers block right now I don't ev...
Hardeymorlah Torhyb Hardeyshorlah If you need a lesson,death will
teach you re go dey serve my God o,U NKO?
Esan Kennie Paul Hurray! my Nokia E5 is One today.I'm inviting ALL fones to d ''bought day'' party of my Nokia E5 fone,as she clocks a yr older today, at Iya Sadia canteen by 5pm today..After party is at Udeme bar,both on 5,Jeun ko oku avenue, Symbian Estate, GSM village,Ikeja, Lagos...Pls note: All fones r invited,except China fones, b it single, double or multiple sims!
Sridhar Ps Thanks a lot guyz............................
Francisco Cortes Time to sleep.. Goodnight everyone.. Hope every one haved a good night
Enrique Preciado I just ran over a dog stupid dog got on my way lol
Susan Salisbury Bikers are not perfect, but they are brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents and maybe even your neighbor, who just want to return home safely after a day of riding. They pay taxes, require a special classification on their license and deserve their share of the road. Just because they wear leather, have beards, long hair, tattoos, like motorcycles, they are, believe it or not, still some of the BEST of human beings and some of my BEST FRIENDS!!! Re-post if you ride or just agree..!!! Hugs
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