Daphney Rabothata u make me a bliva n make trust again,i bliv in u.*singin n excited*
Howie D Howard Do u ever wonder?
Kazuhiro Suzuki さて、軽く夕食? 呑みまする~~(・´з`・)ノU
Iceyy Ac i hate suger Coding then u gatta put Sprinkles on that cake N its a "wrap" it up lol but u gatta do what u gatta do
Mervyn Mpho Malebe why is it when you're on holiday, parents c it as an opportunity to make u work. It totaly defeats the purpose of 'holiday'
Ramjuma Asiri jenefier muzta n u jn miz u mwaaah tgc
Camp Emunah looking forward to greeting u all in camp Emunah 2012!!!! stay tuned for more info later this month!!!!!!!!!!
Dolores Watkins feeling great ...starting early..ending late.....GO STEELERS... u no...have a grrrrreeeeaaat day.....
Amy Shriver Burell Seans sitting on the couch in his big boy undies....u can bet im watching him like a hawk lol
Kapila Safaya Enjyngggg....., dese days, misng u di cum soon
Aaron Thomas Things I've wanted without even knowing I was offending GOD. Wanting these things weren't bad, it was the reason I wanted them that was the problem. (me) I want a Relationship, a special some1 that would have my back.(GOD) What do mean I have ur back? (me) A great career, so that I would be able 2 take care of myself and my family and I won't need any1's help. (GOD) U only have the career B/C I opened the door! (me) A nice car, why not, I deserve it, I work hard, and it will show that chilling. (GOD) deserve? It's my favor upon ur life, R U telling me the ppl at the bus stop don't deserve a car also? (me) Can't forget clothes that really shows the ppl that not only am I doing well, but I also dress nice which makes me a good catch lol. (GOD) I put food on ur table and clothes on ur back! Often times when I get N2 that mode of wanted these things to represent who I am that GOD is saying 2 me, I see ur back on that kick it again huh? John chapter 15 verse 4 Remain in me as I also remain in U. No branch can bear fruit by itself. It must remain in the vine. Neither can U bear fruit unless U remain in ME! All these things I seeked, and without knowing, was seeking meaning in them. The WORD 4 today is IDOLATRY. It means 2 seek meaning in something or some1 other than GOD.
Jorge Damian Bazan Tgiffffff!!!!
Lms if u agree!!!
Jummy Abosede Self-decision on who 2 marry may b too detrimental to d destiny of a man.Give it 2 God-ur father who knws d best,let Him make d choice 4 u nd it shall b well wit u.
Rc R Dot Creekmur #GM World Ri$e & Grind!! Woke up feelin good 2day... & I'm gonna keep this vibe goin so if u bringin any negativity to the table #KeepItMovin! #610Movement!
R Dot Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos by R Dot at ReverbNation
Arfan Ashrath Try your name in Japanese,, , Its really funny, ) A= ka, B= tu, C= mi, D= te, E= ku, F= lu, g= ji, H= ri, I= ki, J= zu, K= me, L= ta, M= rin, N= to, O= mo, P= no, Q= ke, R= shi, S= ari, T= chi, U= do, V= ru, W= mei, X= na, Y= fu, Z= zi, nd do share your name, by commenting
Akhilesh Kashyap Missing U could turn from pain to pleasure,
If I only knew U were missing me to................
Tamara Cook Ur so amazing, so amazing..i miss my bby faith..mama loves u..bby I love u to..no matter where u r ur in my heart..i love u..ur awsome..
Michael Golden i was thinkin fbf its good to stack paper but when u leave this earth u cant take it with u and then what are your children to do that u left behind the answer is get it in order life insurance....u see im street smart and book smart true story....the money u stackin is no good if nobody knows where it is to take care of your kids but that life insurance will be just a call away think about that fbf....
Lang Suyr okla ya......kengkawan yg tersayang sekalian.....langsuyr mngundurkn dirinya dulula ya........sbb ada urusan dgn ahli2 majlis di luar sana k......i luv all of u.........:P
Kutti Mani nice information
Do u know???
Hashim Amla does not wear a Castle logo (A beer compan...y) on his cricket shirt. He did not pocket a cent from his match fee beacuse of that. Amla said, "Promoting beer & liquor is against the teachings of Islam." and so he became the first player to be the exception. Later he was granted permission by South African Breweries and Cricket South Africa not to wear the Castle logos on his clothing.
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Sadia Habib Vo mo`aziz Thy zamanY mai Musalman hO kR,
Or hM KhwaR Hoe TaRek E QuRan ho kR....!!
World Biggest QUR'AN♥
Masha'ALLAH! HIT Like n Share
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Donna Bryant good morning to my fb family. first i would like to thank you for ur support during my cyber stalking by dreamalia parris and her sisters, dumb, dumber and dumbest. dreamalia you say you dont know what i got that makes him act this way......i got his heart.......the one you say hes never had. you say he never treated u the way he treats me......then hes never loved you the way he loves me. you say u dont want him....then leave he and i alone. kristy you say ur protective of maddie....if u were that protective no one would hold her. its an excuse to pick and choose who sees the baby. all i can tell you is that ur dad loves you and maddie very much. i see it in his eyes and i feel it in his heart. you say you can wait me out....do u really want to wait that long? u two got pissed because of the wide ass post....well get over it. i didnt have to call u names, make up bullshit lies or spead rumors....thats because the truth cuts to the bone. you know why the dumb shit u write and spread around dont bother or hurt me in anyway? because they are nothing but lies and made up stories from dreamalia parris's la la land. and i know you love to drag ur kids into ur drama but leave my kids and my family alone. they dont want to hear ur stupid shit. and please stop being such an bitch to andy and randy. i can see they love you why cant you? you are their mother....they will always love you. oh and another thing. i went back to look at ur spelling and according to ur sister georgia cox u need to get urself a black man.
Dentrell Williams Wake u to get my cake up
Alexander Downs Fuck dis I'm fucking sick of fucking lies how bout u tell ur bf about bub yeah our kid
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