Tahir Mughal As Salam O Alikum mera message un larko kay liya hai jinhoon nain sub engineer kay liya app di thi local government main wo due to some addministrative matter kuch dion ka liya stopped ho gai hai
Summer Khan MujhEy Mat Dhoond Zameen - O - Aasma Ki Gardish Main.......!!!
Agr Tere Dil Main Nahi Hoon To Phir...
Kahin Bhi Nahin........!!!
Thaís Regina "Não faças do amanhã o sinónimo de nunca, nem o ontem te seja o mesmo que nunca mais. Teus passos ficaram. Olhes para trás mas vá em frente pois há muitos que precisam que chegues para poderem seguir-te." =)
Mk Marang Moseki-Dibona Bananyana ba lobsec tlhe ga lo na botho. Go na le motho mo fb hela o tlhwahetse o ipitsa "Raspatela wa Lobsec". Ga ke batle mo go raspatela.
└► Cristian Jorge Paredes No existe evidencia de la "hipótesis" sobre las causas de la ventaja de ser el equipo que juega como local. Es probable que el apoyo de los aficionados sea un factor importante pero no se ha establecido el modo preciso en el cual el ser local produce una ventaja. Hay evidencia de que el ruido que producen los aficionados del equipo que juega como local sea una causa de la parcialidad del árbitro, aunque actualemente los aficionados resultan ser bastante parejos en ciertas condiciones. Los efectos del tener que viajar no parecen ser grandes. La familiaridad con las condiciones locales parece admisible, pero son difíciles de establecer, como lo son otros factores sicológicos. Los esquemas se rompen muy facilmente ya que cualquier equipo puede ganar. Finalmente el hecho de ser visita o local, resulta ser un mito deportivo mas que una realidad concreta.....
Malicks Slotah Shongwe Warm o cold ngiyakhona!! Gconyonyonyonyo *short_left*
Chinaecherem Charles Iroanya Alphabet of Happiness...
Accept others for who they are and for the choices they've made even if you have difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions.
B--Break Away
Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish with your life.
Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and happiness with.
Decide that you'll be successful and happy come what may, and good things will find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way.
Explore and experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give. And every time you try something new, you'll learn more about yourself.
Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes.
Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your way.
Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain dedicated to the task.
Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and remember your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds.
Journey to new worlds, new possibilities, by remaining open-minded. Try to learn something new every day, and you'll grow.
Know that no matter how bad things seem, they'll always get better. The warmth of spring always follows the harshest winter.
Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there's room for nothing else, but when love is in your heart, there's room for endless happiness.
Manage your time and your expenses wisely, and you'll suffer less stress and worry. Then you'll be able to focus on the important things in life.
Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding.
Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there's still much to be thankful for.
Never forget to have fun along the way. Success means nothing without happiness.
Ask many questions, because you're here to learn.
Refuse to let worry and stress rule your life, and remember that things always have a way of working out in the end.
Share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. Everything that you invest in others will return to you many times over.
Even when your dreams seem impossible to reach, try anyway. You'll be amazed by what you can accomplish.
Use your gifts to your best ability. Talent that's wasted has no value. Talent that's used will bring unexpected rewards.
Value the friends and family members who've supported and encouraged you, and be there for them as well.
Work hard every day to be the best person you can be, but never feel guilty if you fall short of your goals. Every sunrise offers a second chance.
Look deep inside the hearts of those around you and you'll see the goodness and beauty within.
Yield to commitment. If you stay on track and remain dedicated, you'll find success at the end of the road.
Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rears its ugly head. Let nothing interfere with your goals. Instead, focus on your abilities, your dreams, and a brighter tomorrow.
ZoeLee Mrmrsreed is having a fuming at DD's school moment . :o( not convinced my baby is being looked after
Luis Guilherme Andrade “O passado fugiu; o que esperas está ausente, mas, o presente te pertence, cuida dele com amor e respeito ao teu próximo”.
(Autoria: Provérbio árabe)
Victor Serrano 9/2/11 sill going on o love her
Rafael Rodrigues Continuando o Facebook rock friday: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrdpliMfoAM
Lyrics Oh - stop With your feet in the air and your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse But there's nothing in it And...
Joyce Faustino Entaum,o q ms posso querer,tenho um filho abençoado e um esposo q me ama...rs
Ebony Hughes Thanx 4 all the bday s/o for my princess! Join us SUNDAY @5 for the party! Remnant Community Church! Don't be late! Ya in for a mighty treat!! :-)
True-power Lies-within Technology has picked up because the people have started to wake up.They dont want us o wake up,because they need us to be dumb,deaf and blind.I say lets bring them the dissapointment of their lives...
Kiat Lau Haiz~ Gonna go to KK for kokum at 7am~ Oh well~ Might as well skip my bed for assignments~:P~ Do not learn from me ya~ Copy Rights o!!!
Nelson Barbosa Leis de Murphy aplicadas à engenharia
O cumprimento dos prazos de execução é inversamente proporcional à rigidez do organograma.
Todo ferro cortado no tamanho indicado será curto demais.
Em qualquer cálculo, o erro será sempre no sentido do maior desastre ou prejuízo.
Em qualquer fórmula, as constantes devem ser consideradas variáveis.
Se mais de uma pessoa é responsável por um erro de cálculo, nenhuma o é.
Tsantiri Gr Από όλους τους αντιπάλους που αντιμετωπίσαμε ο Έλληνας στρατιώτης πολέμησε με ύψιστο ηρωϊσμό» είχε ομολογήσει ο Χίτλερ για τους ‘Ελληνες, όπως κι άλλα πολλά. Aξίζει να δεις το βίντεο
Από όλους τους αντιπάλους που αντιμετωπίσαμε ο Έλληνας στρατιώτης πολέμησε με ύψιστο ηρωϊσμό» είχε ομολογήσει ο Χίτλερ για τους
Tomas Jose Isabel Has any1 seem my socks? O wait I already put them on... Idiot ...
Prodigy Wiser E wa. Eyi temi ni oju iwe, se enii wa si pati mi ni ijo sude nii? eni ti o ba wa olorun gbo mi oni ba onitan wu sere mo. Olorun gbo.
Marcel Sales Campelo RT @ullannes Esse país está dividido em minorias que querem impor sua vontade à maioria. A política do PT é dividir o país em grupos conflitantes.
Vincy Nguyễn mình sợ... con " dế Mỹ " lắm :(((
mấy bạn ko biết... con " dế Mỹ " nó ghê như thế nào đâu....
nó ih chang.....
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CON GIÁN ở Việt Nam vậy =]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Ryder Davis XXX********XXX***********xxx OH O
Pavan Mazumdar This is a collection of leave letters and applications written by people
1. A leave letter:
"As I am suffering from my uncle's marriage I cannot attend the office...."
2. A candidate's application:
"This has reference to your advertisement calling for a 'typist And an accountant - Male or Female'... As I am both for the past Several years and I can handle both; I am applying for the post."
3. I.T.I., Lahore: An employee applied for leave as follows:
Since I have to go to my village to sell my land along with my wife. Please sanction me one-week leave.
4. Another employee applied for half day leave as follows:
"Since I've to go to the cremation ground at 10 o-clocks and I may not return, please grant me half day casual leave"
5. A leave letter:
"As I am working in this organization I am suffering from headache. I request you to leave me today"
6. An incident of a leave letter:
"I am suffering from fever, please declare one day holiday."
7. Another leave letter :
As my headache is paining, please grant me leave for the day.
8. A covering note:
"I am enclosed herewith..."
9. From H.A.L. Administration dept:
As my mother-in-law has expired and I am responsible for it, Please grant me 10 days leave.
10. Actual letter written for application of leave:
"My wife is suffering from sickness and as I am her only husband At home I may be granted leave".
11. Letter writing:
"I am in well here and hope you are also in the same well."
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