Bisiriyu Temitope Omo oko ni mi, mi o ki se omo ale rara 2 deos wy dey underrate mi won ni ara n ta won o n pe kata to sapa won lori pls dnt try mi bcus if try nonsnc god will punich u 4 doing dat
Tope Sanmi bintin laye,iku o mo body is young to die......why behaving as if we are the owner of our lifes
Thato Phuthego Ne bthon o kae ke sitwa jaana?eish...!kasne le ene o kgakal btho...
Rene Qing 只需要在家工作~利用空余的时间~增加第二份收入~适合上班族和大学生~
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Evora Justice-Zayfert Psalm 123 Unto thee I lift mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens. 2.Behold as the eyes of servants look unto the hands of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he have mercy upon us. 3.Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us; for we are exceedingly filled with contempt. 4.Our soul is exceedinngly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.
Leonardo Valle Agora Pai Jesuinho apóia o divórcio, né? (via Clara Cuevas)
Líderes religiosos pregam voto no
Bilal Qadri Lahore Assalm O Alaikum to all my friends: Aap sab se guzarish hey k mera aik pyara dost meri web ko renew kar raha hey plz dekh kar bataeye k ye kesi hey or is mein mazeed kya kya hona chaheye. Allah jalla shanuhoo aap sab ko Kabatullah or Roza e Rasool ki ba adab haziri naseeb farmae. Must watch
Karoline Penso hahauhauhauhauh ontem dei uma de fiona e axei meu prícipe do shreck O BONITOOO .. hauahuhauahuah que sabe sabe né ...foi engraçadoo

A Prayer for the Grace of Devotion
O Lord my God, You are all my good. And who am I that I should dare to speak to You? I am Your poorest and meanest servant, a vile worm, much more poor and contemptible than I know or dare to say. Yet remember me, Lord, because I am nothing, I have nothing, and I can do nothing. You alone are good, just, and holy. You can do all things, You give all things, You fill all things: only the sinner do You leave empty-handed. Remember Your tender mercies and fill my heart with Your grace, You Who will not allow Your works to be in vain. How can I bear this life of misery unless You comfort me with Your mercy and grace? Do not turn Your face from me. Do not delay Your visitation. Do not withdraw Your consolation, lest in Your sight my soul become as desert land. Teach me, Lord, to do Your will. Teach me to live worthily and humbly in Your sight, for You are my wisdom Who know me truly, and Who knew me even before the world was made and before I was born into it.
-Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380 – 25 July 1471), German Catholic monk

Cleude Mesquita e o melhor de tudo!E o melhor presente ele me deu a minha vida,por isso tenho q aproveitar o suficiente...para q o amanhã não vir as consequê dia...
Arfan Ashrath Try your name in Japanese,, , Its really funny, ) A= ka, B= tu, C= mi, D= te, E= ku, F= lu, g= ji, H= ri, I= ki, J= zu, K= me, L= ta, M= rin, N= to, O= mo, P= no, Q= ke, R= shi, S= ari, T= chi, U= do, V= ru, W= mei, X= na, Y= fu, Z= zi, nd do share your name, by commenting
Tsantiri Gr O Μenacius την Τετάρτη, όπως πληροφορεί η Πρωτοβουλία «Ένα Καράβι για τη Γάζα» ενώ «εξήλθε για να καλύψει τα γεγονότα στο πλαίσιο της δουλειάς πληροφόρησης της διαδικτυακής εναλλακτικής τηλεόρασης ΟΜΝΙΑ TV», συνελήφθη, με την κάμερα και το υλικό του να έχει κατασχεθεί και να του αποδίδονται οι εξωφρενικές κατηγορίες για διατάραξη κοινής ειρήνης, παράβαση του νόμου περί όπλων (για πέτρες) και συμμετοχή σε ομάδα που πετούσε μολότωφ καθώς και απόπειρα πρόκλησης σωματικών βλαβών».
Στις συγκεντρώσεις και διαμαρτυρίες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν την Τετάρτη 6 Δεκεμβρίου, για την επέτειο της δολοφονίας του Αλέξανδρου Γρηγορόπουλου

Alejandro Diaz En esta vida todo tiene un proposito sea pro o un contra aveses uno tiene q dejar q las cosas fluyan y siempre estar observando todo pero almismo tiempo hacerse el loko el q n seda d cuenta d las cosas hasta esperar el momento indicado para actuar buenos dia facebook hoy pensativo
Vild Cruz Deixa o Povo Fala o povo fala e nois namora
Rafael Vedra Nossaaa Vice até no Face!!!
Esse ano o Vasco teve um AVC = Adora um Vice Campeonato!!!
vcs conhecem o CLUB DA SODA?? composto pelo Marcos Efe e o Nando Feitosa , eles tocam mta musica mas só bebem soda!!!
Marcao , posso entrar nesse seleto clubinho?
乐嘉送给女生的话: (1)一个女人 如果第一眼 就让男人想到性,那么她是很失败的.. (2)当你从床上下来那一刻,你在他心中就开始贬值了.. 如果你把一切都给了现在的男友,那 ...
Cleyton Leon É rapaz o medico mim deixou no ar a gobira sumil e a tinta n saiu !!!!!
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