Kushaldheeraj Dandamudi MS DHONI : Most of the people said tht some would break the record of paji(sachin),but i knew tht only one person can break the record nd the modern era legend proved it well done viruu pa....
Sanjin Tubić fadila a.k.a FAKI :D
i ona sad, još zbunjena od šoka svoga reče tad..
One song from our concert in Zagreb.
Euneel Jorixx Rootsdiscpile Eish bana..am exhausted, sowy if i cncld mst links today/nyt..jus need to rest
Daniel Thomas "Ask Osama Bin Laden...or what's left of him...whether I engage in appeasement" - Barack Obama. #chocolatecake
Ana Neri Nice weather for a run too bad I have work
Jonathan Messer Its cold and i feel like crap :-|
Connie Rawson Rouse I have been struggling with some different stomach problems than usual. I am praying that it will straighten itself out by Christmas. Yes, that would be the best gift I could receive - good health.
"Why isn't chocolate considered a vegetable when it comes from the cocoa bean and all beans are vegetables?" - unknown author
Caroline D. Heriford Cramer Found the cat is was in garage and I call and call her. Tina the cat is a bad girl!!!!
Crystal Cox Ready or not here I come you can nt hide I m going to find you and take it slowly
Gizzy Justdntgivafucc These niggas so emotional can't keep their feelins n control all they do is mug me everytime I hit the trap..damn giz y u do tht....
Jesse Buss if u dont meet me halfway I'll turn around.if I text u text me the next time if not I'll turn around.
Clarissa Hall Payed my bills now fina sleep all day with my baby daddy i guess
Jessica Ponce Todays is my day off!! It sucks I started off bad when Miss Pearl called me to open the office cause she forgot her key!!! Lol funny but true. Mind you at 4 am when me and my honey are cuddleing cause im used to waking up early!!lol fucking Perla ... Then I get there and another person that has the key gets there too.!!next time I will not pick up my phone I thought it was buissness needs.!! Jk I will never leave you ladies freezing like I was left one time till 6 am.!! Lol
Jessie Carole Fite I made parsley water in the microwave this morning. It was so easy, I don't know why I haven't done it this way before now. Snip up a bunch of parsley into my glass mixing bowl that has a handle and spout, and cover with distilled water. Nuke until it comes to a simmer. Don't overcook. Water should be pale green, not gray. Cover and let it steep for a few minutes. Fill the bowl with distilled water and refrigerate. This doesn't keep more than a couple of days so "Drink up!" A big bunch of parsley makes a gallon of water. A low carb way to bring your potassium up ;)
Innocent Sam I will make it
Kyra Lynn Turner I get to meet my mans ex when we go to pick up his stuff... FUN FUN just remember they don't call me karma for nothing.
Evan Wacikowski But I dont wanna go to work :(
Ng Cw I miss you badly
John Blessing Ok...had to work for awhile (WTF) but now im back!! Think I will go with " favorite song from HS"
Jason Tse Tow There's a hole and i try to fill it up...
Lyrics: There was a time when my world was filled with darkness, darkness, darkness And I stopped dreaming now I'm supposed to fill it up with something, som...
Aelliz Awale Hide my tears when I say ur name
The pain in my heart is still the same
I smile and seem carefree, but..........
There ‘s No one who misses u More than me :'( 3
Christopher Sullivan Come on cold weather! I need some ice!
Van Gallamaso http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr3lrxg-2mA&feature=share
i like how the hero description in dota is actually applied in this movie.. Dota storyline is very different to the campaign story of warcraft 3, different heroes apply. it would be better if more high profile heroes would appear such as windrunner or nevermore......, dk and omniknight as sentinel generals as well as chaos knight and or sandking for the scourge.. an EPIC movie! keep it up wodota!
http://www.wodota.com please like our official facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/OfficialWoDotA This is a REAL MOVIE about TerrorBlade directed by S...
Brandy Roman Emma is 2 weeks old today i cant believe shes been here tht long already Adan is going to school hes growing up so fast i love u Adan n Emma n of course my wounderful hubby u 3 r my world i love my family so much i couldnt be happier i love u guys with all my heart!!!!!
Colin Mark has anybody seen my disco stick?
. . . lets have sum fun this beat is sick,i wanna take a ride on yer disco stick! <3!
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