Friday, December 9, 2011

Im done with WORK 4 this yr bt no bonusEs I think I shld consider join private sector Anywy if I ws a married man I wld take my

Sxaba Mabulelo Faithful
Sxaba Mabulelo Faithful Im done with WORK 4 this yr bt no bonusEs, I think I shld consider join private sector.. Anywy if I ws a married man I wld take my wife 2 Mouritious 4holidayz *enqwena nje ke pho*
Brittney Howard
Brittney Howard Sick, but woke up to two baby kittens on my porch. They need a nice, warm home bc Vicki Laverty won't let me keep them :( *pathetic face
Alexis Bridges
Alexis Bridges Ugh... Not a good morning :-(
Chuck Barr
Chuck Barr Have a great Friday and weekend! 16 shopping days till Christmas! I take gift cards to Best Buy or Applebees ;-))
Cassie Brown
Cassie Brown It's a lovely msg to a lovely person, from a lovely friend on a lovely reason, at lovely time from a lovely mind, in a lovely style to say have a lovely night. Unknown quotes
Penny Larsen
Penny Larsen "Anger and Intolorance are the enemies of correct understanding" Mohmands Gandhi . It is an interesting fact that the laws of physics are the same throughout the universe but are manifested in a variety of ways. How like the human family this is, on the outside we can appear completely alien to each other and yet we bleed and hurt the same on the I learned that when I feel angry with someone else its because I feel hurt and I hold on to the hurt because I am trying to control others rather than understanding I can only change myself. I am going to let go of the hope of changing the past and make my future what I want it to be one step at a time.
Chelsea Bug
Chelsea Bug i'm deleting my facebook because -__- . ----> .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. ITS PRETTY FUNNY THAT YOU OPENED THIS BECAUSE ... in the next seven days you will: 1. Have someone fall in love with you 2. Find a $20.00 bill on the ground 3. Go out with the person you like :3 ... But first! You gotta repost this and see how many people you can scare ;) Like if you opened this:)
Desirea Miller
Desirea Miller To judge someone you don't have a clue about because of what you see on the outside. That's ridiculous! If everybody would stick to what they no best and leave others alone then me, you, and everybody else would be ok. Don't judge a person because of what you see because looks can be deceiving.
Akintomide Bolanle
Akintomide Bolanle If u are a Godly person u wil always attract people.
Glenn Fincher
Glenn Fincher Okay people, I worked on my dad's roof yesterday. I cannot use gloves when working with my, now I have tar and "filler" on my hands and fingers. IT WON"T COME OFF! I tried Goo b Gone, comet, dawn dish soap, gasoline and my hands look like I have a horrible disease. Oh, laugh all you want, but this is typical and now just thinking about it is making me laugh. I am NOT made to do the odd jobs in this world. Any suggestions???? (:
Bill Carswell
Bill Carswell Just have to pass this along.... I have so much going on in my life right now... I need a blessing and cant afford to not pay it forward... so here ya go... If you have taken a minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way.... If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. Can't hurt...I Still Believe in Miracles
Darwin Thomas
Darwin Thomas Gudmornin FB family wat we gone do 2day besides beingin thankful 4 wakein up everyone have a bless day
Jason Cunningham
Jason Cunningham Just drove past Obamas house in Hyde Park... The streets are barricaded on both sides with agents guarding the entrance. How bad I'd love to throw a hot flaming bag of mule shit on his front steps.
Charlotte Lane
Charlotte Lane Its time to vote for Gth3ee today. Just a few minutes of ur time to help seniors feel somd Love
Eric Roberts
Eric Roberts I need a haircut
Debra Wilson
Debra Wilson I just want to take a second out of my day to give God a Praise and tell him Thank You he is surely an AWESOME GOD! Thank You Lord Jesus! Amen. To all my Facebook friends .Have A Blessed Day!
Max Trudolubov
Max Trudolubov Если бы я мог что-то сделать чтобы циничный гебизм (с провокациями, деланием-одного-и-говорением-другого) как господствующая идеология ушел бы в историю, я бы вот это сделал
Kate Conley Chadwick
Kate Conley Chadwick I'm not a thinker, I'm a doer.
Roy Gibbons
Roy Gibbons Can I make a request ? Is anyone willing to post this and leave it on your status for 1 hour? It is Education Week, AUTISIM and ADHD awarness month and this is in honour of all those children who struggle everyday.
Nelly Gutierrez de Diaz
Nelly Gutierrez de Diaz Mi hija vestida de angelito Evelyn Diaz,hoy participara cantando en el concierto de navidad en la esc.te ves hermosa mami por algo te escogieron a ti de angel no cresss:)suerte ahi vamos a estar contigo tu papi,tu hermano Carlos Diaz yoooo por supuesto echandote porras TU PUEDES, TE QUEREMOS<3
Dan Estrada
Dan Estrada Just went to pick up my suit at the cleaners...and asked the old asian lady if the ones I dropped off can be ready on Monday? Her response with a smile: "does a one legged duck swim in a circle?" - that's one of my lines!
Ron Mansur
Ron Mansur Girls need to realize ♥ We guys don't care if you talk to other guys. We don't care if you're friends with other guys. But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off. It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls or texts you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned. Nothing is that important at 2am that it can't wait till the morning. Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/stunning, we freakin' mean it. Don't tell us we're wrong. We'll stop trying to convince you. The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence. Yeah, you can quote me. Don't be mad when we hold the door open. Take advantage of the mood I'm in. Let us pay for you ! Don't feel bad. We enjoy doing it. It's expected. Smile and say thank you. Kiss us when no one's watching. If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed. You don't have to get dressed up for us. If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of make-up you own. We like you for who you are and not what you are. Honestly, I think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's. Or my t-shirt and boxers, not all dolled up. Don't take everything we say seriously. Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it. Don't get angry easily. Stop using magazines/media as your bible. Don't talk about how hot Chris Brown, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in front of us. It's boring, and we don't care. You have girlfriends for that. Whatever happened to the word "handsome"/'beautiful"I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with "Hey handsome!" instead of "Hey baby/stud/cutie/sexy" or whatever else you can think of. On the other hand I'm not saying I wouldn't like it either. Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, don't wait for him to change! Ditch his sorry butt, disgrace to the male population, and find someone who will treat you with utter respect. Someone who will honor your morals. Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest. Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes. Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel. Someone who will stop what they're doing just to look you in the eyes and say I love you and actually mean it. Give the nice guys a chance. Guys repost this if you agree. Girls repost this if you think it's cute. Every guy who isn't a jerk will agree with this, so we hope that all the girls that read this will repost this. ADVICE: *Holding Hands* -Girls: If you want to hold his hand, gently bump into it a couple of times. *Movies* -Girls: During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder. -Guys: Lift her chin up and kiss her. *Loving each other* -Guys: When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too and mean it. *Laying below the stars* -Girls: When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heartbeat. -Guys: Whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers. By 12am tonight, your one true love will realize how much they want you if you forward this on. Guys forward this if you agree, girls forward this if you think it's cute. Girls, repost this as: Written by a guy ♥ Boys, repost this as: Girls need to realize ♥
Karley Cathleen Day
Karley Cathleen Day Happy birthday Devonta De'Vell Britt. I hope you have a good one. Glad Im getting to spend it with you. I love you!
Amy Gallagher
Amy Gallagher I wish I lived in California and was a Newpsie that could happily take out 100 grand and not have it be a big deal. And could marry Seth Cohen, of course ;)
Dhiyavasu Bhadauria
Dhiyavasu Bhadauria Tendulkar's kolaveri:P:P yo boys i am singing song century song 100th Century song why this century not happening di why this century not happening di rhythm correct why this century not happening di maintain this why this century not happening di Waiting since a June-u June-u June-u goin-u england-u india losing-u how-u how-u england-u white-u wash-u why this century not happening di why this century not happening di toe injury-u to me-u me-u had-u miss-u ODI's-u I-u I-u think-u think-u century in india-u why this century not happening di why this century not happening di maama shots revisoo kambli ko mat suno pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa pa pa paan sariya vaasi west indies ready ready 1 2 3 4 whaa wat a change over maama ok maama now home ground-u hath bat-u only english.. hand la bat out la ninties eyes-u full-aa tear-u empty stands-u crowd-u come-u shout my name-u Bishoo come-u Rampaul-u always get me out-u laxman-u dravid-u Dhoni-u Ashwin-u getting century now-u actually god i am-u i also want-u this song to get the century-u i dont have choice-u why this century not happening di why this century not happening di why this century not happening di why this century not happening di century song

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