Adeniran Kamalideen kolohun dakun sanu wa o baba loke dakun sanumi ..
Michelle Marie Thibodeaux God’s people in Judah had a problem. They doubted His willingness and power to redeem a people entrenched in apostasy and idolatry. “They said, ‘That is hopeless! So we will walk according to our own plans, and we will every one do the imagination of his evil heart’” (Jeremiah 18:12).
Judah had given up hope, thinking, “We’ve gone too far—and now there is no going back. We have left the Lord, mocked Him, cast Him aside, abused Him. We are so deep into our sins, it’s hopeless. Not even God can bring us back!”
After all my years in Christ, I still have to fight this kind of thinking. You may feel the same. Your husband may be an atheist, mean and godless. And you have convinced yourself, “All around me, people are getting saved but my husband is different. He is so hard!”
The Lord said to Judah, “Is my hand shortened at all that it cannot redeem?” (Isaiah 50:2).
To shorten means to “chop off.” God was saying, “Tell me, has the enemy chopped off My mighty arm? Have I lost My power to save? No! My mighty arm dried up the Red Sea. It clothed the heavens with blackness. It opened blind eyes! You have seen that I will save to the uttermost. Why do you think I have lost My power to redeem you?”
Beloved, when did God lose His power to save the vilest sinner on earth? When did He lose His willingness to deliver drug addicts, drunkards and prostitutes even when nobody was praying for them?
Would God somehow decide not to save your family members, for whom you have fasted and prayed faithfully? Absolutely not! We must cry out to Him in faith, “Oh, Lord, You can save Wall Street. You can deliver the sinner in New York. You can redeem any Muslim in any foreign land and you can save any member of my family. Your arm is not too short. You can save anybody!”
Don’t believe that His hand has been chopped off; instead, believe Him for the impossible! Get a vision of His love and mercy—of His mighty outstretched arm, all powerful to save!
We are to pray and be patient and He will gather in our loved ones, one at a time!
“‘Return, O backsliding children,’ says the Lord; ‘for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion’” (Jeremiah 3:14).
Mary Lou Reilly Munger Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirt within me.
Raghav Bansal Student life :o
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padhenge ......
Or jab exam aata hai to kehete hai " ab kya GHANTAA padhenge. :P
CLICK on "LIKE" if u Agreed
Abhishek Rastogi hm apke account me add kr rhe h
Jiska pin code h sirf apka pyar
Sophia Enriquez O no accidentally deleted all my photos on my phone not. Good. of them. :( no no.
Louis Wan 你是第一个,让我有着这样的感觉!很特别哦你……见到你我会不由自主地面红耳赤,很紧张,做事也乱了一团啊!
Loverboy Shäfäyät Räfzän Bol Toi Amai Searea Kothai Jabe,Bol Toi Amai Sara Keamnea robi,Tor Poran-e Amar Ai Mon Bandhease Shara Jebon,Torea Sara Bache Na,Ak Jebon-e Ektu Vul Hoteai Parea,Tai Bole Ke Apon Manus Rakbe Durea,Jasnarea Aivab-ea cholea,Ami Jasse Ai Poth Vulea,Bohudure Keo-to Janbea Na.:-|:-/:-O:-(
Muzna Adey Aross wacan o wanagsan ayan kurajeinaya nuria wil cano
Mogomotsi Goms Rabanyana o dira jang fao bua le mtho yoo sa motwaelang ana le dinkonko?
Mhay Anne Sanjuan Reyes -->>ano ang mas masarap na relasyon????
Daniel Fink
Fantástica a história do nosso imigrante coreano pioneiro em NH. Foi pra cidade certa, só escolheu o time errado. E não achava "Os Trapalhões" engraçado ^^. Vale a pena!
Matéria veiculada no telejornal Vale Mais.
Amaury Soto A Friend Son la 5:00 de la manana y no he dormido nada y pensando en ti como dice Lionel Richie en este video "HELLO" espero que te guste mi Reyna Bella.......................
He estado contigo en mi pensamiento
Y en mi suenos he besado tus labios mil veces................
Te veo pasar frente a mi puerta...
Hello.! Es a mi ha quien busca?Puedo verlo en tus ojos, puedo verlo en tu sonriza..........
Eres todo lo que yo siempre he querido y mis Brazos estan bien abiertos.................
Porque tu sabes exactamente que decir, y sabes exactamente que hacer y yo deseo mucho decirte que
Te amo.! Anhelo ver la luz del sol en tu pelo y decirte una y otra vez cuanto me importas
Aveces pienzo que mi corazon esta debordado.............
Hello.! Simplemente tengo
Que dejarte saber..
Que me pregunto done estas y que haces, si estas en algun Lugar sola? O hay alguien amandote? Dime como ganar tu corazon, por que no tengo idea.........
Pero dejame empesar diciendote
Yo te amo.!!
The music video for Lionel Richie's "Hello" directed by Bob Giraldi, attracts attention as it tells the story of a music teacher (played by Lionel Richie) wh...
Raza Sheikh O wela bra crezy c
Jado me nikka jya baby c
Barf de goly khanda c
hafty baad nanda c
na waal shaal wanda c
nikki jayi cycle pjanda c
ty raisan gadi nal landa
Na lokan di koi tnsion c
na abby di lagi pension c
na kurriyan da koi rola c
scul da kam v hola c
O wela bara e crezy c
Jdon me nikka jya baby c
Ngatukumbe Murangi dar is sumthng my mom say dnt dance to a men's floor...o jst gt driven lyk a car by dem...its true !!! Such much as u love dem jst let go!!
Mannu Rawat kya karu o ladies me hun adat se majboorrrrrrrrrrr.........
Autaum Wilson Thnks to all my friends n family for tha birthday s/o' jus thnkn GOD for another yr on this earth...sht im grateful i made it 21 yrs...alot of my people aint mke it tht far....back to reality now!! Its monday morning im most def on my sht today!! Bby boy will b here soon!!
Trixi Villalon Still sick, will drink paracetamol later. *cough* ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ I HATE BEING SICK!
Marlise Fortuin Fortuin Vdag kom d Here al die eer toe vir 2jaar wat hy ons bymekaar ghou het as man en vrou dt kon so anders gwees het sonder as U nie U hand van bewaring oor ons lewens ghou ht ni. Dankie skaappie dat jy lief is ve my met my foute en al,dt ek op jou kan staat maak deur d goeie en slegte tye. Ek is baie lief ve jou en ek weet God het nog baie in stoor ve ons as man en vrou. O en danki ve my gskenk :-)
Robby Malama Am now out of lsk, gettin back to my roots. Am goin to miss o my friends.
Piijan Asmalie done with it.. pretty tired! ;O
Alex Bogdan Alinuţa, o ceartă maică-sa, cum ai putut sa mănânci toate bomboanele fără să te gândeşti la frăţiorul tău?
- Tot timpul m-am gândit la el. Speram să nu vină până nu le termin.
Elny Ichi hari2 x miss o sy dgr lgu c rihanna kna pasang ni d cni..ha!pna lg msa fair mgu lalu, dari petang smpai malam lgu rihanna ja ni drg pasang..full blasst lg 2, smpi lgu d padini pn tngglam ni..haha! 2 bru lar..he! yg company minat c rihanna ka tau 2 dj yg minat rihanna ni..ble2 dr jm tghri smpi jm mlm lgu rihanna ja ni..haha! but at least, njoy jg sy dgr la..x busan jg sb ada lgu2..harapkn lgu padini, atui..macam sontoloyo ni..smut pn x dgr..haha
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