Majbritt Suna Mcleod OMG we are havin a snow blizzard in Glasgow right now Brr thank god im in the house with wee Lily .hope ur all ok wherever u are x
Leonil Pimpolio i lab u hon Pia Marie Santiago Lipa. tke cre olweiz
Vignesh Karthik "Some times eyes also get jealous with heart know why? itz simple
sometime sweet person remains close to heart but far away from eyes.."
Like u........<3
Pinky Golden Marteenar I regret ever knowing him,and i curse d day i met him. Jst knw dat i will never forgive u.
Luis HitMarker Torres lol that Jonah suicide kid thing is so funny. Everyone was all like depressed and saying how inspirational it was...there was nothing inspirational about it lmfao kid was obviously just a good actor. just like gingers have souls kid. ya'll musta forgot what good acting looks like cuz everytime one of these videos goes viral, people get all serious and talk about life as if the video somehow changed their life. Then when u find out its trolling, u feel dumb and call that person an idiot. no. ur the idiot. did u really think someone who has social problems is going to cry out about it on youtube? lmfao that would just make things worse for them. use ur heads ppl.
Petegaye Pepeta Kerr My jesus my saviour lord there is none like u i want to praise the wonders of ur wrds father god just wonna put all of my families before u this morning even frenz the sick pple this morning save an unsave each an every one oh god let ur people realize an understand ours oh god i pray block back every drk clouds this morning go with us threw out this day in jesus name @men
Aaron Imma Boss Jordan Imma make u feel so special
ADD ME :) © 2011 YMCMB Lil Wayne performing How To Hate
Diksha Kharat Gud news gud news. i m the winner of fastrack's thunder compitation. thank u who voted me. now please help me in my secnd round:-)))))))))
Eric Marr [Learned Behavor]E*
Talking down - Teaching the helpless how to behave when they dont know what their doing wrong yet.
a customer service pitch = control their customer & control the out-come too
stop worrying about there concerns and teach them your business instead for retention. if your an entertainer they teach how to manipulate fans.
... [close sale at all cost to dignity]
control is as bad as obey especially from an adult, say no... and do what ever u have to to get away from a stranger and now especial a family male. So u can pretty much imagine what an eye opener growing up caan be for a child and 1000 that traumato a black 1 in america. WAKING UP* slow
Leslee N Geremy Hayward I luv u my baby... Geremy kickett
Keith Njs Grillo Im gonna end up offending alota people wit this 1,but fuck it it needs 2 be said. Ladys alot of yal put price tags on ur pussys with out even realizing it, ima gonna break it down real quick. If u like 2get drunk an fuck random dudes for fun, u should be charging. If u fuck people u dont like jus 2 get ahead in life, u should get paid. If u have ever fucked a boss jus 2get a job or advancement, u should ask 4 doe. If u have fucked some one u dont realy like jus to get something u want, u should of jus took some cash from him an got that shit urself. The list goes on, u get the hint. Basicly if u have sleep wit any1 for reasons beside love or attraction, u should of got paid. If u didnt u fuckin up, When they pass around the offering plate at church the way some of yal pass ur self around, it come back wit money in it. I got2 facts for yal. If u dont respect urself, no1 will respect U. An good men dont like beat up pussy, we dont care how good you look. Get it right, keep it tight
Doug Wynn The songs are warnings to you who believe that there is a message in music! I will not feel right if I didn't warn you. If you don't that's cool because My God laid it on my heart to do so! We are seating here doing nothing but waiting on a stimulus package! My advice all of u to go out there and Do For Self! They got theres, let's get ours! Put away your foolish vices! Now let's get it
Shresth Mittal When u want more time to take correct decision, then remember even a correct decision is wrong when it is too late.
Richard Schnelle if your like old mother hubbard that goes to the cubbard to find that they are bear.then look at why this is u think anyone in government has that seems they have no problem taking your money and spending it on there needs.
Jesse Coddaire 20 shopping days left! are u ready???
Mary Naa Kwansua Immature luv says:''I luv u b'cos i ned u.''Mature luv says:''I ned u b'cos i luv u.
Chippa G-man Motlhacwi 5 things GOD want you to know today
1.He will bless you
2.He will never fail you
3.He has a plan 4 u
4.He has a purpose with your life
5.HE LOVE YOU grateful to HIM u still here
Cyon Useikotebio We tanx God 4 our successful Parish Youth Harvest whc wazt held yesterday. May God bless u all.
Beoclick Vodič Kroz Beograd
Bečki Štraus orkestar u Beogradu Beogradska arena, 14. decembar
Tamika Hawkins I want to thank god for my cousin paula she has been so much help to me and miracle and we just want u to kn if u she this we luv u and even though my baby can't talk she have had fun while she was at ur house and she felt like she was home believe me wen i say she did my baby was comfortable and at peace she didnt cry y she was woke and wen she slept if was for a long time babies sense wen its bs and wen they do they r very fussy it wasnt none of that anyway we luv u cuz
Lungani Mazubane I'm obssd nw?oh gee was dat supoz 2b me in d video wit a ddnt expect mariah 2go ballz out,shut d fuck b4 i put all dem fone calls out.u made it my house,whn u was wild nd out b4 nick..whn u was on my dick nd gave u smthng 2 smile abwt -warning- *censored*
Nanadjoa Mina sumtymes sumone will ve 2 die 4 sumone greater 2 be u've got 2 hold da faith wen LIFE comes around nd knocks u dwn.......
Mindy Kisielewicz Sarah Sue. I really need to talk w u. One I miss u and we have to catch up and two I need your knowledge about my feet situation ! Miss u so much!
Abdul Rasheed Yusuf Be who u r and say wat u feel bcoz dose who mind dn't matter and dose who matter dn't mind....
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