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Sean Amicucci Returned to town at 2:00AM. Now back at work at 4:45 in the morning. Going to be a long day...a nap is in order!
Mary Chatta Every day is a gift from God,just like today.thank you Father!
Nur Syafinaz LIKE , im bored . Tq
If we kissed on accident, I would:
[] Bite your lip
[] Continue kissing ♥
[] Tongue ;)
[] Oops... ><
[] Laugh about it
[] Side-stare at you
[] Wouldn't happen
If you held my hand, I would:
[] Lock my fingers between yours
[] Stand there and look at you weirdly...
[] Pull away
[] Let you hold it
If you hugged me, I would:
[] Pull you closer
[] Push away
[] Be shocked
[] It's alright, just let you hug me
[] Hug you back
If you were in my bed, I would:
[] Cuddle
[] Watch a movie
[] Kick you out
[] Laugh at you
[] Fuck like crazy ;)
[] Kiss >///<
[] Make out~
Would I date you?:
[] Yes
[] No
[] Maybe
[] I don't know
[] Repeat the question
[] No way!
[] Of course!
[] Already did ♥
[] Not my type
[] Not saying
You should:
[] Make this your status so I can like it
[] Stop being a stranger
[] Inbox me
[] Do nothing
[] Meet me
Imafidon Emmanuel A great talker is a great liar. If na lie ask lawyers. High chief sy so
Zanele Masinga Faith is not only believing that God is there, but also trusting Him completely with your life..hav a gr8t week ya'll..!
Diana Gallardo Oh boy you had your chance & you blew it! Now stay your as aside & watch a real man make it with me!(;
Colin Edward Smith might go back to wodonga for a day next week :)
Jack Van Wayne Mj Who has/knows any office(to fit a studio) to rent around CBD OR UPPERHILL..??Please help and infor bout per month.
Stephen John Fernando Just Stephen AGAIN (YAWN)
Today is not a holiday
It isn't even your birthday
But I still thought I'd like to send
A special message to my friend
You make me laugh and make me smile
You ease my troubles for a while
When clouds are thick and skies are gray
You put some sunshine in my day
You're really thoughtful sweet and kind
A friend like you is hard to find
I know I've told you once or twice
That I think you are very nice
But someone who's as great as you
Should be told more often than I do
And so I send these words with love
Why did I send them?.....just because
Martin Werty Američania a Európania zmrazili skôr prisľúbené financie do Kene. Hovoria, že krajina je príliš skorumpovaná.
Shikwati: Avšak obávam sa, že peniaze budú zanedlho prevedené. Koniec koncov, niekde musia ísť. Nanešťastie, proti zničujúcej túžbe Európanov robiť dobro sa už nie je možné brániť rozumom.
Čítajte viac:
Ekonomický expert z Kene James Shikwati (35) hovorí, že pomoc pre Afriku robí viac škody ako úžitku. Dychtivý zástanca globalizácie v rozhovore pre SPIEGEL hovoril o katastrofálnych účinkoch Západnej rozvojovej politiky v Afrike, skorumpovaných vládcoch ...
Nicholas Cooper So by februrary I need to have my next pad found, if anyone knows of anyone who will be looking for a roommate soon please let me know.
Amy Jean Morton great my lecky key died and now im living like a cavewoman lol.unga bunga
Chelsey Crowe Justin: your not a mistake girl, your amazing.. Me: aww thank you :)
Christine Ness The awkward moment when you become such a clean freeek you throw away a bag on new clothes never worn into the bin without realising until the bin man has already gone! fml.
Torey Fruityloop Littlefair Uhats not a hiding. I had thousands of dolas. Made myself piss.
Jessica Gerring Only a few more hours till my last lecture of 2011!! :D
Jellie Ann Enriquez Manio Life is a journey that must be traveled no matter how bad the roads are..
Prince Ashraf serenity of spirit and turbulence of action should make up the sum of a man's life.
Gina Hardin Wanted to call you today to say I love you, but your old number is no longer in service. I tried the operator she said 'sorry I have no number for you'. I tried to go to your house, but you don't live there anymore. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess heaven is just too far away. I Love You, I Miss You. You are in my heart always and forever. Copy and paste in remembrance of Loved ones gone but not forgotten. Merry Christmas to all those in u all that hold a special spot in my heart
Eric Haas This is too early for a normal person to be awake!
Mark Nothard got man flu and am off to work in a fridge 4 8 hours the things people will do 4 a few quid
Adaobi Jennifer D music of God neva ends,only d dancers get tired.u'll continue 2 dance d music of breaktru,peace,luv,joy,& blessing beyond ur imagination.av a splendid week ahead peepz
Brian Caine just had another session with intraining. my advisor wasnt in, had some young guy call me "Bri" and asked how my weekend had gone. i ignored the question and gave him a withering look.
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