Chris Newton Oh shit the malt liquer I'm drinking just kicked in WUZZZZ UPPP............. Oh sir smoke's alot :-) lmao...(aka mack amone) omg if y'all could see the smile on my face I sooo miss having drinks with this person plus their a complete ass sometimes so its a balance thing luv u:-)
"Lord, break through his hard heart!
Bring him to yourself, Father!
Could it be, O Hound of Heaven, that he receives no rest until your Spirit brings him into the kingdom!
Show him the light and life of our Lord Jesus Christ and never let him go! Amen!"
"Present yourself to him, Father, in such a convincing way that his natural inclination to love You would stir him to choose the salvation that is to be found in Christ Jesus...
...but not so much that, you know, you're doing it against his will. Just woo him a bit, you know, how You do that thing you do. Amen."
Wome Uyeye Fire up ur body by beginning ur day wiv a breakfast that'll keep ur energy rev'd up for hours. Best power breakfasts should include oats, fruits & veggies!!!xox
Odehyei-ba Agyekum Frimpong We live in a world in which politics has replaced philosophy.
German Garcia Mami, de grande quiero ser presidente. - Bravo Enrique, ¡no sabes la cantidad de dinero que me voy a ahorrar en libros!
Carol Rigor Fabro Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.
Lisa Boehm Just had big d & m with me daughter lol was a bit cute
Heather Whyel i wish i could see my future, and see where ill be years rom now. because its becoming more a blur everyday. i hate it. dont know what to do anymore, all i seem to keep doing is fucking shit up!
Andrew William Case My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength
Claudio Coimbra Fim de semana de nocautes paraenses: Dia 10 o Machida no Bones Jones e dia 11 um nocaute cívico com a manutenção do nosso estado contra os oportunistas.
Rythaniel Garron Girls ur man aint cheating on u cuz he just up and feels like it. He doin it cuz he aint like what u got no more. Upgrade urself with a personality only little boys like street trash a man likes a woman.
Keegan Papa Kus Kuscus I don't hav a 6 pack, I dnt hav muscles . . . But do u kno wat I hav? A heart that will treat YOU ryt . . .
Boni gives birth to fourth puppy. Mi dalmata da luz a un cachoro.
Luke Tyrant Wood I'm texting her tomorrow yayyy shes a awesome friend :D
John Davis Great steeler win yesterday had a long day @ work it always seems like when my steelers get a big win my weeks ganna be good. And my pens are looking great great weekend for me welll all yins jagoffs gn go steelers!!!!!!!
Billy Moore Very upset with a few people right now...L8ter
Derek Hayes naw but at work i multitask, i am workin listening to co workers, doin my oms to the word, aware of my situation, chewin gum and singin, and not missin a beat i wish half these folks on my line were as talented...
Hernandez Orna Robinson if u plan on actn a donkey, dnt b mad when they call u a ass... real tlk. -**Khaos**- (for all u clowns out there)
Culture Heritage Tours Ireland Why not treat yourself or someone you love to a gift from Dubarry this Christmas?
Be the first to know! Our Autumn/Winter Collection has Nearly Arrived. Sign Up for Our Newsletter and Get a Sneak Preview of the Upcoming Range before Anyone Else.
Alphonsus Tanggal If u ever leave me baby..leave some morphine at my door..cause it would take a whole lot of realize what we used to have..we don't have it anymore..
Michael Cole In Calgary and Just watched Fellowship of the Ring on my new 19 inch High def TV and had my first in house dinner The new fridge and microwave in the truck works great and even though it was a TV dinner Still better than having to give your first born to pay for some crap that got dropped on the floor in the kitchen at the truck stop In the morning CORN POPS as much as I want LOL
Prashansha Gurung Gawww how much can these students make noise?? Kaan kinda lykin it cz mayb I did the same wen i was a student...shout shout students..
Moeketsi Maxzibit Ntsala Ke a robala fok mokgathala
Renz Jaztine Alcazar first palike po nung page
then plike po nung PHOTO
Education is a balance between skills and creative expressions, a balance between the head and the heart...
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