Aron Belf Matsiong Wine e pobopo klaar man
Marcos Semensato Alguém sabe como eu faço pra BLOQUEAR compartilhamentos dos 'O Melhor do Mundo', 'o melhor do melhor do mundo', 'o caralho do mundo' e porcarias similares? Não queria EXCLUIR as pessoas, mas já deu no saco.
Waqar Rizvi Pusht pe jisko bithatay thay Rasool e Akram s.a.w.w
Us nawasay he ka sar bar sar e neza dekha..
Haye Sadaat ne is dehr me kia kia dekha..
All Muslims are requested to respect the Holy month of Muharram.
Jis me ehsas he us k lye uper ki 2 lines kafi hain.
Woka Lindsey L-O-V-E
is no excuse to put up with bullshit in a relationship......
Veronica Marie Ruiz 10 likes & I'll do my ABC's :)
A- Available:YES :)
B- Birthday:March 13
C- Crushing On:Some one :) secrete
D- Drink you last had:water
E- Easiest person to talk too: Luis fuentes
F- Fears: spiders
G- Grossest memory: thanksgiving n a blender
H- Hometown: Pheniox
I- In love with:Michael v
J- Jealous of: no one
K- Kissed? who was the last person: Michael v
L- Longest friendship:Griselda F. Jovan G.
M- Milkshake flavor: Birthday cake
N- Number of siblings:3
O- One wish: thats everything bad gose away
P- Person who called you last: Michael Munoz
Q- Question you're always asked: if im ok?
R- Reason to smile: this special guy
S- Song you last sang: take care -drake
T- Time you woke up: 7:00 am
U- Useless person you have encountered: Michael v hahah jk no one
V- Violent moment you had:umm argueing w/ dad
W- Worst habit: saying sorry for no reason
X- X-rays you had: my back
Y- Your last time you cried: this morning
Z- Zodiac sign: Pisces
Bruno Gonçalves 5 quilos a menos, boxe, futebol, futsal e rugby. 2012 superação, cola em nóis que é sucesso.
Maria Melania Radulescu Un razbonic stie intotdeauna pentru ce merita sa lupte.Nu intra in orice fel de lupta si nu-si pierde timpul cu tot soiul de provocari.Un razboinic stie sa piarda, infrangerea nu-i este indiferenta si nu incearca sa o transforme in victorie, il doare ca a pierdut , sufera din cauza nepasarii si il apasa cumplit singuratatea.Dupa ce a trecut prin toate astea, isi oblojeste ranile si ia totul de la capat.Stie ca razboiul e facut din multe batalii si merge inainte.
Lavell D-Flaire Miller The UC - Money & The Power (Download Link)
Check us out!! Show love!! Download it!!
Artist(s): The UC (Uptown Celebrities) Song: Money & The Power
Naomi Kalamane Modiehi Ke ordile ntho e ngwe ya nhlola ebile ke ejela salad hei dintho tsa magowa
Adetayo Jerry A month of:
D -deliverance
E -expansion
C -celebration
E -Excellence
Karabo Abiot 16 december siyabangena e merwe park same plc sametym
Lasky Chhakchhuak Vawiin chu a nuam hle mai... Hun thawl tak leh nuam tak kan hmang thei a.. Tluang takin aizawl thleng leh ta e..
Barbie Tygaress Tee Cdn ask 4 any bettr frnds than e wanz i hv nw....doan care 'bout n'ethng or n'ewan els ryt nw...#fact
Cherry Love LoveLove agaayyyyy kahout sa dughan akong na edit nga pic na delete wla pa nko na save..pagka hoout gyud twon kay astang dugaya nako gi himo..pagka pait sa akong gi bati..
kalami e hilak ug dugo...intawon marimar!!!! ngano nawala man ka?nasaan ka elisa?...tsk tsk tsk
Affirming & Reaffirming Our New Beginning brings it into our lives in many ways.
Ganesh removes obstacles & opens us to Abundance & Wisdom in a Joyous way,
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension
Image Source
In this living moment of the eternal now, I AM merging my 5D awareness with my 3D awareness. I am connected to MY I AM PRESENCE that completely guides my life in all aspects. I am focused on my ascension. As I raise my vibration, I lift the vibration of the entire world, the universe, and everything else in between the golden particles of light.
As I invocate and decree, I AM in full service to the Divine. I AM pledging to honor my Creator, my highest self, all sentient beings, my ancestors, all creatures, all kingdoms, known and unknown, in all dimensions, spaces, time, matter and form.
I AM honoring my physical body; my crystalline palace; more and more through nourishing food, sun, exercise, and great love. I am learning to love all pieces of me back to wholeness, for I have always been whole. Today, I claim that all the facets of my glorious BE-ing have now re-united and re- ignited the eternal fire of passion and empowerment of my complete essence,
of my I AM THAT I AM.
I AM here to fulfill my sacred contract which is my purpose and mission for being here at this time as we ascend and decree the greatness of our life here in Heaven on Earth.
I AM requesting to be protected at all times on every level of my being by the Platinum and Gold Net, by God, the Masters, the angels and the golden light of grace through the eternal heart and all beings of that light.
I now open myself to the golden gates of grand opportunities, expansion of my horizons, and to be blessed in every moment of my life.
I AM surrounded by a beautiful world filled with an abundance of everything; God’s light in every aspect; prosperity, pure fresh clean air, pure clean water for all, nutritious food, shelter, safety, laughter, harmony of all beings, healthy happy animals, fertile soil, forests, trees, flowers, glorious gardens, infinite natural resources and minerals, connection with all kingdoms great and small, happiness and joy radiating from WITHIN and WITHOUT in every aspect and area on this planet.
Today, I have been called forth to join this Golden Circle of LOVE.
As I AM giving LOVE, I AM receiving LOVE .
As I AM receiving LOVE, I AM giving LOVE.
It is simply a Golden Circle of LOVE.
I AM now re-membering and re-cognizing that I AM a brilliant pillar of golden LOVE.
I deserve to eat from the golden platter of God’s infinite perfection and to drink from the golden chalice of God’s glorious light.
I AM LOVE. I have always been Love.
I was always LOVE and will always be LOVE for that is all there is….LOVE.
As I go forward through my journey, I recognize that everyone and everything that surrounds me is Divine LOVE
I now integrate the new crystalline frequencies for me to dance in my spirit through the Gates of Heaven on Earth.
Beloved I am.
Welcome Light Beings
Beautiful Ones, in this miraculous moment of the NOW (for that is all there is), and that is what you are in at this exact time, you have been summoned by the divine to this website. It is Lord Ganesha, the elephant-headed Archetype who assists with removing obstacles and with new beginnings has brought you here. Lord Ganesha is also known as an Ascended Master who removes obstacles and opens your path to the Light. You do not have to be familiar with him. Just know he works with all of humanity guiding you out of challenges to glorious open roads. Several years ago, after I returned home from India,he requested to be my logo, to be on my site, my business cards, my books, my e-books, to do sessions with him, and to always work with him. I have watched miracle after miracle since our divine connection. He is fully present in and on all of my creations. He is available for each of us if we just ask him to come in and help us. He loves to be invoked before anything that we do.With everything we do, there are always 10 obstacles that get in the way. When you call him in, he clears out the obstacles that you see and the ones that you have not seen and that have not been revealed to you. To bring him in, just say Om Gum Ganapataye 3x, and say Gum 27x before any project that you begin.You could say it even more than that if you chose. Also, writing this quantum sound over and over is a very powerful way to connect with him as well.
Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha
Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha
Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum
Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum
Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum
Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum Gum
Gum Gum Gum
This is a great Ganesha mantra chanted by Dr Baskaran Pillai. It brings all kinds of wonderful things to you.
(.....MOre on Ganesh at link.....)
GJack: Galactic Jack
Patricia Fedorenco
desi nu e duminica, c'est une belle journee!:)
Extrait de Et vous, tu m'aimes ?
Michelle Nunes de Souza Mas por causa dessas dificuldades crecesmos aprendemos a lidar com a vida e melhor ainda com o objetivo de vencer e nunca ser vencido
Adeola Olanrewaju E no easy to fresh...........
Kostas Lovecraft Milonas "Τζάμπα μάγκα που θα έπρεπε να είναι στη φυλακή και η ομάδα του υποβιβασμένη"
από μικρό κι από τρελό μαθένεις την αλήθεια... Α,ρε Τσάκα με τις δηλώσεις σου. χαχαχαα!
Ticiana Flávia Reginato My God!!! Cada nuvem negra! A chuva vem forte! E os aviõezinhos subindo! Aff!
Vj Mahere You can have a fresh start any moment u choose,for this thing we call "failure" is not falling down buy e staying down
Isnard Cruz Sobrevivi! Agora estou em fase de recuperação. Agradeço primeiramente a Deus, ao competente neurocirurgião Dr. Evandro e os que o acompanharam, Dr. Cícero e Dr. Vinícius e toda equipe, e minha incansável e ama da esposa Zelina Volino Cruz,que esteve ao meu lado a todo instante, minha amiga de quase quarenta anos, Ana Lúcia Cavalcanti e sua adorável filha Luciana Cavalcanti e a querida Aline Diniz.
As Mulheres de Nossa Vida PRESIDENTE GORDON B. HINCKLEY Quão grato sou, quão gratos devemos todos ser pelas mulheres de nossa vida. CONFERÊNCIA GERAL OUTUBRO...
Priscila Elen É impressionante como as pessoas tem o dom d fazer falar mt e fazer o contrario do q diz...fala sério
Crow Arts Manor We're starting to make a big push to grow our e-mail list. It's the best way to hear about our news, events, and classes. We only send out announcements every couple of months, so we promise not to fill up your inbox. If you haven't signed up yet, please go to our website, and follow the link on the top right corner.
Jack Aleixo ***Não ligo que me olhem da cabeça aos pés,,,,Porque nunca faram a minha cabeça e nunca chegaram ao meus pés***
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