Ranjesh Jaiswal "SLEEP"
S=>SAY thanks to God
L=>LYING on the BED
E=>EYES to be closed
E=>END of the DAY
So sleep well
Azucena Bravo a chige a "20" boy a escuchar corridos abersi seme alegra el corazón xq ultima mete e andado un poko aguitadona (;
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Melanie Coles-Vanderlee http://www.wellandtribune.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3388992
Little life-saver
WELLAND — Seven-year-old Meredith Vanderlee was all smiles upon seeing a drawing of her favourite cartoon character Wednesday. "Can you guess who...
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Beatriz Melo Vontade de jogar tudo pro alto e sumir no mundo...
André Boin http://fofoca.org/ricky-martin/7244/conheca-o-suposto-namorado-de-ricky-martin.html
sexo é sexo, amor é amor ... ricky sz café
Após o cantor porto riquenho Ricky Martin ter assumido sua homossexualidade, o site Guanabee.com, divulgou algumas fotos com o suposto namorado de
Susan Motlaletsie electricity cut off, slipn ely 2day! hei dilo tsa mo Sgeten ga e nke e nna tsone aitse.
Panos Dimitrakopoulos ΜΟΥ ΑΡΕΣΕ ΠΟΛΥ ΚΑΙ ΣOY ΤΗΝ ΣΤΕΛΝΩ!!!!!
Θα πάρει μόλις 37 δευτερόλεπτα να το διαβάσεις και θα αλλάξεις τον τρόπο σκέψης σου.
Δύο άνδρες, και οι δύο σοβαρά άρρωστοι, έμεναν στο ίδιο δωμάτιο ενός νοσοκομείου.
Ο ένας άνδρας αφηνόταν να σηκωθεί όρθιος στο κρεβάτι του για μία ώρα κάθε απόγευμα για να κατέβουνε υγρά από τα πνευμόνια του.
Το κρεβάτι του βρισκόταν δίπλα στο μοναδικό παράθυρο του δωματίου.
Ο άλλος άνδρας έπρεπε να περνάει όλη την ώρα του ξαπλωμένος.
Οι άνδρες μιλούσαν για ώρες αδιάκοπα. Μιλούσαν για τις γυναίκες τους και τις οικογένειές τους, τα σπίτια τους, τις δουλειές τους, τη θητεία τους στο στρατό, πού πήγαν διακοπές.
Κάθε απόγευμα, όταν ο άνδρας δίπλα στο παράθυρο μπορούσε να σηκωθεί, περνούσε την ώρα του περιγράφοντας στον «συγκάτοικό» του όλα όσα μπορούσε να δει έξω από το παράθυρο.
Ο άνδρας στο άλλο κρεβάτι άρχιζε να ζει για αυτές τις περιόδους μίας ώρας όπου μπορούσε να ανοιχτεί και να ζωογονηθεί ο δικός του κόσμος από όλη τη δραστηριότητα και χρώμα από τον κόσμο εκεί έξω.
Το παράθυρο έβλεπε ένα πάρκο με μια όμορφη λιμνούλα.
Πάπιες και κύκνοι έπαιζαν στα νερά ενώ παιδιά αρμένιζαν τα καραβάκια τους. Ερωτευμένοι νέοι περπατούσαν χέρι-χέρι ανάμεσα σε κάθε χρώματος λουλούδια και μια ωραία θέα του ορίζοντα της πόλης μπορούσε να ειδωθεί στο βάθος.
Καθώς ο άνδρας στο παράθυρο περιέγραφε όλο αυτό με θεσπέσια λεπτομέρεια, ο άνδρας στο άλλο μέρος του δωματίου έκλεινε τα μάτια του και φανταζόταν αυτό το γραφικό σκηνικό.
Ένα ζεστό απόγευμα, ο άνδρας στο παράθυρο περιέγραφε μία παρέλαση που περνούσε.
Αν και ο άλλος άνδρας δεν μπορούσε να ακούσει τη φιλαρμονική - μπορούσε να τη δει στο μάτι του μυαλού του καθώς ο κύριος δίπλα στο παράθυρο το απεικόνιζε με παραστατικές λέξεις.
Μέρες, βδομάδες και μήνες πέρασαν.
Ένα πρωί, η πρωινή νοσοκόμα ήρθε να τους φέρει νερά για το μπάνιο τους μόνο για να δει το άψυχο σώμα του άνδρα δίπλα στο παράθυρο, ο οποίος πέθανε ειρηνικά στον ύπνο του.
Ξαφνιάστηκε και κάλεσε τους θεράποντες ιατρούς να πάρουν το νεκρό σώμα.
Όταν θεωρήθηκε πρέπον, ο άλλος άνδρας ρώτησε αν θα μπορούσε να μεταφερθεί δίπλα στο παράθυρο.. Η νοσοκόμα ευχαρίστως έκανε την αλλαγή, και εφ' όσον σιγουρεύτηκε ότι ο άνδρας αισθανόταν άνετα, τον άφησε μόνο.
Σιγά, επώδυνα, στήριξε τον εαυτό του στον ένα του αγκώνα να δει για πρώτη φορά του τον έξω κόσμο..
Πάσχισε να γείρει να δει έξω από το παράθυρο δίπλα στο κρεβάτι.
Αντίκρισε ένα λευκό τοίχο.
Ο άνδρας ρώτησε τη νοσοκόμα τι θα μπορούσε να ανάγκασε το συχωρεμένο συγκάτοικό του ο οποίος περιέγραφε τόσο έξοχα πράγματα έξω από το παράθυρο.
Η νοσοκόμα αποκρίθηκε πως ο άνδρας ήταν τυφλός και δεν μπορούσε να δει ούτε τον τοίχο.
Πρόσθεσε, 'Ίσως ήθελε απλά να σου δώσει θάρρος.'
Υπάρχει πελώρια ευτυχία στο να κάνεις τους άλλους ευτυχισμένους, παρά τις δική μας κατάσταση.
Μοιρασμένη λύπη είναι μισή λύπη, αλλά η ευτυχία, όταν μοιράζεται, διπλασιάζεται.
Αν θες να νιώθεις πλούσιος, απλά μέτρα όλα τα πράγματα που έχεις τα οποία δεν αγοράζονται με χρήματα.
'Το σήμερα είναι ένα δώρο, γι' αυτό αποκαλείται ' Το παρόν.'
Η προέλευση από αυτό το γράμμα είναι άγνωστη, αλλά φέρνει καλή τύχη σε όποιον το διαδίδει.
Μην κρατήσεις αυτό το γράμμα.
Απλά προώθησέ το στους φίλους στους οποίους θες να ευχηθείς ευλογία
On Aburi we stand
"The Distortion of Aburi Accord"
Excerpts from Odumegwu-Ojukwu’s Selected Speeches
Anybody who was present at the Aburi meeting or has read the minutes, the communiqués, statements, and verbatim reports would be surprised that a person who calls himself a head of state could so deliberately mislead accredited representatives of foreign governments by saying that the implementation of each item of the conclusions required prior detailed examination by the administrative and professional experts in the various fields. The conclusions in Aburi were no proposals but decisions taken by the highest authority in the land.
What happened in fact was that specific matters, namely, the decrees and sections of decrees to be repealed, the mechanics of army reorganization, and the question of rehabilitation of refugees, were referred to experts. The meeting of the financial experts to consider the question of rehabilitation of displaced persons has not been held because the Ministry of Finance does not think that such that such a meeting would serve any useful purpose. The army experts met and reached agreements, but these were rejected.
Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon told the Heads of Missions that the agreement about returning the regions to the positions before January 17 also meant in effect that the federal government in Lagos would continue to carry on its functions as before. He failed to inform the world that the decisions taken at Aburi, the federal government meant no more than the Supreme Military Council. No one of course who knows the sort of advice Lieutenant-Colonel Gowon is receiving in Lagos would be surprised by this suppression and distortion of the truth.
The actual Aburi decisions read as follows:
Members agree that the legislative and executive authority of the Federal Military Government should remain in the Supreme Military Council, to which any decision affecting the whole country shall be referred for determination provided that where it is possible for a meeting to be held the matter requiring determination must be referred to military governors for their comment and concurrence.
Specifically, the council agreed that appointments to senior ranks in the police, diplomatic, and consular services as well as appointment to superscale posts in the federal civil service and the equivalent posts in the statutory corporation must be approved by the Supreme Military Council.
The regional members felt that all the decrees passed since January 15, 1966, and which detracted from previous powers and positions of regional governments, should be repealed if mutual confidence is to be restored.
It is difficult to understand the introduction of the word "veto" into the matter. The Aburi Agreement was that any decision which affected the whole country must receive the concurrence of all the military governors because of their special responsibilities in their different area of authority and so to the country as a corporate whole.
On the reorganization of the army, it is for Lieutenant-Colonel Gowon to explain to the world what he means by the "army continuing to be under one command," when in the very next sentence of his statement he also speaks of an agreement to establish area commands corresponding with the existing regional boundaries. This contradiction in itself tells the truth, and one does does not need to belabor the point.
The actual decision of the Supreme Military Council as recorded in the official minutes reads as follows:
The Council decides that:
(i) on reorganization of the army:
(a) Army to be governed by the Supreme Military Council under a chairman to be known Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Head of the Federal Military Government.
(b) Establishment of a military headquarters comprising equal representation from the regions and headed by a Chief of Staff.
(c) Creation of area commands corresponding to existing regions and under the charge of area commander.
(d) Matters of policy, including appointments and promotions to top executive posts in the armed forces and the police, to be dealt with by the Supreme Military Council.
(e) During the period of the military government, military governors will have control over area commands for internal security.
(f) Creation of a Lagos garrison, including Ikeja barracks.
It is clear from the Aburi decisions that what was envisaged was a loosely knit army administered by a representative military headquarters under the charge of a Chief of Staff and commanded by the Supreme Military Council, not by Lieutenant-Colonel Yakubu Gowon as he claimed in his present statement to the diplomats.
According to the Aburi Agreements "the following appointments must be approved by the Supreme Military Council; (a) diplomatic and consular posts; (b) senior posts in the armed forces and the police; (c) superscale federal civil service and federal corporation posts."
Everyone with even the most superficial acquaintance with the Nigerian civil service knows what those expressions mean and connote.
To confuse issue, Lieutenant-Colonel Gowon gave the impression that the main difference between him and me on this particular decision was that I insisted on canceling the appointments of existing civil servants. I can think of nothing more slanderous.
It is clear from Gowon’s statement in question that he is prepared to distort the verbatim reports of the Aburi meeting. To keep the public informed, the Eastern Nigerian Broadcasting Service will be playing the tape records of the proceedings live at scheduled times.... Arrangement have been completed to transform those tape recordings to long-playing gramophone records ... We are also going ahead to print and publish the documents and records of Aburi meeting. We in the East are anxious to see that our difficulties are resolved by peaceful means and that Nigeria is preserved as a unit, but it is doubtful, and the world must judge whether Lieutenant-Colonel Gowon’s attitudes and other exhibitions of his insincerity are something which can lead to a return of normalcy and confidence in the country.
I must warn all Easterners once again to remain vigilant. The East will never be intimidated, nor will she acquiesce to any form of dictation. It is not our intention to play the aggressor. Nonetheless, it is not our intention to be slaughtered in our beds, We are ready to defend our homeland.
Fellow countrymen and women, on Aburi We Stand. There will be no compromise. God grant peace in our time.
Robert Johnson 10 likes and ill do ABC's
A - Available?
B - Best Friend(s)?
C - Crush?
D - Dog's Name?
... E - Easiest Person To Talk To?
F - Favorite Food?
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms?
H - Hometown?
I - If You Could Move Would You?
J - Job?
K - Kids?
L - Longest Car Ride?
M - Milk Flavor?
N - Number Of Siblings?
O - One Wish?
P - Phobia(s)?
Q - Favorite Quote?
R - Reason To Smile?
S - Song You Last Heard?
T - Time You Woke Up?
U - Unkown Fact About Me?
V - Vegetables You Love?
W - Worst Habit?
X - X-Rays You've Had?
Y - Your Mom?
Z - Zodiac Sign?
Babai Dutta Kisi ki Chahat Mein Itne Pagal Na Hona.
Ho Sakta hy Wo Tumhari Manzil na ho.
Us ki Muskurahat ko Izhar-e-Mo habbat na
Kahin ye Muskurana us ki Aaday na ho
Connie Burrows It is my first day home on my "Forced Leave" and I am trying to work like Martha Stewart on loads of caffeine. Yesterday was tough cleaning out my desk; but my teaching partner still made me laugh. I cannot thank you all for your positive words, notes, e-messages and phone calls. My heart is broken - but I hope someday I will be allowed to return to teaching; all I have ever wanted to do.
Hair Beyond we just got a new shipment of E-juices.....come on in and get some:)))))))
Prof.Ahmad Rafique Akhtar's complement to Quad-e-Azam & Imran Khan in JHELUM Date: Nov 27, 2011(Sunday) Topic:Religion & Politics عنوان : دین اور سیاست Venue...
Puneet Saini LOVE......
L-lake of sorrows
o-ocean of tears
v-valley of death
E-end of life
so dont't do it.............
Everson Lopes de Moraes No Brasil, quando o feriado é religioso, até ateu comemora.
Munazam Abbass Janat me Janat k haqdar jayenge,
Kasam ALI ki ALI k hubdar jayenge,
Dar-e-Janat pe khari Zehra A.S kehti hen,
Janat me mere LaaL k Azadar jayenge
Ryano Ccg 'Peh Heong Lim Darwin Heng Kim Hai
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那些年 X﹏X 你过得怎样 ?
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Sbonelo M Majola from Pinetown 2KwaSanti got in the taxi front seat neh,isuke itaxi phuma e-rank less then 5minute ihamba the yacisha ai the drive pusshed 4a kick strat wathula KANTI THE TAXI DONT HAVE PETROL,NOW THE PROBLEM STRAT WHEN PEOPLE WANTS IZIMALI ZABO SHIT THE DRIVE NOW HAS IT and shame akafuni nayo WAYIPHUSHA IMOTO TIL WE GOT 2A NEAR BUY PETROL STATION WATHENGA 5L GUYS OF PETROL YESSESS
Benjamin Agbor Chidi goes into a pharmacy store nd says to the pharmacist??
"Hello, cud u giv me condom? I'm goin to my girlfrnd's place 4 dinner nd I tink I may be in wt a chance!"?
The pharmacist givs him the condom and as he was leavin, he returns and says"Giv me anoda condom cuz my girlfrnd's sista is very cute too. She always crosses her legs in a provocative manner wen she sees me nd I think I mite strik...e a luck there too."
The pharmacist gives him a 2nd condom nd as he was leaving again he turns back and says "Giv me 1more pls cuz my girlfrnd's mum is still pretty cute nd wen she sees me she alwys mks eye contact nd sinx she invited me 4 dinner I tink she is expectin me 2mk a move.
Durin dinner, Chidi sat wt his girlfrnd on his left,the sister on his right nd the mum facin him.
When the Dad walks in, Chidi lowers his head nd starts the dinner prayer.
"Dear Lord, bless this dinner nd tank u 4 all you've given us".
10minutes after Chidi was still prayin "Tank u Lord for ur kindness."Ten minutes gone by and He's still prayin, keepin his head down,very close to d table. They all looked at each oda surprised,his girlfrnd even more surprisd dan others.She gets close to him and whispered "I didn't know ur so religious." He replies "I neva knew ur dad was a pharmacist.
Le Tho Nhân dịp đầu đông, hãng chicken
VN xin giới thiệu 1 chiếc chăn đặc
biệt. Đặc điểm:
- Dài: 167cm,
- Rộng: Có thể thay đổi đc. nói chung là thoải mái
- Nhiệt độ luôn ở mức 37 độ cê.
Cách sử dụng:
- Rất đơn giản, chỉ cần hô khẩu
lệnh: "a ơi e lạnh" lập tức chiếc
chăn sẽ tự động "đắp" cho bạn.
Chống chỉ định:
- Dành riêng cho phụ nữ
- k dùng cho trẻ nhỏ và các bô lão
u 30 trở nên
Lưu ý:
Tuyệt đối ko dùng nhiều hơn 1
chiếc. Nếu vi phạm, chúng tôi ko
chịu bất kì trách nhiệm đền bù
nào về thể xác lẫn tinh thần khách
Giá cả:
thương lượng
Dilson Alves Vou descançar... hj ri muito com Andyara e Elane .Amanhã tem mais. :D
Kelebogile Tau A ketla e bona wkend? flu.*rothising keledi*
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