King Louietechno Aids and HIV are controlled by the united states of america,it was a plan to destroy the the black and brown people of this world how are we only 10% of the country but have the highest rates of it?.....thats like saying St.louis has more killings than NYC lol....we have maybe 2 million people they have 8 million, numbers dont lie only people......
Chipota Daniel Agony z eatn lyk a pig wen u supozd 2 go pa clas.
Donna Jenkins Tan'n a nap...l8tr FB!!!
Kent Haggart Wondering if anyone would like a free lunch in swift
Phil Archer "Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement."
Henry Ford
Steven Gallant if your a dude why does it seem like your always on your period
Shassidy Coronado been a good girl...just got done doin da dishes now washin n cleanin the house lil by lil...
Kyle Scammahorn I don't understand how American politicians can wipe their ass with the constitution and illegally attempt to pass legislation. This is the definition of high treason, exactly what they claiming is the benefit to the American public. By some retard's definition, I could be a domestic I can be detained by my own elected government indefinitely if they so see fit? I don't fucking think so. I didn't know this country had the technology seen in Minority Report. "If we trade liberty for security, we may wind up with neither."
Ali Hull I'm the author of the book yeah a genius wrote it, theirs a message in my words u gotta g code it. I seen it all every gram every bird, I spit the truth every noun every verb. Never exaggerated one line one dime, never lied to the people not one time. A hard head make a soft ass, and hard white will get u strait cash.
Zuly Rodriguez Last hour as a blonde aaaaaah! So anxious to see the results.
Ann Aldrich If you happen to live in snow country or even if you don't here's a new free app for your smart phone everyone should have, Winter Survival Kit ... did I happen to mention it is also free. It was developed by the University of North Dakota so they should know.
Joel L. Sullivan III You go, Ms. King!
Alveda King, Niece of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, stands by Herman Cain. She discusses the 2012 election, Obama's failed policies, and the need to remove the r...
Jennifer Hawley Braun Playing my daily prenap game of chutes & ladders w/ Luke. Love this & surprised @ how good a sport he is
Rio Sacajawea Svajoné This is what I might be if I don't get my shit together. Mom's getting pissy with me about boxes in the garage... No complaints though, I got a roof and bed. And a space heater. ;)
X-mas song from the "Taste Of Christmas" compilation the first in X-mas related videos I will post this month
Janis Martin Fred Meijer, Thanks for creating a wonderful place that employs thousands of people. Rest In Peace!
Rob Goodwin If we were stuck in a Mental Hospital........
1. Person licking the window: Jen Jesuele
2. Person sleeping with the hot nurse for extra pills: Kathy Burt
3. Person helping you escape: Heidi Aubrey Jesuele
4. Person running around naked: Oscar Goodwin
5. Your doctor: Joe Jesuele
6. Person yelling nonsense: Lisa Diaz
7. Person you went crazy with: Samuel Diaz
8. The weird one you have to share a room with: Kevin Watson
9. Person rocking in the corner: Khristy McCann-Saranchuk
10. Person faking insanity to avoid jail time: Jessica Wolf
Sam Marsh Just had a lovely mc d s stuffed now and fells rather tired lol x
Edwerido Gillard LIKE MY STATUS FOR A S/O
Serena Hopkinson We found love in a hopeless place :)
Jason Dizzy Chapel card da first of da month...a time wen all fat ass's can cum togither at da grocery store to becum bigger fat ass' like me lol
Juanita Cook Help me understand this ..... How can a person not c u for so many yrs. find u then bring up some (SHIT no BULLSHIT about a nigga that come a dime a dozen. Ain't that a BITCH ……… real FUCK UP. You need to check that nigga little girl.
Min Palma ooh blanca navidada vuelve....=) pero k bonita es la navidad ojala y este asi de nevado el 24 y 25...y ya vienen tambien las posadas y el dia de nuestra virgencita de guadalupe...sera k diciembre es el mas bonito mes del anio siendo el ultimo??? ojala y todos sela pasen bonito con sus familias y seres mas keridos como yo...bueno no todos ojala y algunas personas se la pasen bien pero bien mal mal...solo si se lo meresen acuerdense k santa sabe kien se a portado mal...jaja k mala muy feo vivir con rencor but whatever judge if you want cuz I do =D
Carolyn Ackmann John, can I get you (smart four pointer that you are! Congrats!) and your friends to sign my "require a paper trail" petition?
BTW, I went back and finished my degree at CLU when I was 48 years old. Kids "hated" us older students. We had SO much time to study.
Congress and the POTUS: require a paper trail for electronic voting machines before Nov, 2012 is the web's leading platform for social change, empowering anyone, anywhere to start petitions that make a difference.
Shannon Webster Time to start arguing wit people so I don't have to buy them a Christmas present this yr
Tiffany Camp Soo... Skrillex's remix of Cinema was nominated for a Grammy.
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