Jesse Hafterson How can Jason Segal show his penis a bunch of times in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and get the starring role in the Muppets movie??
Ace La Melodia Im a big FREAK!!! So if u cnt handel den b gone lol
Tatiana Martin who qot a swisher ? im tryna smoke !!
Kieran 'Kizzaa' Andrews I smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass faster than a fat bitch that sat down too fast 8' eminem lmfao!!
Robert Peek Went to the crab pot in la quinta last night with the wife and baby. We ordered our food and then ate. I went to pay for the meal and the waiter Ran our card for the table next to us And we paid for there 255 dollar bill and then the waiter wanted us to pay again for our meal. After i gave them a what for you i meal for free and they refunded the money from the other guys meal.
Eric Agyei Behind every beautiful girl there's a dumbass guy who did her wrong and made her strong'.
Toney Kaos I love smashed potatoes lls random thought and to be honest i never tatsed a nasty caprisun lol
Zanele Mthembu Do u knw ur status,I knw mine,I receive a cup n bracelet *happy*
Tim Bassett Have to laugh at people who are against spanking. My parents whipped my ass like there was no tomorrow. I didn't hate them. I didn't have trust issues with them because of it. I didn't fear them. But I DAMN sure respected them! I learned what my boundaries were, and knew what would happen if I crossed them. I wasn't abused, I was disciplined. *Re-post if you got your butt smacked and survived. This is why kids nowadays have no respect for anyone. There is a HUGE difference between disciplined & abused!
Myeshia Forbes AIDS is a leading killer of young African American women. GET TESTED. PROTECT YOURSELF at ALL TIMES. We're better than these statistics!
Clark Pitts ...
Many hard-working people from one of America's largest employers have found themselves down on their luck this holiday season. Some are wondering just where ...
Themba Ntabenkulu Phiri Our team was in Palm Springs Shopping Mall today to mark World AIDS Day. Participants were treated to entertaiment, infomation and education. We believe that we MUST continue to remind ourselves of the real dangers of HIV and AIDS. If we relax and pretend as if all is well, we place our future generations into threats of extinction. Let us work hard to leave to our offsprings a legacy they will be proud of.
Jim Cockrum Taxing Internet purchases is a horrible way to "level the playing field". For the local based retailers complaining about fairness please remember that the great equalizer is SHIPPING expenses! It costs a lot to ship packages one at a time to customers... Internet retailers have an additional expense that local retailers DON'T have. Level the playing field by keeping Govt. OUT of it as much as possible...and watch free markets do what they do best.
Paul Senn Richards Abingdons big xmas extravaganza! fair,music, fireworks bright lights and santa is coming! and i'm with a bunch of humbugs! where's the party spirit? :)
Antonio CanIlive Langston They need to name a day after me! Like Monday, Tuesday, Antonio lol!
Rylee Vaughn Some girls literally make me ashamed to identify myself with the female population. It'd be nice to see just a littttttle self-respect.
Michelle Hart Anyone with a truck wanna help me today not a big deal just need to move three big suitcases to my grandmas
Tyler Mcquillen wow what a messed up day, i was supose 2 pick up in coshocton,OH and go 2 cincinnati but someone else picked it up yesterday and now im in Navarre,OH at the shearers potatoe chip plant.
Cholojanet Yubal life is a constant change..................
Bekim Karanxha Ti shqiponje ku po shkon ropt e grekut po kerkon
Ti shqiponje e shqiperise q*a maqedonsit ropt e shpise
Rreze mali gjithe rrepira serbet jane krejt moterq*ra
Jemi bijte e Skenderbeut i q*m ropt te gjithe mesdheut
Per flamurin e vatanit ja q*m ropt te gjithe ballkanit
Armen ne dore e thiken ne brez jam Shqipetar deri sa te vdes...
Ntuthuko Mdlalose Had a good day at Hospital, ngifika nje sengenziswa icircumcision ne I nd D ngedwa ngi assistwa ama nurse, ey ngizofunda la!
Le Socio Thesocialgallery Sum women thy complain that thy ain't getn gud men or there r no gud men ... N wen thy meet a gud guy ....He's a " friend" ... * maintain ur needs *
Alibris Staff Pick Gift Idea: Seller Sales Rep Steve says, “Lavay Smith is a one of a kind jazz swing band from San Francisco. Introducing this artist to anyone who loves swing or jazz is a great gift for any music lover.”
Alibris has One Hour Mama and other music by Lavay Smith & Her Red Hot Skillet Lickers, including new & used copies.
Shubham Singh Going to
make you a
any more than
standing in
a garage
makes you a
car...ha ha ha
David Rambo "If the mere presence of an important person who is worthy of respect is enough to improve the behavior of the people before him,how is it that the continual presence of God does not increasingly better us in our speech, actions, and feelings?" St Clement of Alexandria. A little wisdom from the early Fathers,still relevant for today.
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