Gui Asun This feeling is not good at all, when I say something that has come out without realizing it.
after I realized that all I was so embarrassed and it is ridiculous to me.
I'm so stupid. really bad luck anyway!
Fatma Iroel Ayahhh ...maukah engkau kubisikkan kata cinta ? ...I Love you syankk ...emmuahhh
Sri Astutik Belive your heart instead you will found true from your heart!!!!
As friends l only suprot you ??
i wish you got happy life amien....
Syckha Anna Thank you my dear frnd you make me good feel. With you I never sad and always happy. I want we are can make good frndship in here. I can say love with you bcoz you my best frnd in my live. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH all my dear frnd.
Siswana Asis Ana I hope all will be fine....
Lhoka Sweet What wrong with me my friend? Only you my family here, you are make me sad. I miss u . . . If there is mistake of me, tell me it, so i can changa my mistake to you.
Zhya Anastasya Baby, you're the meaning in my life
you're the inspiration, you bring feeling to my life?? I wanna have you hear me saying. No one needs you more than i need you!!! (",)
Farida Rilda Smoga beliau mengrt dn memahmi ,juga merzkn.apa yg ak rzkn ini.andkn smw in nyat kuakn menghrgi dn menghormt.zprti ak menghrgi kakaku terzyng dn tercnta kasarjan I LoVe yOu fOreVeR
Saiful Arifin asyeeckk, dapat pelajaran baru mengenah i priNter,-
Kasdi Faqod Al-kudsi Kdi pah,pean gawene ngutek2 printer aq mou ug laly uga jaluk warah pas nex bastcame CANTIGI yo,-
Antho OctaviantoVikerssjtifromeast I shall never love again...
Because my heart only for you... 6 9
Hidayah Giarso Nglano Karanganyar yg dirasakan dirimu aku juga merasakan
yg kata didalam hatimu aku mendengarnya
aku mengertimu seumur hidupmu
i lophe you
C'jyeks Tara D'manja n0ntn oVJ Brenk aBank serUuUu aBIzZ
I Like it,,
Prabuhendrasetiawan VikingTangerang jngan biarkan kyakinan pudar dgn ktakutan. .
kkey. .I promise you. .
Latifah Usnah Al Rasyid Gud n8 my dear friend i mis u all :)
Wahyu Si Engkiztbulugh Ygslaluwdisakiti Meskipun hanya sesaat tp Q udah sneng banget hri ini bisa denger suaramu______________
Iwak hiu mlumah- mlumah_____
I miss U Emmmuachh______
Muhammad Robani Ketika' kehilang'an'ny' q b4ru sadar" trnyata" aku sang'at menyang!ny" aku gk mw kau pergi dari hidupku" I �0ve y0u!!
Yuyun Beliebers Friend , i want ..
You and me always together
Enal Zhabuck Bbc Holy Love a woman
What ready to give its wing
To its lover
Holy love a man
What is figured in by advise of good attention and exhortation
If only
Love of like mother radius
I wish my radius like mother finger
Love the love with entire/all affection
Love the love in full force
Love the love with entire/all patience
Love the love with entire/all faithfulness
[So that/ to be] thou really comprehend that
Love cannot be laid open with the words
But only feltly [is] thou will know that
If love [is] easy to said
But difficult to preserve th
Noer Jie Soet II Neg quu ngedoh marang smpean Duh Gusti.
Mstii smpean ngLajur kuLo, npo2 mbog kek i.
Tpii kuLa mbten saget, kuLo taksih ngondeLi smpean.
Smpean pringi kuLo ujian ngh mbten npo2 sa 4JJI kuLa ikhLas. KuLa prcya menawi smpean maringi ujian mbten ngluwih i btas kmampuan umat smpean.
Duh Gusti kuLa nming nyuwun jwbn marang do'a2 kuLa.
Npo do'a2 kuLa nming smpean cueg'e .
Lan kuLa nyuwun weLasing smpean mrang kuLa Lan keLuarga kuLa.
Wiwin Erorr Trilili .hoalah kog apesmeN ta aQ i huhft !!!
Sandikala Lalove ,.+��_�_��+.,
#( -_-)(-_- )#
*>�)(��)(�<* ��-.,*,.-�� I send these two little an9els tux menemani bo�x u dimlm ne.. G0oD_n Ght SwEet_Dream,, I know it had been a long day & U r tired.. I hope somehow, my SMS made u SMILE.. ()". ".() ( 0, )Gud Nite..!! !
CheraCyank Dyeaclalue .'gg' bzHa tDuRr n!i . -)D
mLm ..!!
Ma'im Sanusi Pane White lion : broken heart
Here I stand , all alone
Trying to fight the pain from a broken heart
Dilema again
Ifah Latifah Tea I feel sick ! :(
Angelina Scot i like that...
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