Mohamad Ismail i will fly.
Dian Orlando >>101% cinta n synku cm buat kamu.
I miss u chayankq
Tengku Syelmi Al-sahab i love u..
Muhammad Rhizal Avanged Sevenfold Nightmare
(Now your nightmare comes to life)
Dragged you down below
Down to the devil�s show
To be his guest forever
(Peace of mind is less than never)
Hate to twist your mind
But God ain�t on your side
An old acquaintance severed
(Burn the world your last endeavor)
Flesh is burning, you can smell it in the air
'Cause men like you have such an easy soul to steal (steal)
So stand in line while they ink numbers in your head
You�re now a slave until the end of time here
Nothing stops the madness turning, haunting, yearning, pull the trigger
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
It�s your fuckin� nightmare
(While your nightmare comes to life)
Can�t wake up in sweat
'Cause it ain�t over yet
Still dancin' with your demons
(Victim of your own creation)
Beyond the will to fight
Where all that�s wrong is right
Where hate don�t need a reason
(Loathing self-assassination)
You�ve been lied to just to rape you of your sight
And now they have the nerve to tell you how to feel (feel)
So sedated as they medicate your brain
And while you slowly go insane they tell ya
"Given with the best intentions,
Help you with your complications"
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It�s your fuckin� nightmare
Fight (fight)
Not to fail (fail)
Not to fall (fall)
Or you�ll end up like the others
Die (die)
Die again (die)
Drenched in sin (sin)
With no respect for another
Down (down)
Feel the fire (fire)
Feel the hate (hate)
Your pain is what we desire
Lost (lost)
Hit the wall (wall)
Watch you crawl (crawl)
Such a replaceable liar
And I know you hear their voices
(Calling from above)
And I know they may seem real
(These signals of love)
But our life�s made up of choices
(Some without appeal)
They took for granted your soul
And it�s ours now to steal
(As your nightmare comes to life)
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It�s your fuckin� nightmare
Meidy Retsa Thanky0u Yank, , , , , , , ,, , ,, ,
I ♥ U_ fulL"H.L"^^
�*��`*�.��.�* ��`*�.�� .�*��`*�.�� . �*
Khaisar Dhavid's " Taichi master......i like. . . . . . . .
Ade Dwiansyah i can solve problem because i learn my experience...amin ya allah
DieGo Mienchel Dngan cadas ny q berkata...
Wardha Faradila Lala mom where are you ? i miss you in there.
Fajar Abdul Gandi December 5th,2011
Saat itu kita bertemu d taman kota, dan kita pn brbincang-bincang:
Q: Jdi km udah yakin dg kputusanmu.??
X: Q tau aq salah mas,tpi yg nama�y perasaan g bsa d bohongi. aq....
Q: udh cukup, aq udh tau smua�y. Lgipula sjak aq kuliah & km mlai bkrja, kita udh jrang brtemu, kita udh mulai ranggang, kita ring brtngkar, mngkin km mrasa aq g bsa ngrtiin km & sblik�y aq jg ngrasa km g bsa ngrtiin aq. Mngkin d sna km d dkati cwo lain, y kn.???
X: y mas, tapi aq m dia g ada hubungn apa� &..
Q: y tpi km ngrsa nyaman kn m dia.?? Km jg sring jalan m dia kn.?? Jujur aj,aq g ap� kok, it mlah lbih baik..jdi smua�y jlas..
X: aq emg sring jlan m dia tp aq m dia blum ada hubngn apa�. Lha mas sndiri dsini jg gtu kn sring jlan m cwe lain..!!!
Q; knpa km jdi nyalahin aq si, udh g usah sling nyalahin, aq kn cma tanya...
X: trus mau�y mas gmna.??
Q: gni aj deh, aq udh pusing mikirin ini smua, aq jg g mau kuliahku k ganggu hnya gara� ini. Klo km g sanggup ngjalani�y shrus�y dlu km blg sblum aq kuliah,tpi ini udh trlnjur trjadi. Skrg aq tnya m km tp km hrus jujur. Km sayang kn m dia.?? Km brharapkn m dia..?? jujur aj gpp, toh aq jg udh tau klo dia udh nembak km, dia psti lg nunnggu jwaban dri km.
X: i... i.. iya....
Q: Huft,,,
X: mas jngan marah dlu dong, plis aq pngn ngejelasin smua km...
Q: g ad yg prlu d jelasin, udh cukup.....
X:plis mas jngan marah dulu, mas jngan salah paham dulu...
Q: km tau, aq udh prnah alami ini sbelum�y. Waktu it aq marah, sangat marah sampai� heboh 1 sekolah gara� aq pokok�y km udh prnah aq critain in, km msih ingat kn..??... klo skrg km tanya gtu, tntu aj skrg pun aq marah, sangat sangat marah.... dsini aq udh nyoba setia m km, aq g prnah ngajak ngedate atau brduaan dg cwe slain sahabat�ku.. aq dsini g prnah boncengin cewe lain atau gmna skalipn it iya jg aq ngaluin it krna cwe it sahabat�ku & aq sllu ngasih tau km aq sma siapa, prgi m sapa..
X: (nangis)
Q: Udh g usah nangis, q g emg marah, sangat sagat sangat marah tpi aq akn merelakanmu, pergilah k cwo it jk km ngrasa dia yg trbaik buat km. Udh y aq mau plg dlu,
Lalu aq antar X smpai rumah, g usah d pikirin lg aq g apa� kok,, smoga kmbahagia y & jngan hubungi aq lgi.... dan aq lgsg pulang k rumah.
Dan stelah aq posting stat ini, saat itu jg aq tlah meremove& memblokir fbmu, mnghapus nomor km & hnaya 1 yg q harapkn, km takkan prnah hubungi aq lgi agar aq bsa mlupakanmu& aq bsa dg tenang mncari pnggantimu....
Sedih ataupun marah, aq akn sllu mncoba utk ttap trsenyum...
Secangkir kopi & 1 bungkus rokok sekarang menemaniku semalam utk mengobati amarahku yg mmbuat hatiku remuuukkkkk.....
# Curhat (sudah g bsa lg nahan sedih&marah d hati)......
Idris Aritonang "Ninna lulu ma rokkap mu di rantaui,asa tanda ho na magarantoi.ape aha do na dapot,ai soadong na di tanda anak boru di parjalanganon"hemmada tutu'bahen hamu ma jolo ende i pargondang hami na malo na lagu nai;HAholongi ma sidoli dohot,Dangtarbolus au "asa rapmarende hita asa tor dibaen suara sadai.
Randy Bernadette @robbert jammy; i wanna to change my name in my page,it's bad name u know,if u looking this message,call me right now,,,
Dika Anagna Mamic pacARku udah gak ngambek lg....
I luph u yank...
Mybeyesmybeno Embooh Est np c bxak bgt. org lebay/
i dont like lah
Melvin Wau i miss u ................
Irma Antyqha i sad....:(
Nunx N Mysweat Bebby Senyum ku untk cntamu... I l0v u full ...
Iyan Barcelonista Sevenfoldism Fourever I hate you but i miss you <3
Taufiq Sumintang It's been so long
That I haven't seen your face
I'm tryna be strong
But the strength I have is washing away It wont be long
Before I get you by my side
And just hold you, tease you, squeeze you
Tell you what's been on my mind I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na Girl I know mistakes were made between us
And we show our eyes that night
Even said somethings weren't true
Why'd you go and haven't seen my girl since
then Why can't it be the way it was?
Cos you were my homie, lover and friend I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na I can't lie
I miss you much
Watching everyday that goes by
I miss you much
Until I get you back I'm gonna try
Yes I miss you much You are the apple of my eye
Girl I miss you much I miss you much
I can't lie
I miss you much
Watching everyday that goes by
I miss you much
Until I get you back I'm gonna try Yes I miss you much
You are the apple of my eye
Girl I miss you much
I miss you much I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na I want you to fly with me
Want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me
Miss how you lie
Just wish you could dine with me
Wish you could dine One that would grind with me
One that would grind with me I want you to fly with me
Want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me
Miss how you lie
Just wish you could dine with me
Wish you could dine One that would grind with me
One that would grind I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na I wanna make up right now, na na
I wanna make up right now, na na
Wish we never broke up right now, na na
We need to link up right now, na na
Burhannudin Madyasin Al Damih angel oh angel, are there any you would lend me wings so that i could fly on someone who i miss
Soeroso Roso Roso senadyan urep q rekoso kabeh mau bakal e tak trimo nurut i kodrat ing donyo
Dwiek Olala SiiCewex Aries 1 1 Aq cyank kmu2 2 Aq cnta kmu3 3 Aq rndu kmu1 2 3 Q bilang I LOVE U
ChinttaAurelianya C Adhie Onealovizme i like the song of "oneArata"kubuai kau bagai rajaku..its good,,i love it very u like friendz??
Kocchimuite Miiko FC Isi ZONK!
I1 -> ZONK
N1 -> req 1 lirik lagu : Desi Angelina
N2 -> dapat 1 anime chibi : Nadia Nadhira Az-zahra
S -> dapat 2 anime : Ainina Amanda Putri I
I2 -> ZONK
A -> req 3 foto : Moshi Moshi Tappei's Here (Muri-chan)
Hendra Yadi Hdup slow mti disco hdup ngjoMblo trasa bebz bro...W mlz pcrn di atUR2 Ni gk bolh tU gk bolh cpek dch..I like jmblo..
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