Tuesday, December 6, 2011

i like your style u know i've been waiting on the other side and u all u gotta do is cross the line i could wait a whole life time but u

Gani Netral
Gani Netral i like your style,,,.


Gani NetralFirdha NadhiaA'ap Sahran KijukMia Amalia
Nugraha Jati Sukandar
Nugraha Jati Sukandar u know, i've been waiting on the other side and u, all u gotta do is cross the line i could wait a whole life time but u just gotta decide


Ganisha Wijayatri
Risal Cunien Sejathitea Salaminha
Risal Cunien Sejathitea Salaminha apakahhh kmm merinn dhuu khann aqq seperthii khuu yanqq merindhuu khn mhuu (I)????


Risal Cunien Sejathitea SalaminhaMhie Ochlyy Pzteebza Elfshawoll
Yai Prutul
Yai Prutul YA ALLAH bimbnglah hambamu ini agr ttap djlan yg KAU ridho i. amien
By-you Krisna
By-you Krisna lonely without you come back to me again I beg you


Diahh Wahyu SKeke NanungPrincess Chintya Stevkiwilliamkatoumboh SelamanyaRizma Gombel Berjamaah
Irv Danank Sullivan
Irv Danank Sullivan I'm so sorry,,, I must go without say goodbye tonite,,,


Irv Danank Sullivan
Moechtar Jhon
Moechtar Jhon MUSIC IS MY LIFE......I LOVE MUSIC ╔═════════════════╗.ılı.------Volume------.ılı.▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ █ ▄ ▄ Min- - - - - - - - - - -●Max ► Play ▌▌ Pause ■ Stop ╚═══�


Moechtar Jhon
Tintin Kartini
Tintin Kartini Because of love, I believe there is a hope and happiness... Because of love, I believe my dream will come true.......
Rozly Aldhiana
Rozly Aldhiana i love pantai kuta... Amazing... Wuihhhhhhhh, so hot...
Nheachnieul Ingientdyasellamanya
Nheachnieul Ingientdyasellamanya if I remember everything you've done to me, it really hurt my heart. and I do not want to know you ... but what it all meant .... if later you want me ?????????? I'm confused .......... what should I do?????


Valent Sang MalaikatcintaEnal Justin Menthek AsliwongjowoetanNheachnieul Ingientdyasellamanya
Varen Moo Mow
Varen Moo Mow I have been sick not get well yet :( i'm missing him..but i'm afraid if i will be sad..finally


Ridwansiiee PreduatoormonsterAsia TidakadalawaanBejat Ingin KembaliRaden'Adipati Diobrianvalentino MangkuBumiJelang DawGs
Endang Safitri
Endang Safitri Sid, manny and diego in action, I never bored watching this movie haha
Mahmud Love Cyank Cemeng
Mahmud Love Cyank Cemeng I need you in my life :p


Gita Tasya TasyaIrmala Glumsy
Nur Cliquers Chayank Napasha
Nur Cliquers Chayank Napasha Kata kotak pelan pelan saja kata..N..slowly..slowly. Kata I..ALoN2 Wae and kata ce R..HEmz hehe ojo ke susu huahahahaha singapore indo jadi RAme 3yo wewek ketawa,hehehe


Nur Cliquers Chayank Napasha
Felix Karot
Felix Karot When I See You Smile..............


Nophieta ElisabethUchy Dessy Natalia
Rafi Ahmad
Rafi Ahmad Meski lu nambeng tp aq syg km kok.. I will do the best 4u. But i will do't step by step key!! You still my honey 4ever! Lopyu δεε!!
Chie Chiek Ae
Chie Chiek Ae i need you but i don't want you
Sansanezzious Agnezmo Paralyzedtemperature
Sansanezzious Agnezmo Paralyzedtemperature Naega jiel jal nag ( i am the best )


Ierfan Deljoeh ThemanblackwhiteIrvanto Cekidot KiddrockRab Lpl
Riska Fitriany
Riska Fitriany i really want to live with you... You're my last choice in my life


Rick BojezzMulya DoddyRiska FitrianyAskom Buronan Malaikatmaut
Buatjingan Cillik Gakkenallcinta
Buatjingan Cillik Gakkenallcinta ,aku menangis,i smua perilaku sndri,. ,hnya ss0k ibu yg bsa mengrti akan mslah qu ,..sampaii tak terbndung air mata yg turun dri wjah,a ,.saat dia melhat tngkah laku ku ,. Maapkan aku ibu yg tlah bkin km sdih , .bgiku aku hnylah ses0k anak bajingan yg sesal km lhirkan ,. .aku jnji aku kan prgi aku tk mau lg mlht ibu meneteskan air mata lg krena aku . .mksh bu telah merawat aku dri kcil smpai bsar .. *my m0om my angel*


Edcha-ismeedarkAngell Siietemmbemm Yangegoiistdantakkmmau'kallahBuatjingan Cillik Gakkenallcinta
Ezna Beleko
Ezna Beleko Hmmmm butuh dukungan,tapi ti ad respon ju,,, ya ta apa2lah,,, i know you so well kok,,, i believe you,,,,


Tathye Yambu BoraLoja Putra SumbaEdane Selalu SetiaJune Chy Chandy
Denni Pria Kesepian
Denni Pria Kesepian inginn rasanya diriQ triakk,,biarr smua yg d beranda tauu bahwa diriQ kngeunn bngedtt ma dirimuu yank_.. V triakk sekrass apapun psti gk akn trdengarr,,hnya lwat tulisan inihh Qgoreskn rasa kngeunn inihh hnya watt dirimuu... I hope you always remember to me,... Mizz U yank_...


Denni Pria KesepianPreman UrbanNaya NoerhayatiNoer Thea
Yanz Kanslluluphdeadkekhu'del
Yanz Kanslluluphdeadkekhu'del ..ci (d)ia gx ngsih kabar lagi(e).. ..kmna sih kmu ??;(( ..aku kngenn bngett tau.. ..(l)g ap s(i)h kmu ??;( .ap kmu dh lpa / bosen m.(a)ku ??T_T 人★人人◆◆◆画画画画GaK画画ADA◆LOE◆GaK◆RaME◆◆◆画画♣♣♣♣♣♣♣画画


Lilis TriyaniIiaa C'nonnazUttekktppibaiikhttiNewchecwekjutekk Iankkanztcaiiankancnt KhanrsaClaluRadenmadun Thehooliqann Dhuakozzonxdhua
Cholifah Yuni Rachman
Cholifah Yuni Rachman I need you're hug......*Yah*
Pangeran Bhonbate
Pangeran Bhonbate aku sayank ama kamu Diyand Ardyans, aku ingin memilikimu seutuhnya,.. I will always love you my sylph,..


Maeyy SheyGadiezimyout TanakBeakBayu Satria

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