Diah Fragazer A. ku titipkan
S. alam buat
S. emilir
A. ngin dan
L. antunan asma
A. llah yang
M. asihmelekat pada
U. matnya
A. ndai
L. angit mendengar
A. ku
I. ngin
K. irimkan
U. capan
M. et malem..
Ricky Sinaga'TingTing Outsiders Buittenzorg Siapapun loe yg gak suka ma gw bilang secara langsung, gentle jdi orang jgn Pecundang yg cuma brani dari belakang.
Fuck, Shit, Freak and damn for a losser!!
Acep Nana Prepare tidur besok mesti berangkat pagi".....
Evry night in my dream
have a nice dream......zzzzzzz����
Emmha Azmaniar Of agghh....
Ngantukk,,have a nice dream!
Chamay Mued I Have a Dream.....
Argian Adieputra Hidup ini JaNGAN DI buat sErba yg terlalu karENa yg serba terlalu bikin sakit kepala,,,,,met mlm A��,
Ingga NouNa Bidhan Sometimes, I feel sad n confused in FB�
Why people always judge me with all my satt�
I always become a people who is blamed by everyone�
They said me looser, crazy, n the worst is they said me as a garbich�
Why all of U judge me only from my sttus, that's not always true�
I create it n it make my heart calm down�
but you destroy It, so I must remove it�
So pliss, I only need peace n nice comment, don't U even know the people who make other people happy, would receive nice gift from Allah�??!
Dhaniell Tthea Cherastafarrabbirru gak usah alasan lagi dech lu sma w. .
skrg udh jelas law status lu udah menikah. . . itu kn alsan,a lu kga mau ktmu w. .
Salma Dwinanda Mit amit andai puny `a` teh :p :@
Mochamad Yusup "Bukti Karena Semua Rasa Milik Allah"
Ga Pernah Salah a/u Pun Bohong..
Ret Robby Sanjaya SmUa maNus!A g' aD Yg smPrnA. . st!Ap kta y9 trL0Ntar trSL!P kb0h0n9an, slan9kH KAk! BrJln mN!N9gaLkN jeJAk ksLaHan,
sbUaH T!ndakAn mNoREh LukA Yg taK TRl!Hat . . .
dr! ItU stLUs ht! Q m0hnKN MA'af b!La sMW !Tu aD D!DRiku . . .
Ely Rozana ..losing U isn't a matter
never mind being left
cause U R nothing
U R an imaginary one so far
not so important as U said
needn't to catch up
to hug
n never let go
holding the allegiance..?!
But I can't..
Being inspired by June, Nov. 18..
Hindrianie Chaca Anastasya huhuhu dngar crita,a jd pngen liburan k,singapor ..hahaha ngarep.com
Sigit van Mueller i'm without you is like a facebook without friend , twitter without followers, you tube without videos and google without result. :)
Aries Moehammad Ramadhan Eyd if you fall in river these is a boat..
if you fall in well there is rope..
but if you fall in love there is no hope...
Ilyas Mutto hari yg penuh derita,,,,,,,,,,,
segala,a menderita,,,,,,,,,,,,
mengapa oh mengapa,,,,,,,,,,,
Siska Wulandari pa sich mw-a skrng g' ngerti qu........
Jentot Itoe Yudhi pohon plem d mkan kebo,,,udah mlem cepat bobo,,,ada semut d pohon bringin,,,,pakek slimut byar gg dingin,,,jeruk nipiz jap jempol,,, pipis dulu byar gg ngmpol,,,batu bata rasa ice cream,,,pejamkn mata HAVE A NICE DREAM.... GOOD NIGHT...and MET BOBO :-)
Rasstta Farryana Ajj Deeah Aduh kalah saingan asa ngimpi un9.
Ozrenx Kakaroto '''''和阿他一一阿年个他阿人所阿可一他一
Achmad Lutfi Kasyaefie Teach me a love
Qinqy Oktapiana' SAYANG KAMU A***G :*
Made Wijana cinta,,akan lebih menyakitkan lag! apa b!la seseorang yg km sayang! tidax taw apa yg sesungsuh,a km rasakn....!!!!
Vera Imelda Asa te brhrap bnyk tuk bsa ktmu a dlm wkt dkat nh eum..krna dy akn sbuk X,.tp mdah" w D suatU k ajaiban tuk bsa cpt" ktmu,.
Mira Tania Sayur Asem akhir a,
ak dptin dy ugh,jd co ak..
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