Patrick Valencia I DON'NT FUCKING CARE YOUR FACE.........
Hatebreed - "I will be heard" & "Destroy Everything" from With Full Force Festival in Roitzschjora, Germany. July 2, 2011.
猛陈 semoga sakit ini cepat hilang,,(_/i'\_)
Syifa 'fhazee' Chan I Love you badly my lovely best friend @annisa muslimah & @asri syahfariani...kalian takkan terganti.. :* :* :*
Ramadhan Arisena Al-farizi confused and complicated
Oh My GOD help me!!
<3 I believe U <3
Adiel Ghani Akbar I Believe
Rini Mocha Ketika semua berkata tidak mungkin .
Saat itu mereka kan merasakan khilangan .
Termasuk km *i*n
Sep Rahmat c'Jablay PuteraApana B - I - N - G - U - N - G....
Adelia Chritiani Januaryani Stoney like to live out she was happy just to play stoney happy all the time everyday the you finds in living everyday how i love ,the times you simple ways.
Bayu Sulistyo Do you remember when I shoot you, you said not to hurry so much time, but why now you are with him my heart feels broken
Ocha Vee (*_*) & (*_*)
GD Evning All MyFriend,I Hope U all gEt Sweet Day Today,B'coZ We hv God EvrytiMe,B'coz God Alwys bLess We
Jhony Marzo I dont want care anymore because it is useless.....
forget all.....
Wahyu Prince Achilles now the pain is my pleasure cause nothing could be measure..
I am perfectly good at it, sex in the air I dont care I like the smeel of it..
Yericho BalWell I Love U Papa
I Love U Mama
: )
Siwok Fe Andai alloh mgbuLkan isi dHtiq, ,yg paliiing kecil 'For the future in my Live, I want to live at west java, ,'really y alloh'..
Tia Imagilangit Kirana Im leaving on the jet plane i dont know when i'll be back again owh babe i hate to go
Don's Cyank Mamak seLemak'Lmak kOta woNg mseH LmaK paLebnag tU La '..
I LOve Plg '...
Tya Kecill .what the heLL..!! .i dont ReaLLy cARe aBout it.. .i had betteR.. :D
Filo Lembor I beLiEvE,I Can't liFe witH0ut U.......
BarcLays Dila ThumayLan'ga I like sambel ..
Rainy Natalina i wanna hold ur hand..why u must gone when i need u?
Vrepita Ayuenda Cua'ntik i need you now
Armada Adam There�s only so many songs
That I can sing to pass the time
And I�m running out of things to do
To get you off my mind....."missing"
'iyaas Siswoyo Jembree(tmenQ):"pluk,reti ra cwekQ i kancane lanang kbeh,tp q enjoy?sing jenenge pcran ki nrimo konsekuensine khdpane pasangan kta asal kta percya...tiap kono ro knca2ne q yo ra mempermaslhne
AKU:"Mbre,q pgen bgd dikoyo ngunukne...padahal kehdupanku ro kanca2ku ra unu sik tak tu2pi
Asmy Asmydar Mom n dad..
i miss u so much,but i can't go home now..
always pray 2 me..
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