Jenaris Echevarria Think i need a hug, not in the best mood. #tearfull
Getting unexpected gift
Sleeping in late
Having no homework
First swim of the summer
... Laughing till your stomach hurts
Getting an A on a test you didn't study for
Looking at pictures from when you were little
Living up someone's expectations
Finding those jeans that fit perfectly
Finally eating the food you were craving for
Waking up & realizing you have hours to sleep
Making a stranger smile
Putting on sweatpants after wearing jeans all day
When little kids draw you pictures
Making new friends
Being told someone is okay
When someone tells you smell nice
Winning an argument
Proving a smart person wrong
Listening you favourite song
Receiving hand-written letters
Finishing an essay
When people laugh at your jokes
Getting a friendship bracelet
Finding out the name of the song stuck on your head
Packing for a vacation
Perfectly peeling off the price sticker
Realizing its Friday
Bill Lindhorst The following conversation between my wife and daughter:
"What does a goose say?"
"Honk! Honk!"
"Very good! And then what does Daddy say?"
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"
"VERY good!!!"
LOL! Very good indeed...
Anntinette Tee Jae Blake My soldier Chris CeeJay Jones!!! Gettin they a**es!!!
Chris Jones has no public highlight videos. Read about Chris Jones's athletic and academic accomplishments on their athlete profile.
MaryLouise Salvi This has been a very adventorus year for my family and me ,even some has been hard and trying ,and yet some has been a blessing we are stil together holding each other. For that i am very happy . My ony wish is that my new found kids would find it in there haerts to help us celebrate this hoiday season ..
Gene Parker Looking for a place to jam, learn and meet other musicians? This is the place!!
Wednesday‘s 7pm to ?
Degage Jazz Café – Gene Parker Jazz Jam
Gene Parker and Friends/students
The Degage Jazz Cafe in the Historic Commercial Building in Maumee, Ohio.
Scotty plays a great walking bass line in this video recorded at the Ohio Fingerstyle Guitar Club in Feb 2005. To learn more about Sc...
Ronda Suh Sage WOW its laready the last day of November! Before we know it it will be CHRISTMAS!!! :) well im ready for my two days off even tho im not sure what im gonna do with them yet lol Have a awsome day everyone!
Joan Yap haiz....还是做不到~~ 我要睡觉啊~~
Stephanie Piercey For sure, I'm not really good for doing much else other than singing and teaching voice. Spent my whole life perfecting my art, learning how the vocal mechanism works, travelling all over and studying with some of the best and most knowledgable people in my field. I am truly grateful for all those remarkable teachers who enriched my life and my art, Dixie Neill, Carol Forte, Lorenzo Palomo in Berlin and Alexander Ingram in England, Jeremy Silver too, just to name a few.
Passing on what I know and enriching the lives of others, as frustrating as that may be at times, is a gift I gratefully receive. Cheers!
Chirumamilla Rajasekhar Chowdary Wife: can u help me in garden?
Husband: what do you think, i m a gardner??
Wife: can u fix door handle?
Husband: What do u think, i m a carpenter?
In the evening when husband came from the work, he saw everything has been fixed. He asked wife who fixed this.
... ... Wife:our neighbour. But he gave me 2 options. Either i should give him burger or a kiss.
Husband: I m sure u must have given a burger.
Wife:"Whatt do u think, i m "McDonald's ? :D.........:PP
Rhonda McNeal An Islander speaking French got into a confrontation over a parking space with a Russian in front of a Chinese Food place. This black chick (me) came by and acted as a translator. I love this country.
Rehann Richelle Welcome to the world, Maren! I think you'll like it here--it's a pretty cool place. And as your much much older and much much wiser cousin, I'll give you some advice: Beware red liquids in the fridge. Just because it looks like Kool-Aid doesn't mean it is Kool-Aid. It could be hummingbird food.
You're welcome.
Catherine Diane Beaulieu omg my theo loves the snow he crys to go out side you too my big boy cant wait theo will be pulling the kids on there sleds this year lol ... take him for a walk in the snow .... then hot chocolate not sure what to do today feel lost .....
Ct Charity Rides Sending shout outs to my brothers and sisters in the MC/SC world. I hope you all have a blessed day and stay safe on the two's..
Mayank Khandelwal Never Think Hard about PAST, It brings Tears...
Don't Think more about FUTURE, It brings Fears...
Live this Moment with a Smile, It brings Cheers.!!!!
Yung Kin I grew up in the 90s. :D
We are the last generation who learned to play in the street, we are the first one who've played video games, and we're the last ones to record songs off the radio on cassettes and we are the pioneers of Walkman and chat-rooms.
We learned how to program the VCR before anyone else, play with Atari, Super Nintendo, & Genesis. We also believed that the internet would... be...............a free world.
We are the generation of the POKEMON, Digimon, Thunder Cats, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, Transformers, and Doogie Howser MD, Dexter Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog. Traveled in cars without seat belts or airbags, lived without mobile phones.
We didn't have +99 television stations, flat screens, surround sound, mp3, iPods, Facebook or Twitter but nevertheless we had a GREAT TIME! :)
Deejay Toro ok time for bed goodnite/goodmorning and last nite i got the sign that i was doing things right, i did something i thought i would not do, and had a convo with some1 i thought i would not talk too, keep ur head up krucial, & rip rowdy & alex
Holly Walker If it’s important enough to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse. It's simple.
Joanne Monroy Can't believe in 32 days this year will be coming to an end I have been blessed with a Grandson Xavier Lee have had plenty of changes in my life good ones and some not so good ones.. but I can honestly say this year has been the best I've had in some time thank you to my family and friends that have been with one... and most of all thank you God for everything in my life...
Punjabi Munda This are comments I wrote of my departed wife... left so quickly from health to departure, in less than six months from Cancer.
With Death
I see her in the sunlight shadows and in the corners of light, a glimpse, a memory a thought a smell, a bump in the night. These still all are Deb for me. I find myself waking at 11:00 and at three, in search of her. Where has she got to now? It is time for medicine. And then I remember, she no longer needs it. It will work no more if it ever did, she is gone, gone, gone, and then I cry some more. I cry for myself and for generations passed, for all those before and after me, who if they are lucky enough to have so loved a woman will feel the pain that I now feel. And, I don’t envy them the pain, but I envy them the hurts so much...what a pain to envy, but yet, I do because all coins have two sides. There is a Yin and Yang to everything and with great love must by need come great sorrow at passing... Somehow it becomes, it is, and it contains the definition. Looking for find her outside, wandering, I must find her, I must find is time for her medicine.
In the days, in the evenings in every hour she is present still and immediate to my thoughts. She is the hamburger not cooked, the salad not made, the glass of milk empty. She is gone and it is so hard to face. I cannot. I smile and look for her smile. I frown and look for her frown. I think and search for her thoughts. I look and see her still in everything... Oh what sweet a beauty she was, what a package of perfections flawed, what a package that was for me perfection.
I sense that this will be always, but I hope the always comes eventually without so much pain. I have only so many tears. Some days I think I must have used them all, when then- surprise, surprise, ducts pour more and vision blurs, so much… I cannot find my entrance key.
Too thin and dressed in white Levis ( I wrote this to be easy to read)
We first met
It was the summer solstice
I carried two bags of sails
She, alone
Behind the Sail loft’s counter
A seamstress of wind
And wave, of water
“Can you fix these sails?
You should read my
Novel” I said.
I talked too much
And gave her a card
“I must go golfing”, she said
What can you expect?
I thought
It’s Harbor Springs
Of course she must… Golf
It sits in my head as clear as yesterday
Golf of course it would be golf.
Too bad and she looked interesting.
Golf: That sport I had quit playing with disdain
Golf -The sport of lazy men and lazy dollars
Of Country Club men driving carts not tanks
Making my generation do their killing.
To keep those dominoes up right.
Their apple pies crisp
Their Cadillacs content in so many rich garages.
To my surprise she called a few days later
I read your novel. Will you sign it?
Come to the signing, I had said, the local bookstore, 6:30
There she was from the corner of my eye
I was reading passages of the novel to a group of woman.
I looked up and she looked down
Giving me a gaze of amusement.
Then she asked me for an autograph and invited me to dinner.
Strange, so strange, Goodhart, a deck, the lake beyond. Two men in their seventies or eighties.
Tan as Harbor Springs and loaded I surmised.
Clearly Conservatives with large amber drinks I their hands, and I in my beard, a liberal, and non-drinker, out of place, the deck was made of teak.
Later we walked along the beach.
I remember Deb trying to get me to talk.
I, one foot before the other thinking.
Should I involve myself?
Will it be good for me; will it be good for her?
One foot before the other until my toes dug into the sand and I spoke back.
We were together from that moment forward until, until…until.
Deb and I from that moment on together until
Last Tuesday
It Be Just Alright is the title of that book.
And now she has left me lonely
And it will never Be Just Alright again.
Lately my thoughts grab me in the dark stealing my sleep. I wonder now if I will ever sleep again. .
How can Deb be gone possibly be that she.
The most valuable person in any room for me.
Pilot, skier, golfer, athlete
College instructor, business manager, consultant
Deb could wear a rag and make it chic
She could drape the over done and give it sense
Deb, my wonderful wife and gone now. I will miss her so.
But in my thoughts
She will exist
Through my forevers
I can see her in my minds eye now
Beautiful and beaming, cooking, caring,
dancing down a mountain.
Crystal sparkles in the air, the Colorado sunshine
Dancing with beautiful acceleration,
gorgeous GS turns.
Or challenging the steepest slopes.
Hitting a golf ball, her swing perfection.
“Just slide in backwards”, I said
“And when you get to the cliff
Jump and spin. You must carry fifteen feet, then it is easy
Only fifty degrees- too steep for moguls. Watch I’ll show you.”
Deb watched and followed
Now… how many ladies can do that.
While all the time waiting to give you a piece of their mind
When we reached the bottom.
“You ass”, I remember her saying.
“You ass!”
And could she ski. And this when she was 56 and 57.
She died too young- weeks short of sixty-two
Think of Deb and she will live on
In spirit, in memory
In the pictures of our minds
I know, I see her watching from over there. Look left, right, in the shadow, in the corner… there.
A Chimera… real or imagined.
It maters not
living in the eyes of our minds.
Deb, It is all so sad …. We miss you.
I miss you more than any here can
Louis Yiallouros Are you a Facebook fan of Taste in Olney? As always I am truly humbled by the amount of support. Our 1 year anniversary is coming soon!
Greek & Mediterranean mezze (plates) with a modern flair...Is Olney, Maryland ready ?
Thomas J Haas I have more Lighthouses to find and I will. There is also a tower on Lake Winnabago I need to climb and get Pics.
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