Sion Mason Hello :)
I'm curretly doing some research for my dissertation and would greatly appreciate if you could listen to a short song, and fill out a short questionnaire.
It is based on extreme metal but even if you hate/despise/feel like ripping your head off, or even if you love the stuff, it will still help me a great deal :)
All answers are anonymous :)
ok so first of all listen to this video, THEN aswer the questionaire :)
Much appreciated :)
Livhuwani Thambeleni a wise man once said live 2 share nd share 2 live so ladies lets share LOL
Chivon Caldarola yoooooo vibez kartel done busted out of jail into jamica ..he held a gaurd at gun point. I wonder if its true ? If its true thats don dadda ..fuck an musician..word
Stacie Highfield Wow my baby boy has been off of school for 4 days with he had a allergic reaction to his antibiotics. Bless his little heart!
Lori Wedig Just have to pass this along... If you have taken a minute to read this... God has seen YOU struggling with something. God says its over. A blessing is coming your way.... If you believe in God send this message on, please don't ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor. If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. Can't hurt... I Still Believe in Miracles!!!
Mohan Priyani Laws Which Newton Forgot To State
LAW OF QUEUE: If you change ur queue, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.
LAW OF TELEPHONE: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.
LAW OF MECHANICAL REPAIR: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.
Nancy Pinkston Hitchcock Wishing a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Giga's precious angel, Mollie, who is turning 4 years old today...and thanking God
Kailash Korla DOSTAANA
Who Can Sing a Group Song ALone?
Its on the only
Sammymary Makir A girl who realizes dat her body is a private treasure and nt a public playground is prepared to make her debut.
Justin Arputharaj What a kiss means.. actually read the whole thing cause its nice!
+ Kiss on the stomach = I'm ready
+ Kiss on the Forehead = I hope we're together forever
+ Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
+ Kiss on the Cheek = We're friends
+ Kiss on the Hand = I adore you
+ Kiss on the Neck = We belong together
+ Kiss on the Shoulder = I want you
+ Kiss on the Lips = I love you
What the gesture means...
+ Holding Hands = We definitely love each other
+ Slap on the Butt = That's mine
+ Holding on tight = I don't want to let go
+ Looking into each other's Eyes = I just plain love you
+ Playing with Hair = Tell me you love me
+ Arms around the Waist = I love you too much to let go
+Laughing while Kissing = I am completely comfortable with you
+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
+If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love
Apostle Corey Lipscomb Pentecostal preachers, It s'such a shame that Churchs of Error Are springing up all over the place & stealing the souls right out form under our care & causing them to bcome bewitched with their flattering words, causing many to joyfully shuffle their way into hells grip & all we do is fight amongst each other for Position instead of being about our fathers business of Winning souls through Agape love, Compassion, Good works &Holiness! WOw I am so saddened as an Apostle Of the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
Kanayo Maryann Thank God 4 2day!i least expected wuld av been a big dawn on my face.
Linto Joseph Height Of coolness...!
Two friends, Finishing the paper, coming out of d exam hall, having a cold drink and talking...
1st- "Dude... which paper was it..."
2nd- "must be maths"
1st- "that means u read the question paper..??"
2nd- "nhi yaar side wali item calculator use kr rhi thi....";o)
Akash Maheshwari ƸӜƷ•°*””*°•.ƸӜƷ
Thappad se dar nahi lagta saaab..
pyar se lagta hai.... (♥ A meet ♥ ) ki tarah...
Carol Raab Soon off to do a bunch of returns...and it's not even Christmas yet..UGH.
Brenden Vikingfan Shedd ALL GUYS NEED TO READ THIS. When she pulls away, pull her back. When you see her start crying, just hold her and don't say a word. When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind. When she's scared, protect her. When she steals your favorite hoodie, let her wear it. When she says that she loves you, she really does mean it. When she grabs at your hands, hold hers and play with her......... fingers. When she tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold. When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does. When she re-posts this bulletin, she wants you to read it. ♥ When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go. When she says she's, okay don't believe it. Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her. Treat her like she's all that matters to you. Watch her favorite movie with her even if you think it's stupid. Don't talk about other girls around her. Kiss her in the pouring rain. When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose ass am I kicking, baby?" Guys: re-post this if you will do this. Girls: re-post this if you would love a guy who does this
Segun Micheal A man was making luv to a village girl. At d heat of d action she looked at d man n asked; r u wearing a condom? D man replied no. Y do u ask? She said I hope u dont av HIV o. D man said no. She then said innocently, one man gave it to me some time ago. I dont want to catch it again. U kno once bitten twice shy, D man fainted! lol. Happy end of d month...Seasons Greeting!
Tevez Tboz Make small comitmentz n kip dem. B a lyt, not a judge. B a model, not a critic. B pat of d solution, not pat of d problem.
Sue Root A mental disorder is as real and terrifying illness as any other.It strikes families by the grace of god as any other. You cannot just "snap yourself out of it". If you have a family member or know someone afflicted with such an illness my hope is that they will be treated with the same kind of compassion and understanding you would give to a a person with any other type of illness.
Debbie Bradshaw REMEMBER: Cell Phone Numbers Go Public this month. REMINDER..... all cell phone numbers are being released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls. .... YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list It will only take a minute of your time.. It blocks your number for five (5) years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number. HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON. It takes about 20 second. I just did this - its the National do not call Registry - quik and easy
Jesse Hickman I want a Suzuki LTR 450 so bad
Aabid Sabree In the night of Ashura a person takes bath in blood but then lives foqever whereas in the nights of kufa a person survives but dies the death of humiliation everyday.In the nights of Ashura he dies for once but comes to life forever whereas in the nights of kufa a person lives for once but then dies forever.(Hussain..A.S.zinabaad...yazid murda tha,ha raha ga....)
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