Aiimiinlhub Widue ` G0SH .. txurii nua qhud .. !
-- i kn0w f0r u it wasn't a J0KE ..
Daiju Boh * yam sorii * dli mhun qhud cu mu laag .. CARD day sa acung manghud ugma .. mu ad2 cu sa lahug 12 in afterno0n .. so0 sorii .. :) plss .. :'(

Jiban Mongol Rai
मँगोल भन्ने बितिकै संसारमा परिचित छ। तर किन उ दासत्वमा डुबि रहन्छ किनकि आज भन्दा लगभग 500बर्ष पहिले छिरेका 1459मा नेपाल प्रबेश हुनु भन्दा पहिले भारतमा शाशन गरेका थिऐ। तर यीनीहरुको उत्पति ककसियस भन्ने पहाड बाट उत्पति भइ ईरानमा 1800AD पूर्ब 1200सम्म शाशन गरे त्यस पछि यहुदिहरुको खेदाईमा परि यीनीहरुको बिशाल झुन्ड सिन्धु मैदान हुदै त्याहा शाशन गरे त्यताका मुशलमान शुलतानको खेदाइमा परे त्यस पछि भारत छिरे 400बर्ष शाशन चलाए । यसरि घुमन्ते (nomad gypssy)आर्यहरुको हात्त भित्र शाशन छ। त्यसैले मँगोल एक शत्तिशाली बम जस्तै बिस्फोट हूनेछ। _
21औं शताब्दीका अहिन्दु मुलबासी मँगोल त्यसै लडेको होइन 20आर्यनहरुले जसरी बर्णाश्रम ब्याबश्था जरो गाडि सकेका छन आज त्यस्तो जरालाई उक्काउन तत्पर भई सके त्यो सालको चुरोमा आगो लागेर सल्किरहे जस्तै हो। यहाका मँगोललाइ हरुवा बनाए यसरी यहाका 80प्रतिशत मुलबासीको अस्तित्व लुटेका छन् त्यसैले अब भिख मागेर होईन डटेर,लडेर आफ्नो अस्तित्व सुनिस्चित गर्दछन्। मँगोल भन्ने बित्तिकै बिदेशी (बाहुन,क्षेत्री)हरु तसिन्छन् किन?
किन कि यीनीहरु भनेको सड्यण्त्र गर्दै मुल निवासीहरुलाई मार्दै,जुझाउदै र भड्काउदै घुम्दै शासन,दमन र शोशन् गदै सरणार्थीका रुपमा शरण मंगोलहरु संग माग्दै राजस्थानबाट भित्रिएका बाहुन क्षेत्री देशै नहुने बन्जरा
आदिबासी(miegrated)जनजाति(Nomad Gypsyघुमन्ते, फिरन्ते बन्जाराहरुले 80%मुलबासी मंगोलहरुलाई सर्बहरा बनाउन कसर राखेनन् र ई.1495मा भारतको राजस्थानबाट भित्रीई त्यस पछि आफ्नो आत्मा बचाउ गर्दै संगोल बनाउदै मुलनिबासीहरुलाई परास्त गर्दै भड्रकाउदै आए 64 बर्ष पछि ई.1559मा गोरखाका सोझा सिधा,सिधा घलेलाई सड्यण्त्र रचि द्रब्य शाहाले दुई जना बाहून संग मिलेर घलेको टाउको ठुन्काय त्यस पस्चात नेपालमा यी बाहुन क्षेत्रीले कब्जा जमायका हुन्। जानकारीका लागि:

Jade' Oree Jones be honest...speak how u feel...cuz wen u hold bck...u mite never get the chance again
fєєℓ fяєє тσ ѕнαяє - ¢ℓι¢к σи ѕнαяє вυттσи
Porsha Johnson Early in da A.M., getting it cracking, lacking,. chillin with my bestie Ms. Porshiyana, o how i love u gurl, Thank You Jesus,. The best gift u could ever get is a child, nothing is more precious than gods little angels. Fuck a man. My child is all the love i need. Amen Baby!
Sheng A. Casillano Fighting for someone was a BIG MISTAKE of mine...
Its not other people who's trying to destroy us, nor me but ITS U....
Semaj Yungscoota Edge i only want one thing for christmas nd dhatt is to get my daddy bck damn if i can get him bck i will chnge alot of shyt i do but i kno it not possible so for da ppl who say dey hate their daddy or mama u gne regret dat shyt wen dey dead nd gne i promise so u betta start respecting ur parents real shyt:(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brianna Szabo 5 Likes & I'll Do The ABC'S( :
A- Available: yes
B- Birthday: 1/17/93
C- Crushing On: my x
D- Drink you last had: milk.
... E- Easiest person to talk too: alot of people
F- Favorite song: Rollin' like a redneck
G- Grossest memory: idkk
H- Hometown: Broadalbin
I- In love with: my x John
J- Jealous of: nothing
K- Killed someone: not yet
L- Longest friendship: Ashley Dingman, and Amanda Hughes
M- Milkshake flavor: Vanilla
N- Number of siblings: 2
O- One wish: have him backk!
P- Person who you last called: mandie
Q- Question you're always asked: r u okay?
R- Reason to smile: Kay Sweet
S- Song you last sang: Rollin like a redneck
T- Time you woke up: 9:30
U- Underwear color: Blue
V- Violent moment you had: punching thru a window
W- Worst habit: biting my nails
X- X-rays you had: hand, middle finger, thumb, tonsuls, back, head, ankle, ultrasound. if thatt counts
Y- Your last time you cried: 10 minutes ago
Z- Zodiac sign: Capricorn! :)

Do not say ...... but when u FIND THE HUMAN in here....hit share
Shhh.... Can u see what's wrong with this picture? If so hit the share button don't answer!!

A poor boy loved a rich girl.
One day the boy proposed her. Then the girl said, "listen! your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses. Should I be involved with you? How could you thought that? I will never love you. So, forget me 'n get engaged with someone else of your level."
But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily.
10 years later.
One day they became face to face in a shopping center. The lady said, "Hey! you! How are you? Now I'm married. Do you know how much is my husband's salary? Rs. 2 lac per month! Can you imagine? 'n he is also very smart."
The guy's eyes got wet with tear by hearing those words.
After few minutes her husband came before the lady could say something to the guy, her husband started to say by seeing the guy.
"Sir! You here? Meet my wife." Then he said to her wife, "I'm going to assist a project of sir, which is of Rs. 200 crore. 'n do u know a fact? Sir loved a girl but he didn't get her. That's why still he is unmarried. How much lucky the girl was. Isn't it? Now a days who can love like that way?"
Moral: Life is not so short. So, don't be so proud of yourself and damn others. Situations change with time. Every one should respect other's love.
Like 'n Share this If You Love Someone.. !

Saša Petar Pred Vama je web stranica, koja će korisnicima prenositi znanja s raznih područja poslovne komunikacije uporabom više različitih medija (tekst, slika, zvuk). Poslovno znanje, predstavljeno u obliku lako razumljivih tekstova i priča, te ponuđenih korisnicima u obliku članaka za poslovne časopise, knjige i web stranice (ali i kao zvučna knjiga i obrazovni video) izazvalo je zanimanje i pokazalo se da postoji svakodnevna potreba za praktičnim životnim i poslovnim znanjima.
Poslovno znanje, predstavljeno u obliku lako razumljivih tekstova i priča, te ponuđenih korisnicima u obliku članaka za poslovne časopise, knjige...
Do not say ...... but when u FIND THE HUMAN in here....hit share
Kaka Moore - Layn On Da Couch..No Skool Fa Meh Its Just Too Fuckinq Ckold Out Dur Fa Meh !Oan Hoe Stp Beinq Indirect If U Talm Bout Meh Taqq My Mane !#Erica Saulsberry.!
Jordan Amani im wired and delirious so this was obviously funny
↑Click on the link to read the full quote
Faith Igboto I hv d xcellnt spirit,u knw y?its bcos am connected 2 d xcellnt pples assembly.
Tanu Pathak moni missing u yar.............teri hr ek bat bahut yad aati h ........vo unpredictable aur childish questn jin ke ans dete dete kbhi kbhi m gussa bhi ho jati thi............sory for that .........tu bdi achi h aur bahut sidhi bhi ....hmesha aisi hi rahio kbhi change mat hoiyo...................
Adelaja Taiwo After ur mariage,ur else boyfwends say he 2 visit ur husband house would u allow him
Jossy Siari Neva u kip a frnd dt kips malice or quarrels al d tym
Berta Briones Awake with the kids gonna watch? Spongebob cant wait for u to come home missing u cali
Chloè Reed Anne Mr Liam Mckeown i love you so much. U made me happy since u been in my life. U been hurt i have been hurt want to make u happy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x <3 <3 <3 <3
Jamie Leija I hate moving there's so much 2 do u don't realize how much stuff u got til u gotta pack it ugh:(
Chuck Mathis I love Christmas! What other time can u sit around a dead tree and eat candy out of a sock?
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