Rohit Kasabe 1 Question that will change the way u think and the course of ur life..........!
Shaktimaan clockwise ghumta tha ya anticlockwise.......?
Leo Alter Baby I Got It, u Want It, come on and get it! At <3 Tanzklub tanzt mit Leo Alter&Creathief
Latest release from Hot Creations
Lisa Thompson HaPpY BirThDaY (R.I.P) Bus!!!!! u Will Be MiSs AlWaYZ......
Ellis Howard u want a sip of my dam juice...
Jazel Jane Sarza Take my hand TOUCH MY FACE
let me feel ur embrace
Let me see in ur eyes
That u w0nt say g0odbye
Juz tel me how u feel
I d0nt knw what ure thnking anym0re
And if u need me
You'd kiss me then telk
Me how you feel
And if u want me you'd show me dat ur love is 4 me reAl
And if u love me
You hold me in ur arms where i bel0ng
So while Im feeling str0ng
I sing you one last S0ng
Kanta nlang m0na ako
Nadeem Akbar teacher : Google is a girl or a boy ?
... .
Student: Google is a Girl, because it won't
let u complete the whole sentence and
guessing & suggesting !!... and
you ask only one question.. but get
hundreds of irrelevant
answers in seconds.
Teena Johnson If u feel like leaving,am not gonna beg u to stay...coz soon u'll b finding,u can run,u can hide...but u cant escape my luv......
Rose Chantel Cassy If u cud feel d joy in my hrt, i av no painful feelings anymore. I'v find a soul mate. My hrt desire...
Koushik Biswas White skin u girl u.... girl u heart u black.... Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di.....
Remie Ann Barrio how hard of you to find????please don't let me suffer like this..cause if i will be fed up...i will leave u behind and let someone suffer to find you
Jewels Oloviinmiigirlso Stanley Heres a secret2men..i hate wen im havin a good convo wit a man n then he suddenly pulls out a wad of money n is boastin about wut he got n he can help me out blah blah blah.most good women dnt care!!if we were jus feeling u wy do u feel the need2pull out ya stack of money like thats guna win us over.?cut it out! Win us over wit ur personality a good woman will call u the nxt day not because u got stacks but because we felt like u was a good dude.#true story
Roberto Kimz hi l luv u all
Holly Johnson Thanx u pree much just ruined my chances of going to sleep tonight ive got like a thousand things on my mind right now :/
Grovest Jabo Poc Happy b-day jaybee.....R.I.P my dawg.......I knw u in heaven with the real niggas......luv u bruh
So Suavey If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways
Faith Aderanti dont listen to what people say about u,just believe in ur self
Debbie Logan Take pride in how far u have come in ur life,and have faith in how far u can go!
Ajay Thakur “ ♥ An empty message aslo looks
when u truly like the person who
send u……….. ♥
New Improve Demps Str8 up do u wanna love richnee forever oooooo or is it just a hit and run, lmao this bitch said he could have been did that and he not like them other niggas to me all niggas the same thats why I need a fucking man not a lil boy gm fb.
Examples Of Stupid Questions that People
1. When People see U Lying Down,
With Ur Eyes Closed,
they Ask:
"R U Sleeping?"
(No! I'm Trying 2 Die?)
2. When It's Raining & Some1
Notices U Goin Out,
they Ask:
"R U Going Out In this Rain?"
(No,In The Next 1.)
3. Ur Friend Calls on ur Landline:
"Where R U?"
(At the Bus Stop!)
4. They See U Wet Coming 4m the
"Did U Just Have A Bath?"
(No, I Fell In the Toilet Bowl !)
5. U R Standin Right In Front Of the
Elevator On The Ground Floor &
they Ask:
"Going Up?"
(No, No, I'm Waiting 4 My Apartmnt to Come Down & Get Me.)
6. U Bring A Bunch Of Flowers 4
Ur Sweet Heart, they Ask:
"R those Flowers?"
(No Baby! They R Carrots.)
7. U r On The Queue 2 Buy Tickets
at the Cinema, A Friend Saw U &
" What R U Doing Here?"
(I'm Here 2 Pay My School Fees.) :P:P :
Cruise Ooi I don't need an angel on top of my tree, I already have one in heaven looking down on me. Post this as your status if you have someone in heaven u wish could be here for christmas!!
Thong Shu Khien SiokSian Siek hey give u very nice recipe: Claypot chicken by chef DEE & THARSH
1. Marinate the chicken for an hour
1) sesame oil 1tsp
2) oyster sauce 2tbp
3) soy sauce 2tbp
4) white pepper (to ur amt)
5) chicken cube 1
6) sugar 1.5 tbp
2. Rice Marination
1)soy sauce 1.5tbp
2)dark soy sauce 1txp
3)cooking oil 1tsp
4) salt
3. Cook the chicken until 3/4 cooked then mix put into ur rice pot and cook together
1)Garlic 1/2 biji
2)ginger 1 thumb-size
3)spring onion
Sherri McIntire I need prayers so bad right now.!!!! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways. Posted for family members.
Kate Agba God u are so good to me in this my degree Exam i dont know how to thank u enough. I give glory and honour to ur name. U are the source of everything i have. I also ask for ur maximum sucess in my exam.
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