Boitumelo Malahlela Wishing u al a merry xmas n a prosperous new year hope am the first one to wish it to al of u guyz
Adeyemiismail Crown Fit Eniworld I'm still around....all my buddies in fb.miss u all@crown fit noniii...
Ipsita Mahapatra "I never ask u bt still u lend...
I never show u bt still u feel
I never tell u bt still u understand...
Thats what i call a relationship..."
Thully Mthethwa celebratng my teacher bday in a g church.God fot n wn4us,his grace is suffieince so enjoy d benefits coz we are victories in dnt dare gv satan a room2remind u of ur past.peaceful fillled wit sweet many of u are beautiful2nyt?i lv u
Nomahlubi Sitshaluza UmaKhoboni usabek'icala nilale kamnandi my fcb frndz gudnyt i luv u ol...
Uloma Onwuka My dear,d gud things u hav,always value them ad hold them firmly.
Frank Quequesah Martinez lets play a game: Poke all your friends who make u happy and laugh. the one who got the most pokes wins. keep track of ur pokes
Manyo Bridges It got a millon and one thangs u could be doin instead running round this mf looking crazy get off your azz and go get it money come to fronts doors and back doors wish one u choose the front door
Ijeoma Ming Baba God u too much oh!
Olivia Hanscom "I am lost. I am afriad. I will never be the same without u." i love that song!!! <3
Monique Perez :) dont b sad. Soooo how u been?
Luvo Makunga U wl neva,cnfrm a prson ....
Nosicelo Jada I learnt how 2 love,I learnt how 2 respect,I learnt that when u got luv,u have 2 give it back!*inlove*evening my ppl hope u had a great dae!
Alvin Loh air asia i hate u...
Niks Here If u hate me ......................delete me now
If u think i"m nice my status
If u think i am a gud frnd ...................comment on this status
If u ever liked me ................poke me,i won't tel
If u like me now ....................inbox me a heart i won't tel
If u want to date me................imbox me a:) i won't tel
If u r brave ..........................set this as your status..!
Chad Edward Olson I need to stop wasting my life away, u want to chill? wait your turn cuz this guy comes first
Deepak Pincha Company of Good People is like walking in a shop of Perfume... Whether u buy d Perfume or not, u r bound to receive d Fragrance.....
Sibusiso Tembe Ahhh!!! I quit u facebook sekukhona u excersise book intoyami vele nase skoleni and bengikompela !!!!
Jay Tatz free today so hmu if u wanna get tatted
Satyaranjan Rout Hey guys do u know we came to rock the world. So why waiting for lets Halla Bol
Paul Ndlovu wo wo wo people plz go buy BONA magazine dec issue u will see paul. angzelanga ukuzodlala la mina
Catherine Dunatov When u stop worrying about how other people might look/or feel about you, and only worry about how you look/feel about yourself, I can guarantee you things would be A LOT better for everyone. Just a thought!
Samantha Kristen Antle hahha I love girl drama. I hate u I hate you! I love you I love u 2! Ahhaha ashlee I love u sorry babe!
Nikhil Vaidya Heart touching lines: "The Soul u love may not understan u.... Bt "The Soul which loves u does not know any thng other than u
Kushagra Kaker Look! u wont believe! I dare you can watch this .
click here to see dad post and emma sucide letter , you will really be shocked.. :P
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