Leauma Vaili Lilia alu le isi loomatua faatoa sau mai samoa e taele i le swimming pool manaia lana auau tilotilo atu lana fanau o maulu i lalo ea i luga faapena ona fai ,ke'i a gai kamaiki i le avaavau mai o le loomiti makua kaea kele legei sami e leai gi sea.hahahahaha.
Steven Partyka O my back.. well at the libarry got dun with P.T. about to go home and lay down and rest who with me ..... hot cocco and a bath....
Kiran Kumar Dey hmm hmm hmm hmmm la la la
hey hey hey hey ah ha
subhaan allaah subhaan allah subhaan allah
subhaan allaah subhaan allah subhaan allah
valle valle
valle valle
valle valle
chaand sifarish jo karta hamari deta woh tumko bata
sharm-o-haya pe parde gira ke karni hain hamko khata
zidd hain ab toh hain khud ko mitana hona hain tujhmein fanaa
chaand sifarish jo karta hamari deta woh tumko bata
sharm-o-haya pe parde gira ke karni hain hamko khata
valle valle
valle valle
teri adaa bhi hain jhonke wali chhu ke gujar jaane de
teri lachak hain ke jaise daali dil mein utar jaane de
aaja baahon mein karke bahana hona hain tujhmein fanaa
chaand sifarish jo karta hamari deta woh tumko bata
sharm-o-haya pe parde gira ke karni hain hamko khata
subhaan allaah subhaan allah subhaan allah
subhaan allaah subhaan allah subhaan allah
hain jo iraaden bata doon tumko sharma hi jaaogi tum
dhadakanen jo suna doon tumko ghabraa hijaaogi tum
hamko aata nahi hain chhupana hona hain tujhmein fanaa
chaand sifarish jo karta hamari deta woh tumko bata
sharm-o-haya pe parde gira ke karni hain hamko khata
zidd hain ab toh hain khud ko mitana hona hain tujhmein fanaa
Edilene Dornelas Nossa que calor viu... Mas que brilhe o Sol!
Maddysingh Bandral Why this Gola - baari.,GOLA - baari paperoon ki ji....??
Niett mai bi padete(fb) rehna..,
ti-eme ko, wai-ste.. Karteei rehna....
pai-perr, ahh, dai-ettt puchtei rehna......
(Tune change)
Kabhi unteesh ko ji........
Kabhi uneesh ko ji........:0..
Kispe karun... , bhai kispe ,yakeen...??
Why this gola Baari.., gola baari.., paper-oon ki ji.....!!
MD PAe-per, nahin aata..,:(
phir bi yeh dil ..., nahi Gabra-attah.......
Jaane kyun ..yeh, aeisa hua...??
Din bi lageh jaeise.., ghantta hua.....:0
WHy this golabaari.. Golabaari , paper-oon ki ji.....!!
Pa paa pa.., Paan...X2
(O mama tune chainge...LOL...xd)
nly english..:P
searching searchin, data searching..,
book-ss op-enn, mie-ndd close-ing...
Closing closing.., eyes closing...(change beat)
Butt mob-oil..., In mie henn-nd....,
bye- bye 2 sleep, ... Upp-daetting my shee-it........:P
CAN U, MAEK it to beat..., like me, on my seat........
Why this Gola baari ,gola baari paaperon ki ji..............??
(stop reading this., n kholo kittaab n karo tyaari.... Mechaz....LOL...)
gud nite 2 oll...8-)
Rahman Mizan Onek tomar kheyechigo,onek niyechi Ma....
O Ma, onek tomar kheyechigo,onek niyechi Ma....
Tobu janine je, ki ba tomai diyechi Ma?
Amar jonom gelo britha kaje
Ami katanu din ghorer maje....
Tumi britha amai shokti delai shokti data
O amar desher mati,
tomar pore thekai matha....
Juice Kelopang M with ma boy rodger basoli. O ntletse khoto tse pedi m ova the moon
Haley Rose Sebert like and i'll spell the letters of your name :)
A: tbh.
B: first impression:
C: rate -
D: now i'm like;
E: likes:
F: dislikes:
G: i'll comment on my fave photo of you.
H: write a paragraph
I: swag rate?
J: i think...
K: would i chill with you?
L: dp rate
M: do i like your name?
N: friends?
O: should we talk?
P: best feature
Q: do i want your number?
R: first thing i would do if i saw you...
S: i always wanted to ask you..
T: how old do you look?
U: what song reminds me of you:
V: how long have i known you?
W: we should...
X: i'll inbox you
Y: memory.
Z: first thing that comes to mind when i think of you
Tanveer Alamgir O my followers! Whenever you drink refreshing water remember me Or whenever you heard about a martyred or a lonely person, weep for me I am the son of the Prophet who was martyred cruelly, And then smashed me intentionally under the hoofs of their horses. I wish you all were present in Ashoora and saw how I asked them for water for my infant, but they refused to give.
O meu aniversário? Quanto calço? Uma pessoa especial para mim? A minha cor preferida? E o meu terceiro nome?
Coloque isto no teu status, e vê quem te conhece melhor!
NiicKii Baltiimore - && Woke up thiinkiing about my fam that passed away: Bro Jason, Mama Jan (Granny), Grandpa Lenard, Aunt Vonne, Grandpa James, Daddy O, Mommaw, JM, Matthew, Kendriick, Pooh Bear, Uncle Champ, Rock. && the ones ii diidnt get to meet: Bro Liil Amp && Grandma Thelma
#R.I.P Ii Love && Miiss Yall
Ashutosh P Jain Patience is the thing iam lacking from a long time and dats hurted me a lot and a lot and iam still recovered from dat pain yet and still suffering, and now its been the time came to have patience otherwise will be hurting myself .:o
Suha Mraish Mays Abu Ajamieh
WaFa Innocent...<3<3
لم يَخْلقنآ ( الله ) تَوأئم !
وٍلم نَخخرج مِن رِحمْ . . أُنثى وٍآحَده
لَكننآ أنآ وٍهمآ في آلحقيقة ! أقرَب منْ ” آلتوآئم ” =$
وٍهمّآ أقربْ لي مِن ذَآتِي أنَآ
3anjad 3anjad kteeer 2nbasatet bshofetkom 2l yoom 3ende ..
o t3alo kil yoom ma 3ada yoom 2l jom3a le2ano m3atleen h3 h3 :P
allah y5alekom ya rab :)) ~<3~
Pearl Sari o happy day...o happy day :)
Mark Rogers Every once in a while, O becomes "Neo." Only Barack Obama could come to a place where JOHN BROWN lived and invoke a Republican populist. Change gonna come...
Infusing his speech with the type of populist language that has emerged in the Occupy protests, President Obama on Tuesday delivered his most pointed appeal yet for using taxes and regulations to level the economic playing field.
Tsantiri Gr Aπίστευτο μοιάζει ακόμη αυτό που έζησε μια μητέρα και καθηγήτρια θεάτρου στη Νότια Ουαλία. Ο μικρός 5χρονος γιος της, Ηarry, σκοτώθηκε μπροστά στα μάτια της.
Aπίστευτο μοιάζει ακόμη αυτό που έζησε μια μητέρα και καθηγήτρια θεάτρου στη Νότια Ουαλία. Ο μικρός 5χρονος γιος της, Ηarry, σκοτώθηκε μπροστά στα μάτια της.
Flo Sailo ka chhigmit kopza a loose twh tlatz zanin cu mu hma ve det ag. . .thirbel vek uuu o...:-)
Unisphere Sys Germanii, cu bunul lor simt , fac primii o schimbare de atitudine pe piata muncii. Si bine fac, s-a umplut Europa de toate ciurucurile , tot handicapatu, vrea job la Shengen, dar el nu stie nici sa socoteasca pana la 10 intr-o lmba europeana. Asa ca iata, vine si vremea noastra . Smecherii , manelistii si bisnitarii, baietii "care se descurca" care au batut Europa in lung si in lat o sa li se cam inchida usile in nas.Ai o meserie clara, stai, nu, afara pe legheleu! In curand vor fi primiti doar baietii scoliti, care au decenta sa aibe pretentii de job si statut de viata high level, dupa ce s-au pregatit corespunzator. Asa ca romanshi dragalasi ia mai puneti mana pe sapa , ca pamantul in Romania este nelucrat si mai lasati fotbalul , trupele de muzica si vedetismele ...
Kimberly Kontos Waitin for Daddy n JuenyPoo for a day o' fun :D :D
Tze WengBee 很醉哦@,喝了超多叻要拿我命咩明天还要爆千叻(u_u)
Oskar Romero mi dicha y mi dolor a nadie
se lo digo poreso nadie sabe cuando estoy gosando o cuando estoy herido...
Chanelle Davies Inbox only;
:-) -i like you.
:-( - you hate me.
;-) - i think your pretty/hot.
:-P - go out with me.
:O - bitch.
:@ - i hate you.
:-| - your okay i guess.
o_O - your a freak.
:-D - your awesome.
♥ - i love you.
Ry' Dae Ja O now he called me a Jackass... Um um um
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