Michael Yarber Re-post; Father, Today I claim success and blessings ! Today is going to be a great day ! I believe that I am cover with the blood of Jesus Christ and I cannot be cursed. I know Father that You are directing my steps and something good is going to happen for me today. O' God, open my heart, soul and my mind to receive Your daily gifts. Teach me ways to help others and use me for Your wonderful works. In Jesus' name, amen.
Nagendra Reddy మల్లి మల్లి రాదంట ఈ క్షణం, నచినట్టు నువుందర.......
యవ్వనం అంటేనే ఓ వరం.....తప్పు వొప్పు తేడాలే లేలేదు రా.........
చిన్న మాట ని చెవిన వేయాన్ని.........
నిన్ను నువ్వే నమ్ము కుంటే నింగి వంగాధ.....
విన్న మాటని విప్పి చెప్పని..........బ్రతుకుతూ బ్రతిఅకనిస్తే నువ్వు దేవుడే..............
hey every body lets break
this body walk your body with me........
నా లగే నేనుంటాను, నా మది మాటే వింటుంటాను.
this is the way i am........
నా తోనే నేనుంటాను నచిన పనినే చేస్తుంటాను....
i dont give it down...
నవ్వులు రువ్వుతూ నవ్వును పంచుతూ నలుగు రోజులు ఉన్న చాలు అంతే చాలు THIS IS DEDICATE FOR UUUUUUUUUUUU
Nikhil Sawant *****G"
friends swt drms
Ashley Jones O my god my son herman is so bad ang he makes me so mad he just poke wholes in my auntie air bed because he ant want to go to be.
Deddy Setiawan HeLeeepph...('o' gaRaa'' d'ceKokin RamButAn, peRut sYaa jd aNyang''n.. nyLekiied bgt sii,
George Goscinski I am sorry, but the worst Christmas song ever is "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time" by Paul McCartney. ...I simplye L-O-A-T-H-E it! What is your least fave?
Shevek de Anarres Tha figo re kai tha girisw se 30 xronia (beba kai twra ego etsi eimai... alla telos panton)
O Nikiforos skeftete pos tha itan an eixe figei gia panta stin Afriki kai girnouse meta apo 30 Xronia.. polu gelio :D
Enricco Pasqualotto Axel Rose foi ao motel com Cláudia Ohana? QUal o nome da música?
Andrew Giese S/O to Angela McClure!! I would be bitter too if I had your hand!! Keep up the great work hating on me. I really hope you do come out maybe you can find number four! Good luck with everything. Lol. Life's great over here!! Ha! N.U.T.I. 4 Life check out that link and fInd out why they hate!! www.soundcloud.com/andrewgiese
Lori-anne Baier Selling The American Soul By The Pound
Open Letter to the American people, The President of the United States, The White House Administration, The U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress by Elizabeth O’Neal, horse rescuer and founder of Triple O Ranch Equine Sanctuary, Wister OK 74966 (dated 12-6-2011)
A horse is more than just a solid-hoofed plant-eating mammal. The horse is the heart and soul of the United States of America. Their beauty, grace and speed have inspired us since 1493 when they first walked across what we now call American soil. Their strength, endurance and agility were the saving grace to enable the first settlers to explore the North American continent and establish the agricultural endeavors that feed our children to this very day. They transported us from Point A to Point B. They pulled our wagons and our plows. They carried the loads that we were too weak to bear. They carried us safely to our destinations during blizzards, floods and droughts. They delivered our mail and our freight. They fought and died in every war right alongside the American soldiers in each battle. Imagine a horse being recruited into war, while taking in consideration that horses by nature are hyper-sensitive and have a capacity for fear that is beyond the realms of terror known to any other species, including humans. Their generosity and willingness to have a relationship with a mere human has enabled us to become their co-pilots, co-workers and companions. The basis of human/equine relationships is trust. Horses defer to humans for leadership and protection in exchange for the many services they provide to our species and society. The entire saga of the United States, from the very beginning has been carefully interwoven like an intricate handmade tapestry made from all kinds of horses in a multitude of colors, shapes and sizes. You cannot tell America’s story without the mention of the majestic and awe inspiring equine species, they are a part of us, just as we are a part of them. We have revered them to a point of them becoming sacred to our culture. Statues of them grace our parks, battlegrounds and historical sites. We’ve written stories about them and turned them into legends and heroes. They’ve become performers, athletics and therapists. They’ve become partners, companions and friends. We continue to cling so tightly to our “American Icon”, the horse, but yet we continue to fail to protect them from the atrocities of horse slaughter. We have allowed over 100,000 innocent equines yearly to face an unnecessary death of pure terror. The pain and suffering they have endured should be morally offensive to any rational thinking American citizen. This cruel industry should have been thoroughly studied and analyzed by the lawmakers which have been entrusted with the responsibility of deciding the fate of an entire species. We were supposed to be their protectors instead we’ve become their brutalizers. The depth and width of the betrayal we have committed as a nation will leave history no other option than to judge us as, ungrateful, selfish, greedy people which would sell their own soul by the pound for a few cents. Horses still are the proverbial heart and soul of America. We, as a nation, have lost our way and the people in our country need to be reminded how they’ve arrived to where they are now, which was on the back of a horse.
I am a horse rescuer and the founder of an equine sanctuary. I was born in 1960, during the era in American history referred to as the American Camelot when the Kennedy administration worked to bring changes to our nation which took this country out of the dark ages into modern times. It was a period of hope and optimism in U. S. history, which made people look up to our country and admire us as the example of what people worldwide aspired for their nations to become. At the time, the idea of setting higher standards to make a just and righteous society was uniquely American. The commitment of our nation which shows that “we the people” have standards to live by was what set us apart from other countries and made us the shining beacon which inspired hope and optimism. With each administration and each generation we have been fine tuning our standards, aspiring to become a more civilized culture, with an enlightened society to continue to ascend to a higher plane. Recently our elected officials have taken a giant step backwards and are threatening to take us back into the dark ages by opening the doors to allow horse slaughter plants to re-open in the USA. This is a sad commentary on our society. As a nation, our time of Camelot has come and gone. All that is left of our American Camelot is a well-known horse auction of the same name. A place where horses held hostage by auctioneers are “bailed out” by donations and placed with rescues or individuals to save them from the threat of slaughter. The shining bright beacon of hope and optimism that has been so admired by people worldwide is slowly but surely being extinguished and being replaced by our willingness to sell the soul of America by the pound.
The last of the horse slaughter plants in the USA closed down in 2007, as mainstream Americans rejected this vile industry and its practices which are considered extremely inhumane even up to the level of criminal cruelty. The foreign owned companies caused a multitude of problems for the communities where they were located as outlined in an “Open Letter to State Legislatures Considering Pro-Horse Slaughter Resolutions” by former mayor of Kaufman Texas, Paula Bacon. Former Mayor Bacon lists extreme hardships on her municipality with plants causing ecological disasters, lowered property values; increased strain on the community’s resources for services. The plant continually violated regulations and did NOT pay taxes. The town of Kaufman spent thousands of dollars in legal fees dealing with issues related to the company Dallas Crown. Instead of ending the slaughter of American horses, these foreign owned companies relocated across our borders north and south to continue the horrific practice of butchering our horses. Now the horses have to endure additional misery, injury and sometimes even death during the long transport across our nation’s borders before meeting their final demise at the hands of slaughter house employees in Canada and Mexico. Their meat is exported for human consumption. Europeans and Asians are the primary consumers of American horse meat which is considered a delicacy and is served in upscale restaurants.
Right now in the USA, legislation is pending that could put an end to what many horse loving Americans consider to be our “National Shame” which is allowing American horses to be exported to slaughter in Canada and Mexico. Horse advocates nationwide strongly urge law makers to co-sponsor S. 1176 and H.R. 2966 and pass these pieces of legislation into law as soon as possible to FINALLY afford American horses the protection they deserve and have long since earned. If you OPPOSE the practice of slaughter of American horses please contact your Senators and Representatives and ask them to put their name on the list of people that DO NOT accept horse slaughter as an American enterprise.
H.R. 2966 / S. 1176: AMERICAN HORSE SLAUGHTER PREVENTION ACT OF 2011 would to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for other purposes.
Last month, the wording which defunded USDA inspectors from inspecting horse meat and effectively ended the U.S. based horse slaughter plants in 2007 was LEFT OUT of the budget. Suddenly the issue went from stopping American horses from being exported to slaughter to the possibility of re-opening plants on American soil. How could the USDA put their stamp of approval on meat which is now well known to be tainted with medications? In a time of financial strain, how could the USDA even consider taking on the task of inspecting horse meat for foreign consumers? Since the announcement that five million dollars was put in the budget for horse meat inspections, the words horse slaughter have appeared throughout all forms of media. The pro-slaughter advocates are mistakenly calling to resume HUMANE horse slaughter and have a laundry list of reasons that horse slaughter is good for America. Horse slaughter is not humane; it has never been humane and will never be humane no matter where the plants are located. Let me enumerate some of the myths flying around the media on this subject, and follow up with the reality of the situation.
• MYTH: There are millions of unwanted starving horses in this country and slaughter is the way to “fix the problem” of surplus horses, which are being abandoned because the slaughter plants in the USA were closed down in 2007. Old, lame and sick horses have no other option other than being sent to slaughter.
• REALITY: When speaking of food production, you would not choose the old, lame, sick specimen to be used as food. Young, sound and healthy stock would be the ideal pick for an animal being used as a food animal. Old, lame and sick horses should be given a dignified death via lethal injection by a vet and NOT be sent off on a 30 hour road trip without food and water to meet terrifying death. Slaughter is nothing more than a way to be financially rewarded for shirking the responsibility of horse ownership, to care for their animals and to provide a non-violent end to their years of service. As for the issue of abandoned horses, it is my personal belief that horses are abandoned (set free on public land) by owners that truly cannot take care of them and do NOT want them to be slaughtered. Otherwise, if they were pro-slaughter, they would sell their horses to kill buyers instead of turning them loose. In Canada they have a similar problem but yet their slaughter houses are still in operation therefore that logic does not seem to hold true. Roughly the same numbers of horses (100,000+) from the USA are being slaughtered each year in Canada and Mexico as were being slaughtered prior to the closure of U.S. based slaughter plants, which again points to the fact that with so many new births each year that breeders will not be stopped from over producing horses until horse slaughter is no longer an option which will leave them no choice but to not add to the already glutted horse market.
• MYTH: Returning horse slaughter to the USA will restore the horse prices, and make it possible to make horse breeding profitable again. Having U.S. based slaughter plants will have a positive effect on the farm/ranch lifestyle as well as on horse welfare. For pro-slaughter advocates horses only have two options….starve them or slaughter them, as they state the issue with starving/abandoned horses and the drop in horse prices are due to the closure of U.S. based slaughter plants.
• REALITY: OVERBREEDING is the root of the problem of surplus horses in America and has been for many years. You only have to check the numbers of horses registered by the main breed associations each year. The Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse and Paint Horse association’s numbers alone show why there is a surplus of horses in America. Allowing horse slaughter “fixes” the problem NO more than allowing dog slaughter would fix the ever increasing problem of puppy mills in this country. Not to mention, increase the untold amount of suffering by our canine and feline friends due to human irresponsibility which parallels the equine situation in many ways. As long as horse slaughter is allowed….overbreeding will continue and horses will continue to suffer because of unscrupulous breeders trying for one big champion and discarding their culls to the slaughter market. As well as people, some refer to as, back yard breeders, with the mindset that if you have a mare she NEEDS to be bred so you can sell the offspring. There are people in this country that make money off of horses, even some that make a living at it. However they are in the minority. For most horse owners, horses are a never ending expense and a very labor intensive undertaking. We do not expect to recoup the money we spend on our equines. We understand that the responsibility of being a horse’s caretaker is a serious task, not for the less than dedicated types. It is a 365 day a year obligation to provide adequate care for an animal that outweighs you 5 to 10 times over. As for horse prices and the drop in them over the years since 2007, it is basic economics of supply and demand. Too many horses being born without a demand to meet the supply. When there are no buyers is when new home builders should stop building houses. Simple as that, so the same goes for breeding horses. Horses have a gestation period of 340 – 342 days. They have single births most all of the time as twins are very rare. This is not a overpopulation problem like rabbits which have a gestation period of 28-31 days and give birth to 4-12 babies with each litter. WE DO NOT HAVE A HORSE PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES……WE HAVE A HUMAN PROBLEM CALLED GREED/IRRESPONSIBILITY. To avoid the reproduction of future surplus horses……the solution is simple. Geld your stallions and/or separate mares and stallions from being housed in the same pastures. When the economy took a nose dive in 2008, many people lost their homes, well so did many horses. Recently, it has been a tough time to be a horse in America. Typically, in tough economic times, luxury items are the first things to go. IF and that is a very BIG if…….overbreeding of horses magically stopped today it will take years for the effect to be felt in the horse market. But if that were to happen…..then horse rescue operations could dedicate all of the resources available to them to help the old, sick, starved, blind, lame and abandoned horses without being needed to help save horses from slaughter as well. . When U.S. based slaughter houses were in operation, American horse owners were in constant fear of horse theft. Even with the plants outside our borders, horses are still stolen for the slaughter market. So if they re-open locally, horse theft will rise and cause additional criminal activity for our communities. That would not be a positive effect on the farm/ranch lifestyle or horse welfare.
• MYTH: Our altruistic nature would cause us to NOT deny starving people in Third World countries to go hungry when we have all this surplus horse meat available to nourish and sustain them during their desperate state of poverty and horse slaughter is a form of humane euthanasia which is necessary to rid our country of surplus horses.
• REALITY: We, as a nation, have been knowingly allowing foreigners to make meals from our horse’s meat which is tainted with a wide variety of medications which were never meant to be in the food chain. Most medications for horses are plainly labeled as not for use in animals which will be slaughtered. Some of these medications have no safe withdrawal time and are considered toxic for humans. There have been a number of studies abroad showing the relationship between the consumption of medicated horse meat and human health issues. The day will come when the people of Europe and Asia will start holding us responsible for knowingly poisoning them and this will be a liability nightmare for American tax payers. Information acquired by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) shows that the USDA has well documented the excessive cruelty and inhumane practices of horse slaughter when it was still allowed in the USA. The meaning of the word euthanasia is "good death" and refers to the practice of ending a life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering. Horse slaughter is exactly the opposite of euthanasia. Ninety percent of American horses which are slaughtered are relatively young and healthy and have no need for their lives to end as they are not in pain or suffering until they become unfortunate enough to slip down the slaughter pipeline. Slaughter is by NO means a good death; it is a horse’s worst nightmare. I challenge EACH AND EVERY person in the Senate and Congress that supports horse slaughter to go to a horse slaughter plant and bear witness to the atrocities that you are responsible for allowing to continue. If that is too much to ask of you, then please at least have the courage to watch videos online of the process from beginning to end. You will see a level of terror which you have never experienced in your lifetime. You were elected to serve the people of your state. To be true to the people that you represent you must be well informed and know the realities of the lives you hold in your hands as a law maker.
• MYTH: Horses are just livestock and are the same as cows, pigs, goats, sheep and chickens that have been raised for food production for generations. IF we ban horse slaughter, “those animal rights wackos” will ruin the food animal industry by shutting us agricultural types down and make us all eat tofu and bean sprouts.
• REALITY: Horse meat is mostly taboo to American meat consumers. Some for moral, spiritual or ethical reasons would not consume horse meat. For Christians, many quote the Bible, “Leviticus 11:3
Whatsoever parteth the hoof and is cloven-footed and cheweth the cud among the beasts, that shall ye eat.” as a reason that horse meat should not be consumed, as horses are NOT a cloven-hooved animal and do not chew their cud. Horses are not now and have not been considered a food source by most mainstream Americans for many, many years. Many Americans are heavy meat eaters and are obviously not going to want to give up hamburgers and fried chicken. When elected officials use the “slippery-slope” excuse not to support legislation to ban horse slaughter stating that it would lead to a ban on the slaughter of cattle, it is just that….another lame excuse. From what I’ve learned, that is a frequently repeated line used by our senators and representatives, quoting the slippery slope theory. Shame on you Ladies and Gentlemen for sending your constitutes, a such a lame excuse in a copied form letter commonly sent out by so many of you. We deserve better than that. All lawmakers, please understand this fact horses ARE different from all the other animals mentioned above. Their fearful nature and extremely enhanced senses combined with a highly evolved flight response to danger as prey animals separates them from ALL the animals considered mainstream food sources. They are physically, mentally and emotionally different. The do not live in the same way and cannot be killed in the same way. The manner in which they are handled and managed is different. The way they relate to humans and relate to each other IS indeed different than animals which are bred and raised for food production. Horses are taught to trust humans and to follow their lead. That alone makes their position in relation to humans different and more complicated as compared to animals raised for food production.
Humans teach horses to trust them and depend upon them. This longstanding and complex human/equine interaction is the proof that this is the GREAT AMERICAN BETRAYAL OF THE EQUINE SPECIES. In this country, we do not buy and sell horse meat and we should not be exporting our horses for this purpose. We, as Americans are better than that. We owe it to our children to show them that not everything in American is for sale to the highest bidder. And that we do indeed have a soul and it is NOT for sale by the pound.
Ashley SoBadd White We were neva spose to go dis far foreal,,bt nw I c it o so clear,,n I cnt deny tha love fr yu I feel : ) #amerie
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Maluphakanyisw'usapho lwayo
Izwa imithandazo yethu-u Nkosi
Sikelela-a thina, usapho lwayo-o.........singing
Bakithi dont you miss this lovely national anthem kulale abasilethela yona uPhakamisan'ifulegi yethu yeZimbabwe........not singing
Maverick Place Apartments Dinner on us tonight! At six o clock we will start coming to the doors with your FREE homemade meal for residents who turned in the form :) We appreciate you staying here! Enjoy the food.
Infa Red S/O to the women who take care of there kids with no help this includes DES u are truly superheros!!!!
Peter Jhobes Sandigan wag kang magalit sa taong kinailangan kang iwan,
tama man o mali ang kanyang dahilan,
dahil mas mabuti nang mang iwan,
kesa makipagsiksikan..
Marcela Freire Copie UMA dessas linhas:
-Cole em um comentario aqui embaixo
-Tire o “+”
-Agora veja com que personagem do Chaves vc mais se identifica
Ashley Hudson Its snowing up here on signal Mnt.
$o !n !ov3 With you it matters!!
Tariq Mehmood 2 pal sajna kol bena c
O ho o ho gusa na kro g
Ma ty sirf "Good Night" e kena c.,.
Gud nyt dear frndz
Iam Pop Gotti S/o to da grove i love my city
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Biwi : Oji Car ki break fail ho gayi hai, accident ho jaye iske pehele ghar pahunch jaate hai.
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