Watch "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it. Learn more about Corning at corning.c...
A HEART Touching Story ♥
A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy's father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled:
"Why did U take all this time to come? Don't U know that my son's life is in danger? Don't U have any sens...e of responsibility?"
Th...e doctor smiled & said:
"I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call...... And now, I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work"
"Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would U calm down? If your own son dies now what will U do??" said the father angrily
The doctor smiled again & replied: "I will say what Job said in the Holy Book "From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God". Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God's grace"
"Giving advises when we're not concerned is so easy" Murmured the father.
The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy,
"Thank goodness!, your son is saved!" And without waiting for the father's reply he carried on his way running. "If U have any question, ask the nurse!!"
"Why is he so arrogant? He couldn't wait some minutes so that I ask about my son's state" Commented the father when seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left.
The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: "His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son's surgery. And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial."
Moral-Never judge anyone..... because U never know how their life is & what they're going through"
@[242647009114922:274:Memories of broken promises]
A Najeriya, kungiyar nan ta Boko Haram ta saki wani hoton bidiyo wanda a cikinsa ta kare hare-haren da ta kai kwanan nan a wasu sassan arewacin kasar.
Greens- 8 servings of Fruits and veggies, 38 nutrient enriched super foods! Does not substitute a multi vitamin!
Benefits- alkaline the body. Disease lives in an acidic body period!!! If your not alkaline you are acidic. If you are under stress, you are more then likely acidic! Having an acidic body is something that we all need to avoid. Excess acidity in the body can lead to a host of issues. ...Problems like poor immune function, low energy levels and faster muscle fatigue to name a few. Acidity also causes free radical oxidation, which damages health cells in the body. Cancer, arthritis, and cardiovascular disease also thrives in an acidic environment, as well as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
If anything everyone u know and love should be on greens and vitals if nothing else! Gives u natural energy also! AND a jar of Greens are only $28 Loyal Customer price! And not to mention they taste great when mixed in juices, or smoothies!
(Knock on wood, I haven't been sick all winter)!
G.I. Joe: Retaliation Exclusive Premiere Trailer [HD] Director: Jon M. Chu Release: 6/29/2012 Studio: Paramount Website: www.GIJoeMovie.com FOR MORE MACHINIM...
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1. Stare at the red star on the girl’s nose for 30 seconds
2. Turn your eyes towards the wall/roof or somewhere else on a plane surface
3. Keep blinking your eyes!
4. Tell me what you see!
it's AMZNG
Click for more epic fails, videos, and wins. (Share this post and make someone ROFL!)
محکمہ موسمیات نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ اہالیان کراچی مورخہ پچیس دسمبر سے قبل اپنی تمام کرسیاں اندر کر لیں۔ سونامی آ رہا ہے۔
"Някой винаги чака някого, а другия никога не се завръща у дома. Винаги някой обича някого малко повече, отколкото е обичан и след време този някой изпитва желание да унищожи другия, за да не му причинява болка."
"Сирената", Рей Бредбъри
A new testimonial from one of our customers that recently bought our business documents for his website. Russell has an E-commerce website and used our legal...
Ellos solo ocupan una segunda oportunidad, comparte el album, ayudanos a encontrarles un hogar, solo tienen 72 horas o seran sacrificados
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