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Contageous Granberry I hate it
Mary Schneider Lol -thx tim!! Passing this one on.....
who actually reads my posts? Let's see who reads this entirely...Leave me a one-word comment that starts with the third letter of your first name. It can only be one word. Then copy this to your wall so I can leave a word for you. Don't just post a word and not copy --that's no fun :(
Cristina Pulido Pay it forward in 2012 - I am going to make something handmade for the first five people who comment on this post. (You must in turn post this and make something for the first five who comment on your status.)*The rules are it must be handmade by you, and your friends must receive it before 2012 ends.
Alma Ramos Damn these Braxton Hicks suck!!! Pero queria tener mas plebes....Lmfao Oh man I can't wait till this is over foreals...:(
Antonio Pretty-boy Brown I 'am a blunt blowin polo drawers showin i dnt give a lovely motherfuck ass nigga with my money growing no matter where you"re goin you dnt need a bus pass for me to bust your ass nigga!!!
Samantha Ekblad Wow I can't Believe I Got My Profile Stalkers :-
My Total Profile Views Today: 31
Male Views - 11 , Female Views - 20
Top Last 5 Visitors Of The Day :-
Mallie Wilson, Deon Millner, Kyle Young, Jamez Ivory, Tanya Gravez,
See your total views and who is viewing you here: http://bit.ly/AoKlw8
Victor A. Vallejo Henry Jason shared the following link and had this to say about it: Hey, I'm really excited about this cause. I thought you'd be interested too. http://apps.facebook.com/causes/bridges?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.causes.com%2Fcauses%2F313149-support-all-the-troops-who-gave-their-lives-lets-welcome-them-all-home-with-open-arms%2Finvitation%3Frecruiter_id%3D139862279 By joining this cause, you can help accomplish i...
Halie MacNeil Smith my little man just took 5 steps toward me...10 months old. I love my little man.
Ryan Maddest Mason I miss the vi
Michelle M. Sparks This is really good! Love it! M
Mp3 Download: http://bit.ly/yrnlSA Walk off the Earth and Sarah Blackwood perform a cover of Gotye's "Somebody that I used to know" using five people on one ...
Cynthia M Sanchez Bad fucking day. Damn I should of just went to friggen work!!!!!!
Mimi Mohammed Happy Birthday my ABU <3 May Allah have rewarded you for everything that you have taught this family in the kindness of your heart. I Love You Always and Forever
Chris Dice I'm haven a girl I can't wait to she's born
Chasity Long Thank You Lord For All This Rain!
I Love Love Love It!
Elena Putilova Never thought i will be celebrating that a guest LEFT! proooooost!!!
Ramiro El Travieso Gomez i fuking hate MEXICANS lol >.<
Nikki Serena Suarez My appetite is beyond starving status right now! I want wingstop but I doubt my stomach would be up too it -_-
Derrick Smith Please if you not in a shootout don't pull out ya gun!!! I hope my niggss Tay. Pull threw!!! I'm praying for you homie hold on!
Sarah Beth Baldwin Lasso Praying for my SIL's surgery today. One day at a time Angela! Wish I could have surprised you today at the hospital! We are planning on a trip soon!
Andrew Byrne why am I friends with people that I no longer talk to or want to talk to? i'm thinking bout goin' on a deletin' spree.
Tiger Fox Finlly out of sxhoola happy I guess
Eduardo Estrada Ahh fuckin F.I.N.A.L.S. -___- (Fuck I Never Actually Learned Shit)
Kyky Lynn Omg its been a long day already .. I can't believe how much I've got done (cleaning) lol
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