Nkululeko DalomBoy Njeras Maposa Dnt live i lyf ye show-off juss be kuuul..........
STEP-BY-STEP TIME! People are raving about this step-by-step for creating the look of feathers with color -- have you seen it yet? http://ow.ly/7cwqF http://ow.ly/i/k7jE
Danae Jennings Watchin "The Help" this movie go hard!!!! Well kinda Lol!! Im just glad times have changed because I wouldnt have a job or someone would be hurt!! REAL TALK!!!
Paul Trevino Jr Good time at our company Christmas party!! I won a 3Ds haha finally :)
Allie Shay Damn... being out just makes me realize how much I miss my bf... I have such an amazing guy.. im so thankful. <3 love you baby <3
Bethanie Lynn Poole Haven a great night with Courtney and Christine and Devin:)) I miss this big time !!
Your my world and I wouldn't change that for anything hope you know that <3
I love you
Michael Johnson Weber State wins in 2OT tonight. Sickest game I have ever witnessed. Damian Lillard went into beast mode and dropped 41!!! Top scorer in the Nation no bigggggiiieee!!!!! Throw the DUBS up!!!
Shonta Hogan Its 1 am n da morn i cant sleep.
Scott Allen Deere I just realized, the only only country that grants you atleast 16 yrears of being irrespondible is america. Crazy to think that I protect that
Charlott McGowen OK, after an amazing night of football..and smack talk..I am wore out and have church in the morning..NIGHT ALL!!
Kayla Sunnie Harrison Omg, im a stalker. Or maybe i just miss him, its been days! Idk whats wrong with me..
Jonathan Yazzie :/ yeah I guess its my Earphones and ipod tonight... night everyone....
Jacob Cardinal just got baCk from paintballing and got shot in the stomach and got a bruse but I TOOK IT LIKE A MAN
Syed Sadaf Ahmed i am the best bt what i do * plz comment koro
Steve Brawn All I ask for is a couple days of "OK" weather, I am getting pretty impatient and really wanna take my sister for a ride in the 172
James Carle Well it is alzwell an nite to the ppl I care about. Nite babys luv u.
Steyn Viljoen If we have to be really, really honest with ourselves, I would say, we would discover our true identity. The one that was originally planted within us... just before the Serpent whispered the first lie...
Ray Diaz Think I left my mind somewhere...
Rebecca Long Owens For the people who know me, I am still up at 2 am cause I have MISPLACED an important xmas present!!
Flossie Cook YAKAI i cant wait fa gor CAIRNS :))
Adetona Ismael No one like u God, i give all thanks to u bcos u are always care for me. Bless me more........Gudmorning to u all & Happy Sunday.
Crystal Dilks Kimble Cathie Ainsworth Thank you for being the best friend a girl could ever have. Over the past few years you have been there for me threw every tear I shed every bad decision
I have made and even bailed me out of some of those decisions. We have shared many tears and lots of laughs. I am so thankful God gave u me. I love you and I am very blessed to be able to call you my best friend
Kaitlyn Paige Justice why cant i just go home i wanna go to bed in my bed not here.
Sarah Howard It sucks when you are the one who wants to keep things civil and friendly, and then you get discouraged when you put everything out there, and they still are determined to make it difficult. I'm sad just because I gave everything and it's not even considered when deciding whether a friendship is worth keeping.
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