Avadhesh Parihar bye bye frnds. I leave fb 4 1nd half month. Durng d exams. So i miss u all.nd luv u all. Ham hai rahe fb ke fr milenge onl9 hote hote. Bye bye....!!
Sun Light In Japan I can learn alot of thing from other people. The best experience for living in Japan. Remind the past when i was student at high school, diffrent from life when studied at University and so different from study at Japan. The big things changed in here. Why do I change? I always ask myself. I still can not this answer. Oneday i will answer this question.
Azeez Adeyinka I appreciate ur favour upon me God,right from my childhood till this movement.I thank you so much my God(Alliamudhu lillahi robil alamina).
Michael Bostock Doin what i do, writin like i write, rapin like a boss, sippin on a lager!!
Sean B Hell yea i just saw a shooting star out in ohio. Hope my wish comes true
Sally Greathouse WOW well i can tell this is an illegal movie lmfao u just see a guy walk up the stairs of the theater -______________-
Mark Byrd Jesus said:
“My sheep hear my voice;
I know them, and they follow me.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish.
No one can take them out of my hand.
My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all,
and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand.
The Father and I are one.”

Sha'Reese Carmen La'Shay Milligan So my girl just said reese I am proud of you because you dont fight no more. So I smiled because she is wrong. When someone talks I let them. When someone threatens me I laugh. Now if they wanna touch well thats a different story. I dont let people upset me cause they not the ones paying my bills or taking care of business. I am blessed. I have an amazing child, Im on my second year of college, and I am just happy. So I dont mind when I am talked about because I must be doing something right. Lol but with all BS aside who seriously has time for that? O yea I remember someone with no life duhhhhh. The def. of a badd b***h is not her mouth or her curves but her drive, swagga, independence, truth, determination, and education is.
Im bout my child and her future dont got time for the rest. ;)

Susy Marroquin just got home!! i only have 3 hours to sleep now but i had a great time with my bff and then we picked up our friends that walked to la placita olvera!! that was a mission lol
Achu Cse Akshay I got "Pain" on the What do you hide behind your eyes? quiz! https://apps.facebook.com/qbquiz-hkfnc/?ref=asp
Jasmine GrownLadymentality Parker I accept you for you not what you got cause money dnt make me come!!! Once thats gone what do you have in the end nun but life left inside an guilt from the betrayal!!Therefore I expect you to be honest with me ,No one is perfect but you will treat me like a LADY an things will fall in place..I appreciate the things that you are wanting to ofor me but But this is the real world you want it you gotta go get it,IM so willing to make this Work out if only you are#BetteDaysEverlastingChoices!!
Ifemi Idowu Omo dis amatern dey 2 much oooooo,or wetin we go do bcoz am feeling cold seriouly i beg øøøøø make u na help me oooøoo
Sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and carry on with hope ,faith and determination... @[249246781795537:274:I Love Inspiration] click Like n Share
:) visit us &

An Appeal for Strict Law Against Rape.. {Please Share this & Spread the Message }
The following Story would Shake your Soul....
Asma, a 14-yr old girl from Malvani, Malad, Mumbai..
She was kidnapped from her locality by 5 men living in the same locality
in the month of May 2011.She was in captivity in the same area.
A complaint was made to police but of no use.
This 14 yr old girl was raped innumerable times by those 5 men.
After 2-3 months they lost interest in her..
Now the question was "WHo WILL SPEND MONEY FOR HER FOOD ???"
They started putting it on each other.
Result : She was given 1 vada-pav in 4-5 days.
After 5 months, she was found in garden.She was a bag of bones when she was found.
When she was operated, doctors found pieces of paper,mud, soil,stones in her stomach.
According to doctors, because of hunger she ate up the paper in which the vada-pav was
given.Her situation was so bad, she ate up stones, dress, & soil....
The doctors were unable to explain her situation.
After suffering for more than 5 months,
she finally breathed her last on 14 Nov 2011 (Children's Day).
You might have heard many stories wherein people are slaughtered & raped...
But imagine a 14 yr old girl being raped innumerable times &
she died every moment for more than 150 days...EVERY MOMENT......
We cant even imagine it.........
This is one of the most horrific incidents that has happend to any human.
You won't see this news on any television, may be because of political pressure it is being suppressed.
I would like to make two request with this:
1. The 5 men who are absconding now, should be caught & punished severely.
Please Share this & Spread the Message !!!!!

Bob Trott I have learned that sometimes what you don't say, says it all! So speak up .. let others know you love them because silence says you just don't care!
HE:do u hv a bf?:-O
SHE:yes! who r u?
HE: tera bhai..ruk kamini ghar ata hun dhulai karne!
HE:do u hv a bf?:-O
SHE: oh no no! who r u?
HE: m ur bf:|
cheat u brok Ma
SHE: oh darlng sory i thot u r my brothr!
HE: tera bhai hi hun kamini....aaj toh bus ghar ane ki der hai..!
Bonginkosi Khalumba Sometimes i just dont know myself poeple love me but i dont know what they love on me
Termaine L Smith How can you talk to someone who hate take bath and clean up behide they self after yall get done fucking each other mood realshit i just cant do it
Joshu Omats Just kol me the butcher coz i aint having mercy on those sheep.
Nikki Hair MOOD:So I b up ol nyt (WOW) up n I cn't slp wsh'n mi bae wuz hour 2 hlp mi go bk 2 slp bae wae u @ (ndawhisperofurvoice)n mi (ear)so I can slp so chck mi stat'z n cum whisper n mi (EAR) I lv u bae'b(mc)4'EVA ur MI BAE
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